Nintendo Media | Rockstar Reveals More Manhunt 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.06.2007 31

Rockstar have revealed some disturbed images from the upcoming sequel to the controversial 2003 hit Manhunt, taking the fun and gore to Nintendo's family-friendly Wii.

Thanks to NGC France. Be sure to stick around for updates.

Box art for Manhunt 2

Rockstar Toronto







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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tiamat1990 said:
Jack Thompson is getting ready to kill.

-himself, I hope.Smilie

Oni-Ninja said:
I reckon Ill pick this up on me PS2 Smilie

It's going to be lame in comparison to the already fine Wii version by all accounts. Read what's already being said about the PS2 version in comparison.

Who the hell wants lame canned kills when you can chain attack gestures with the Wii version?.

Oh, someone who does not own a Wii i imagine Smilie LS

It is even more likely than the first to be banned in Australia. I read that you have forcefully extract someone's testicles with pliers This is a smilie I am not into gory/violent games, so I will give it a miss. Even the thought of killing via a game kind of creeps me out. Might still get RE4 on the Wii though, at least that is horror/fantasy.

I don't think so... games are never banned here in Sydney. I like gory games, but this game doesn't interest me.

I don't think I'd buy it, simply because the idea of mindless violence makes me want to shed my skin.

dojo said:
I dont think Id buy it, simply because the idea of mindless violence makes me want to shed my skin.

Mindless violence is the main draw to this game, snake man. You should join the discussion on the game below.

We have raised some interesting questions, one being is there any truth in the criticism of these games, and is the industry in denial?.


( Edited on 09.06.2007 11:10 by Linkyshinks )

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