Rockstar have revealed some disturbed images from the upcoming sequel to the controversial 2003 hit Manhunt, taking the fun and gore to Nintendo's family-friendly Wii.
Thanks to NGC France. Be sure to stick around for updates.
By Jorge Ba-oh 03.06.2007 31
Rockstar have revealed some disturbed images from the upcoming sequel to the controversial 2003 hit Manhunt, taking the fun and gore to Nintendo's family-friendly Wii.
Thanks to NGC France. Be sure to stick around for updates.
The third pic reminds me of Resi4
I reckon I'll pick this up on me PS2
I reckon i might get the definitive version for my Wii.
I don't have a Wii (and don't plan on getting one anytime soon), so that's not an option for moi. PS2 shall have to suffice. I doubt the PS2 version as much inferior to the Wii version at all. The Wii version is probably just a PS2 port with Wii controls, anyway.
Oni-Ninja: You obviously haven't read anything about this game have you ? The PSP and PS2 versions of this game are not as good, and Rockstar are going all out on the Wii version. It really isn't a choice here if you want the best experience.
( Edited on 03.06.2007 20:41 by AkageNoKeri )
Oni-Ninja said:
I dont have a Wii (and dont plan on getting one anytime soon), so thats not an option for moi. PS2 shall have to suffice. I doubt the PS2 version as much inferior to the Wii version at all. The Wii version is probably just a PS2 port with Wii controls, anyway.
In all honesty i was just waiting for an Oni response there
Early reports have indeed be saying that the Wii version is significantly better than its PS2 counterpart.
Graphics are much better, controls are much more involved and complex as well (in a good way), not that you have much choice in the matter Oni, but for others who do - Wii is supposedly the way to go.
Personally, I'm still too grossed out by written descriptions of over-the-top kills to even consider playing the game.
Those are from the PSP version right? Graphics are worse than CCE!
I really dont get how this game appeals to anyone. Manhunt games havnt appealed to me and never will.
The graphics don't look that bad though.
I'd rather buy Resi 4 Remake and know that i'd get a good game
Yeah tha graphics dont look amazing, but at the end of the day these are still, and still never look as good as when you are playing the game normally.
As this game rides on controvesy, The Wii version could only accelerate this, therefore it would be in Rockstars interest to really push the Wii version, as publicity = even more recognition = more people likley to buy game because of even worse publicity.
Ah, the uniqueness of the games industry, still, I suppose generaly that any publicity is good publicity.
On subject, can't wait for this. Can me disturbed if you will, but I heavily enjoyed the first game.:cooldude:
It is even more likely than the first to be banned in Australia. I read that you have forcefully extract someone's testicles with pliers I am not into gory/violent games, so I will give it a miss. Even the thought of killing via a game kind of creeps me out. Might still get RE4 on the Wii though, at least that is horror/fantasy.
flamingmyinbox said:
It is even more likely than the first to be banned in Australia.
And strangely enough, people will want it more because of that.
Darkspine Sonic said:flamingmyinbox said:It is even more likely than the first to be banned in Australia.And strangely enough, people will want it more because of that.
( Edited on 04.06.2007 13:48 by flamingmyinbox )
Boy I hate the ratings system, and that Jack Thompson moron too. Bloody coward he is.
What's the rating system in Australia?
I think the UK's is spot on.
Darkspine Sonic said:
Boy I hate the ratings system, and that Jack Thompson moron too. Bloody coward he is.
In Australia, MA is the highest rating availble for games. On movies/DVDs, R is the highest rating. What is the difference? We can see an ultra violent movie but can't play a game. I blame the psychologists of the world. Trying to protect us from ourselves
Just enforce the damn ratings rules and otherwisae, get out of our lives.
( Edited on 04.06.2007 13:49 by flamingmyinbox )
Yeah, well I'm sure the Wii version will be marginally better. The PS2 is seven years old, after all. However, I doubt the enhancement is anything more than ever so slight, and nothing to warrant the purchase of a Wii. PS2 will suffice for me.
Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
In all honesty i was just waiting for an Oni response there
Did I deliver? I'm not sure if I've done myself justice
The game looks like crap. That second image looks like a worse in game shot than Grand Theft Auto III on the PS2 when that came out.
The only interesting thing is that a game like this is coming out on the Nintendo.
It's disgusting and wrong.
So naturally, it'll sell well and be the target of blame for the next American tragedy.
Oni-Ninja said:
Did I deliver? Im not sure if Ive done myself justice
Of course you did, you never let me down.
Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
I reckon i might get the definitive version for my Wii.
Optimistic there aint we?
AkageNoKeri said:
Oni-Ninja: You obviously havent read anything about this game have you ? The PSP and PS2 versions of this game are not as good, and Rockstar are going all out on the Wii version. It really isnt a choice here if you want the best experience.( Edited on 03.06.2007 20:41 by AkageNoKeri )
Obviously didnt read his post did ya. Your right about one thing, its not a choice on which version he he doesnt have a Wii...dumbass.
I will have to pick this up and play it on ma PS3...hope it works, knowing Sony it wont though they need to get the backwards compatability sorted.
Oh Dear God. Rockstar's non-360 games really do look shockingly bad don't they?
FUCK that's awful...
God, seriously, my eyes...
Jack Thompson is getting ready to kill.