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Nintendo News | Capcom Talks killer7 Wii Remake

By Adam Riley 30.05.2007 13

There was a mass of confusion yesterday as eagle-eyed Internew surfers discovered the Wii logo on Capcom Europe's killer7 page, leading many to believe a remake of Resident Evil 4 proportions was on the way. Capcom has now responded. Sadly, though, it is not with the confirmation many were hoping for.

It seems that the company uses various back pages to tinker around with various logos and in order to ensure the Wii logo sat comfortably next to other system logos, the web-heads stuck it on that page, but accidentally updated it to make it live. So the official response is now "we can confirm that there are currently no plans for a Killer 7 version for the Wii platform."

However, it is certainly not ruled out:

"The interest this seems to have generated on the internet is quite gratifying, but we're going to have to disappoint you this time. The innovative control system of the Wii would seem like a good match for the innovative gameplay of Killer 7 and we cannot completely rule out the idea of a Killer 7 Wii at some point in the future. However we can confirm that there are no plans at the present time to make such a game and there is certainly not one in the pipeline that we are not telling you about."

So what are your thoughts on the possibility of seeing Suda51's brainchild remade on Wii? Be sure to let us know in the forum below!

Box art for Killer7

Grasshopper Manufacture







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (4 Votes)

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How about a sequel at the least? O_o

( Edited 11.10.2012 13:33 by Guest )

hope they do remake it. can't find it anywhere. it was strangely overlooked. and a sequel would be nice.

( Edited on 30.05.2007 12:10 by Stupot101 )

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Gibdo said:
How about a sequel at the least? O_o

Not going to happen. It sold like shit, even on the PS2.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Excellent! Not only are we getting ports of decent games from previous gens but we're also going to be getting mediocre to crap games ported too! I can't wait!

I actually quite liked the game... I'm surprised to hear it sold so badly. Its style would have fitted the Wii so well, I think.

Ph00p said:
Excellent! Not only are we getting ports of decent games from previous gens but were also going to be getting mediocre to crap games ported too! I cant wait!

are you calling killer7 crapSmilie silly boy!

Don't you just hate how some people just want sequels of everything?

Why would you have a sequel to Killer 7? It was completely random and obscure. There'd be no sense in a sequel from either a plot or gameplay point of view...

I don't particularly see the point in a port either, other than to maybe to expand the number of people who played it, but it'd probably just end up being bought by all the people who bought the original, who were all people who decided they were going to buy it as soon as it was announced.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

^ exactly.

When you get a really creative and original Game like Killer7, getting the people that made it to make a sequel is utterly squandering them. Just look a Nintendo. All that talent funnelled into sequels, a filthy, filthy waste.

What's more exciting, Metroid Prime 3, or the thought of what Retro will do once they're unshackled from a 20 year old game series they didn't even create.

We're not getting Killer7 2, we're getting No More Heroes, this is the ideal situation in every way. Rejoice, don't moan, you shameful hypocrites.

( Edited on 30.05.2007 20:40 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I can't wait 'til Timesplitters 4 though Smilie


Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Has TS4 been confirmed yet? Is it coming to the wii?

Jesus it was only a question!

( Edited on 30.05.2007 21:44 by Shig Guevara )


Fuck's sake...

(It would be TS4 anyway you fool...)

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
...Fucks sake...(It would be TS4 anyway you fool...)

Sorry if my misspelling and question offended you(!)

Smilie Well that sucks salty balls.... Smilie... anyway i bet Capcom are lieing we will probably see a port fo this on the Wii!! Smilie

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