Nintendo Media | Mario Gets Smashed in a Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.05.2007 17

In a recent update on the official Smash Bros. Brawl website Nintendo have detailed the final smash, allowing players to deliver a devistating special move.

The Final Smash is a secret skill that can be performed once, and only after obtaining a Smash Ball. It allows players to unleash their hidden moves for some deadly damage like the example screenshots suggest with Mario unleashing a huge fire explosion.

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Beat ya to it JB. check the Smashing:live thread ;P

Bah Smilie I caught it this morning, didn't feel the need to post it but decided to Smilie

Looking snazzy though Smilie Can't wait to try out all the different final smashes.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The smash move looks awesome i can't wait till they give us some info on the game modes.


can't wait any longer
stop teasing us Nintendo

At least the site is giving us some good info ^_^ I was worried that it was gonna be naff.

Gibdo said:
At least the site is giving us some good info ^_^ I was worried that it was gonna be naff.

Aye, seems to be a good mix of existing and new info - hopefully we get something truly new soon! Dying for some kinda of media: music or video.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

man this game's gonna be killer! i think its going to unite some game companies to nintendo, like helping nintendo with a massive comeback! think about it, all of the musicians involved, the characters and more surprises coming soon, this could be a time of Companies showing the support they dissed in the last generations... The Future looks BRILLIANT!!! Smilie

I hope nintendo don't give us to much info.That will spoil
the suprises and secrets for us when we purchase the game.Just a new video would do it for me.

( Edited on 29.05.2007 15:17 by d.v.n.e )


It's looking scrumptious, as always.

As for this new move, it seems quite interesting. It sounds like one of those moves you could use to counter attack back at your winning opponent in the last minutes of a fight, causing a devastating comeback. Kind of like Mario Kart, if that makes sense?

I'm curious as to what fox's move will be like. Giant blaster beam?

I can't wait any longer!!!!!! Anyone want to help me freeze myself?Smilie

( Edited on 29.05.2007 15:43 by IfritXVII )

Darkspine Sonic said:
Im curious as to what foxs move will be like. Giant blaster beam?

I reckon it'll be him calling his team to deal some damage (like one of the events in Melee)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

FOX FOX FOX FOX FOX <--- i remember getting my gcube. my bro brought it, i came bak from skol, nd all i cud hear was the melee music comin from inside da house i knocked on that door soo hard. After i played with fox no one would play again cause i always won. marioparty was the greatest game u cud play when you play multiplayer ahhh those were tha days. sorry about my life story.. it was a nintendo moment

This is annoying, they are giving the littlest details and not even new news, it was seen in the first trailer!

Yeah the obvious Fox one would be some kind of airstrike...

I think I'm gonna have to stop going to the site, I don't want to ruin the game before I get it... It's gonna be so hard though ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Smilie That looks amazing, it's not new news exactly but still it's nice to see those pics, it just makes me want to the game even more! Smilie

Seriously, if the game actually looks like that then whoopee!!

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