Nintendo News | Battalion Wars Goes Head-to-Head with Halo 3

By Adam Riley 29.05.2007 43

According to the latest issue of Nintendo Power, it has been revealed that Nintendo will release Kuju's Battalion Wars II for Wii at the same time as Halo 3 on Xbox 360 in the US - 24th September. Can both games co-exist or is this a bad move?

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Box art for Battalion Wars 2








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IMO bad move, but it could work, just maybe. As long as there are Wiis in stock, or maybe Nintendo should consider a price drop around then?

In any case, I don't think a relatively unheard of game like Batallion Wars could go up against Halo 3 in sales, unless Nintendo managed to get it publically hyped up somehow.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I think Halo will have an impact on sales in the first week but as they are 2 completely different types of game I don't think it will effect it in the long run

Well most people have either a Wii or 360, not TOO many people have both. That simplifies matters.

Some people might think Nintendo have signed the BWii death warrant, but with constant ads, people will buy it.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I'd love BWii to outsell Halo 3. About a million to one chance, but hey its still possible. Halo's overhyped anyway.Smilie

The thing is, Halo 3 will sell the 360, Batallion Wars won't sell the Wii. Mario Galaxy or Smash Brawl will, & they won't be out for a good few months after that.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Might be releasing then to keep the keener Wii gamers occupied until the highly anticipated games come out, and away from thinking too much about buying Halo 3 and a 360.

It's not going to sell Wiis on it's own, or compete with Halo 3.

Most Wii owners probably don't have too much interest in 360 games anyway, like nearly all the Japan owners.

I'm quite interested in this one so I'll be looking forward to the reviews.

Here's the deal. The game has the right level of 'gamer' appeal to persuade that vocal section of disgruntled Wii owners that 'yes the Wii will have lots of games that you'd like to play soon enough', but it's not such a high profile game that setting it up against Halo 3 will damage Nintendo's sales forecasts.

In other words, it's being released then to stop some Wii owners selling up and jumping ship to the 360 and Nintendo are willing to sacrafice some sales of BWII to that end, in a way they aren't with a title like Metroid or Mario Galaxy.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Dr_R said:
Heres the deal. The game has the right level of gamer appeal to persuade that vocal section of disgruntled Wii owners that yes the Wii will have lots of games that youd like to play soon enough, but its not such a high profile game that setting it up against Halo 3 will damage Nintendos sales forecasts.In other words, its being released then to stop some Wii owners selling up and jumping ship to the 360 and Nintendo are willing to sacrafice some sales of BWII to that end, in a way they arent with a title like Metroid or Mario Galaxy.
That actually makes a lot of sense, & it could work too, it's a shame that Battallion Wars II probably won't sell like hotcakes, but it could build up a strong

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't think it's that bad a move, as long as it gets decent ad presence.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Lets see a flaky RTS sequel whose prequel had a very mediocre reception, OR a generic FPS with a HUGE online community of rabid online fanbois, hmmm yea I think BW will be just fine Smilie , not really though.

Stupid move nintendo!

Considering Halo 2 was the biggest grossing media product in the first weekend of all time...hmmmmm

I don't think it will have any effect on sales. Whoever's going to buy either one will get it anyway.

Lets see a flaky RTS sequel whose prequel had a very mediocre reception

You must read some crummy stuff. Battalion Wars was superb and got decent reviews in all the right places. It needed multiplayer, and a console with a decent user base. Here it is.

a generic FPS with a HUGE online community of rabid online fanbois

Generic if you judge everything on aesthetics, otherwise it's the final sequel to the most finely crafted and innovative multiplayer experience of the last generation.

Rubbish taste detected!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Halo 3 will pwn.

Gibdo said:
I dont think it will have any effect on sales. Whoevers going to buy either one will get it anyway.


If someone wants the games they'll buy them. It won't drastically affect the sales, it may initially, but in the long run it shouldn't. Hopefully. It would be a shame for this Battalion Wars to be overlooked as well.

Darkspine Sonic said:
Id love BWii to outsell Halo 3. About a million to one chance, but hey its still possible. Halos overhyped anyway.Smilie

Halo 3 is ovehyped, but come on that will never happen...Ever.


At first I was thinking Nintendo just sent Battalion Wars to die. But I think they are different enough to co-exist. Nintendo just needs to make sure people know about the game through plenty of ads.

I have a funny feeling that Halo3 will not live up to the hype and will not meet the projected sales numbers thats expected. Time will tell. Nintendo doesn't or is using this game to counter Halo3 Wii owner will buy it if its great. Thats it.

This game hasn't really gotten any promotion, nor much detail on it,(hell I completely forgot about the game) this isn't a horrible move, but not the best.

I really can't see this have too big effect on sales, I mean they're two very different games on two different consoles. As long as Nintendo actually advertise Battalion Wars 2, it should do alright, even if it means the game really won't start selling until a couple of months after its release.

Battalion Wars was released late September as well I think.

No-one at Nintendo expects to compete with the publicity machine that is MS. I would guess coincidence. Those who would buy these games will do so, irrespective of the smae release dates.

As for the whole user base argument in favour of Halo 2, the user base of the Gamecube was almost the same as the Xbox, Argument failed. It is simply that BWars is a modest game. It is also a completely different game.

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Batallion Wars 2 won't do well with the usually patronising Wii advertising either.

Nothing like "In Batallion Wars 2, you can fight people & save the world with your family in your comfortbale home! What's this? This is Wii." will do it any good.

I can see it now, that's the worst thing.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

They've probably just done this so that, on the day that 360 owners get the biggest game of the year, Wii owners aren't sat on their arse complaining about no new games.

( Edited on 29.05.2007 14:42 by Oni )

Fuck Halo 3, I'll get Battalion Wars 2 even if I DO have a 360 at that point ;-;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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