Nintendo News | Mario, Smash Bros. and Zelda Confirmed for 2007

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.05.2007 32

Quick News: During Reggie's Nintendo Media Summit presentation, the Nintendo of America president reiterated the company's promise to bring Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS) to the market before the end of the year. Whether this affects Europe is uncertain...

Thanks to Kotaku for the tip.

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Has anyone seen the new update today? Apparently it is a gooey mine, and it actually looks pretty cool. It's like the motion detection mine, except you can stick it on people. Smilie

Apparently, it can also rub off on another person if you run by them, which sounds pretty sweet.

Where are your muffins now Jacob!?

My muffins are right where I put them in my extra super special protected sa--ZOMG WHERE ARE THEY?!?!? Please don't hurt them! Beware of my vengeance! You will pay for this offense, stealing my chocolate muffins! Smilie

( Edited on 24.05.2007 17:01 by Jacob4000 )

If there is teams in online mode, me and the Yoshi who is referred to as dude, will happily hand you back your asses.

For his sake i hope Marth is in Brawl.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

i bet you lot aint even that good at melee.we will see who the best is when brawl comes out less ov the fight talk now lads just look out for my name d.v.n.e.because i will be at the top mate


Jacob4000 said:
My muffins are right where I put them in my extra super special protected sa--ZOMG WHERE ARE THEY?!?!? Please dont hurt them! Beware of my vengeance! You will pay for this offense, stealing my chocolate muffins! Smilie
I put them in the cookie jar, & I put your cookies in the extra super special protected safe place, just to confuse you. While you're confused, my Pikachu casts Firaga & wins!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
If there is teams in online mode, me and the Yoshi who is referred to as dude, will happily hand you back your asses.For his sake i hope Marth is in Brawl.

My favorite character was always Young Link, so I hated facing Roy or Marth. Their long swords made it impossible for me to get in close, where Young Link excels with his swift strokes. I had to resort to blasting them with arrows, boomerangs, and bombs. Smilie

Superlink said:
Jacob4000 said:My muffins are right where I put them in my extra super special protected sa--ZOMG WHERE ARE THEY?!?!? Please dont hurt them! Beware of my vengeance! You will pay for this offense, stealing my chocolate muffins! Smilie
I put them in the cookie jar, & I put your cookies in the extra super special protected safe place, just to confuse you. While youre confused, my Pikachu casts Firaga & wins!

I'm even more confused now. Curse you and your perplexing way with words. I will find and take back my muffins, I WILL! Smilie

As for your Pikachu, I just sent his tail to you in a Fed Ex shipping envelope. It came off while I was using it to swing him around a bit. That should teach you to unleash pokemon on me. Smilie

( Edited on 24.05.2007 22:53 by Jacob4000 )

Smilie I used Young Link too!!

Now I'm confused too! >.<

Darn you & your Pikachu rip offs!!... tails... things. Well, if it's Tails you want! Then Tails you will get! & he has 2, to confuse you moreso! However if he isn't playable on SSBB then that will make it difficult...

I'm too tired to muffin war now Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Not gonna happen. I'm going to be a pessimist because I find this unbelievable. This is Nintendo we're talking about and they just delay every single big franchise they're making. I'll accept Galaxy and Corruption but there is no way in hell Brawl is coming out this year.

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