Nintendo News | Mario, Smash Bros. and Zelda Confirmed for 2007

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.05.2007 32

Quick News: During Reggie's Nintendo Media Summit presentation, the Nintendo of America president reiterated the company's promise to bring Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS) to the market before the end of the year. Whether this affects Europe is uncertain...

Thanks to Kotaku for the tip.

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Small typo Smilie "Nintendo of Americs" Smilie

I've never really been doubtful that they'd make it to UK by end of 2007, I mean, I don't really care that much if it's the start of 2008 anyway, but I'm quite sure they'll make 2007.

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What typo? Smilie

I read on GameCentral last night that only one of these sites that doesn't say 2007 is SSBB (The European site that is)

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

dojo said:
What typo? Smilie
Must've been fixed Smilie

The European Nintendo site doesn't say anything about games more than 3 months away >.>

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Gotta love that reggie guy. Since I live in America this great news except zelda don't have DS yet. But great none the less. So when do you guys think brawl will hit I'm hoping at least November but if not whatever I waited this long.

Unfortunately I am pretty skeptic that all the big Wii games will be out in Europe in this year, for three reasons...

One: It usually takes months for a game to come out after US release;
Two: Super Paper Mario has no date yet, so whenever that is due to release it may end up pushing back the other Wii games;
And Three: the US and Japanese versions of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl websites promise a 2007 release, whereas all the other national versions don't.

I really hope there will be a Freeloader for Wii... Smilie

MeleeKirby said:
Unfortunately I am pretty skeptic that all the big Wii games will be out in Europe in this year, for three reasons...One: It usually takes months for a game to come out after US release;Two: Super Paper Mario has no date yet, so whenever that is due to release it may end up pushing back the other Wii games;And Three: the US and Japanese versions of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl websites promise a 2007 release, whereas all the other national versions dont.I really hope there will be a Freeloader for Wii... Smilie
I don't think we'll need to wait too long for important releases, as with Zelda, Metroid & Mario Kart, they release them within a few weeks usually. I think we'll get SSBB & probably Mario too by 2007 end.

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I think that they will all make it over to Europe in 2007. Remember the producer of SSBB saying how the game felt complete a few weeks back, and now the website has all that localisation going so it seems to me that the game is already in the process of being localised for a speedy worldwide release Smilie

If the Americans get Smash in 07 and i don't get it until 08 i am getting a American Wii, i can't let any of them Americans to have a head start on me in Smash Bros.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
If the Americans get Smash in 07 and i dont get it until 08 i am getting a American Wii, i cant let any of them Americans to have a head start on me in Smash Bros.

Even if we got it in 07, they'd still have a headstart because whilst you'd be doing your studies, they'd be sitting at home, skipping class and eating chocolate and "do-nuts" and perfecting their "1337 skillz".

Possibly clich

As long as SSBB comes out this year...

Its cool Dojo I know plenty of fat Americans. That does suck having to wait so long. And you guys still haven't got Super Paper mario damnSmilie

What 1337 Skills I only got 420 of themSmilie

SSBB was an originally planned launch game for the Wii back when they announced it, so what's been the hold up with the game? I'll be very disappointed if it doesn't make it to the UK before the end of 2007, that's for sure.

i want the game to come out in three months time man nintendo are taking long man.and the website doesnt say when its releasing .im getting worried now SmilieSmilieSmilie


I'm not disappointed no matter how long we have to wait, for TP we knew it was basically done a year before release, so it's OK to get a bit mad about that, but they want this game to be perfect, & I want it to last me till 8th gen, which Melee lasted me to 7th gen, so I'm sure this will last me ages.

Also, with Brawl there will be no such thing as a headstart, as long as you're a pro Melee player, you can be a pro Brawl player in an instant.

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I was king of Melee on the GameCube, i fondly remember the 100 lives matches with Yoshidude and other friends.

Me and Yoshidude had some many matches of epic proportions.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

So did me & my bro Smilie

I thought I was the king of Melee until I moved to Cornwall, now I know someone better than me, & I just can't beat him. Though I can beat everyone else. >.>

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Besides a fluke every once in a while, I am rarely out-matched in Melee. If Melee had supported online play we could really see who the best was. Smilie

( Edited on 24.05.2007 16:20 by Jacob4000 )

C3 tournaments!! Smilie


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Superlink said:
C3 tournaments!! SmilieTHE PRIZE IS MINE!!! Smilie

We will see about that. I'll have you know that I am practicing in Melee for Brawl seventy-five hours a day!* Smilie

*Okay that's impossible, so I'm lying a little bit...

( Edited on 24.05.2007 16:25 by Jacob4000 )

But there are only 24 hours a day!

I don't practise at all!

God favours honest people!

Therefore the prize may as well be mine!

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Superlink said:
But there are only 24 hours a day!I dont practise at all!God favours honest people!Therefore the prize may as well be mine!

Mwahahahahahahahaha! You may never know my secret to getting 3 times as many hours crammed into a single day! Victory is mine !

Jacob4000 said:
Mwahahahahahahahaha! You may never know my secret to getting 3 times as many hours crammed into a single day! Victory is mine !
Well, at least I know where the cookie jar is, you'll never know that either, victory is mine for sure!

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Superlink said:
Jacob4000 said:Mwahahahahahahahaha! You may never know my secret to getting 3 times as many hours crammed into a single day! Victory is mine !
Well, at least I know where the cookie jar is, youll never know that either, victory is mine for sure!

Unhand the cookie jar you vile fiend! Smilie

I didn't force them to side with me, they did it of their own free will! Smilie

Where are your muffins now Jacob!? Smilie

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