latest financial report, it states slow sales mean in the current fiscal year it will release 23 games for PS3 and 24 for Xbox 360. However, a massive 37 will go to Nintendo's Wii! Keep it locked to Cubed" /> News: Industry News | Namco Bandai Bringing 37 to Wii Page 1 - Cubed3

Industry News | Namco Bandai Bringing 37 to Wii

By Adam Riley 11.05.2007 5

Quick News - In Namco Bandai's latest financial report, it states slow sales mean in the current fiscal year it will release 23 games for PS3 and 24 for Xbox 360. However, a massive 37 will go to Nintendo's Wii!

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Holy crap!!! This is potentially incredible news! Hopefully they'll be quality titles and not cheap spin offs or shoddy half assed ports (from a last gen system *shutters*).

I hope to God they'll do a proper Soul Caliber game. Or even better, a Sould Caliber type of fighting game set in the Zelda universe. And of course an Ace Combat game. lol

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Wow!! 37?!?! Namco...they're the guys who did Tales of Symphonia right?? Oh gives us another Tales game!!

37 from Bandai/Namco Smilie, Nintendo's success rolls on, that's a huge output for such a company that usually creates arcade machine, their merging with Bandai (who have a long history with Ninty) has obviously been to their benefit.

Point Blank Wii must surely be one of those titles. LS

That's even more surprising, as Namco cut short Nintendo quite recently. They did cut some Wii games for launch. But it's good to see they are back on Wii-track. I own quite some Namco games...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Smilie WOOWAWIVA... (sorry!) Anyway that is great news 37 games probably more than half of those will be ports, half of what has remained will be VC games and the last few will be Wii games!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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