Quick News - With Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition all ready and set to scare Europeans all over again on 29th June, 2007, Capcom has now released the official re-worked box art for the game. Be sure to check it out below and share your thoughts inside:
By Adam Riley 29.04.2007
Quick News - With Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition all ready and set to scare Europeans all over again on 29th June, 2007, Capcom has now released the official re-worked box art for the game. Be sure to check it out below and share your thoughts inside:
Can we at least all agree that they should definitely ditch the rubbish "Wii edition" subtitle?
Oni-Ninja said:
Can we at least all agree that they should definitely ditch the rubbish Wii edition subtitle?
who the fuck cares
Linkyshinks said:
Capcom Europe in Hammersmith in London, i also got a very cool japanese Ada Wong poster too. LS
So is there like a shop at there offices or did you win a competition? god i hope its a capcom shop, how cool would that be?
Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:Oni-Ninja said:Can we at least all agree that they should definitely ditch the rubbish Wii edition subtitle?who the fuck cares
Piss off, Richard (changing your name twice won't hide your identity )
Oni-Ninja said:Too late
Can we at least all agree that they should definitely ditch the rubbish Wii edition subtitle?
It's in Times New Roman aswell, that makes me think they put almost no effort in putting it there.....
I think the box looks pretty cool, the White goes well with the box colour.
Well, at least it's a port of a good game at a decent price eh? No budget PS2 games for
Oni-Ninja said:Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:Piss off, Richard (changing your name twice wont hide your identityOni-Ninja said:Can we at least all agree that they should definitely ditch the rubbish Wii edition subtitle?who the fuck cares
I thought you would never notice
"wii edition" makes it seem more special rather than just a port
Linkyshinks said:
I have the collectors edition and much prefer its minimal blood red coloration:click me twice( Edited on 30.04.2007 08:29 by Linkyshinks )
Cool i saw that on my local Gamestation for
Kyubi Ricky said:
wii edition makes it seem more special rather than just a port
Makes it seem crap. It now says 'Wii' twice on the front cover. It doesn't need to do that. Are Wii owners so thick that that need the format on the front-cover twice? Furthermore, the PS2 port had loads of extras, and wasn't lumbered with a rubbishy subtitle. Even further more, the word 'Wii' isn't entirely in-keeping with the, erm, tone of Resident Evil now, is it?
Just a minor gripe, doesn't effect the game, I just think it ruins the box art a little, and sounds awful when you say it.
( Edited on 30.04.2007 21:00 by Oni )
I think it's a pretty shit piece of box art....and the wii edition text is just shocking.
The Original GC (PAL) Box art is by far the best... The rest are all pretty crap in comparison, though I've also always wondered why the hell it was called '4 Resident Evil'...
Eh, I dunno, I really like the cover on my PAL GC version. This reminds me a bit much of Coca-Cola Light, but still better than the American box-art I suppose.
Why couldent they add anything new worth having? Mercinaries in multiplayer would be fun as it would feel more like survival horror with other people rather than "oh shit, baghead, no ammo *sob*". Plus an online mode where there are huge arenas would be fun.
A co-op would be good, but I can't see how it would work as there are only certain sections with Louise and having him stay with you for the whole game would fuck up the storyline.
Then again with this rather than dull knife fights consisting of pressing and hoping to dodge it, a combination of movements like Red Steel, except fun.
I dont mind the name "Wii Edition" except it has no relevance to the game.
I know it's always been fashionable to say how bad the US box art usually is compared to the Japanese or European ones but, to me, the US Resident Evil 4 cover is better because it tells you exactly what the game is going to do- you're going to be knee deep in enemies for a lot of the game. The European box art tries to be understated, moody and mysterious but there's there's nothing moody and mysterious about a maniac brandishing a chainsaw- it's just a moment of sheer terror and survival. The pinkish red of the US cover is also more pleasing than that blood red of the European cover. The European cover is cheap to me- mixing minimalism with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre sends out contradictory signals. It also concentrates on the enemy whereas the US cover rightfully places the hero, Leon, at the forefront of the action, fending off villains.
( Edited on 07.05.2007 14:17 by Picnic )
Picnic said:
I know its always been fashionable to say how bad the US box art
Not really, I can just say I prefer box art showing motive and some thought rather than screens of charactors striking a cheesy pose, although there are a couple of cover where the US version looks better than the EU and JPN version, such as the american box of killer 7.
I love the style of the new one personally, obviously the US versions looks crap, but with Wii version is the best, IMHO, better than the GC version.
Might well pick this up.
You dislike the totally unnecessary 'Wii edition' subtitle though, yeah?
Shig Guevara said:The man speaks the truth.
there are a couple of cover where the US version looks better than the EU and JPN version, such as the american box of killer 7.
Slightly more stylish I'd say, though I've never really been a big fan of minimalist type stuff in general, which the EU one seems like to me
Hey, can someone edit out the 'Wii edition' text in Photoshop? It'll be simple case of using the clone brush, as it's only two colours. I would do it, but I can't be arsed. I provided the raw materials on page one of this thread. Star to anyone who does.
( Edited on 07.05.2007 16:46 by Oni )
*lacks competence in Photoshop*
Don't think it looks too bad though...
See!? That one little alteration makes it look loads better. The subtitle makes it look cheap. Looks more stylish without it. Star for you, my good man!
Shaweet! although one thing has always bothered me.
Why is the Four in front on resident evil? so it says 4 resident evil. I don't see why it is so dificult to add the four to the end.
and if someone does bother to edit the picture its futile because you would naturally prefer the first one because you are used to seeing it like that.
You guys are NERDS!! Why are you making so much fuss about a cover