Nintendo Wii Media | Resident Evil 4 Euro Box Art

By Adam Riley 29.04.2007 51

Quick News - With Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition all ready and set to scare Europeans all over again on 29th June, 2007, Capcom has now released the official re-worked box art for the game. Be sure to check it out below and share your thoughts inside:

  • Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Box Art
  • Box art for Resident Evil 4 (2005)








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    Looks good...I think I prefer it to the GC's red and black box, actually.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    I like it.

    One question though, why did they put the 4 in front of resident evil. i think it looks silly.
    *click start new game.


    Also, why is this edition an 18?

    ( Edited on 29.04.2007 22:14 by IfritXVII )

    Best RE4 cover yet. Covers like that make me judge a book by its cover.

    Beats me why the 4 is before the title, but the box looks awesome. The BBFB rated the GC version with a 15, but I guess they didn't bother rating this version and PEGI rated it 18 instead. Then again, this could just be for the rest of Europe, and the UK edition might still get rated by the BBFB yet.

    ( Edited on 29.04.2007 22:34 by Phazink )

    Any other game that had graphic chainsaw decapitation would be an 18, this however is not?

    It's just a black and white version of the PS2 box. I prefer the original GC box art. Also (slightly off-topic), does anyone else think the white Wii/360/PS3 boxes look fucking naff? The huge white format strips take away from the art loads (not just on RE4, talking about in general). Black was nice and minimal looking. Just a minor gripe of mine about next-gen game boxes Smilie

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    I definitely prefer the original PAL box art to the new one (the US GC cover is fucking rank), though it does look good. I think they made it back and white rather than red, because of the white format strip. Just think how shit black and red would have looked with that big fat ugly white 'Wii' logo across it :-S

    Also, is that stupid 'Wii Edition' subtitle really necessary? Totally distracts from the coolness of it. It's not needed. Obviously it's the Wii version, does it need to say 'Wii' on the front-cover twice?

    ( Edited on 29.04.2007 23:07 by Oni )

    Yeah all the next gen boxes are shit, but the PS3 has to be extra annoyign and be a different shape.

    The RE4 box is great apart from the naff "Wii edition" bit.

    Here's some amazing unrelated US box art, just for fun.

    ( Edited on 30.04.2007 05:58 by jesusraz )

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.


    Here's the original RE4 GC art:

    Image for

    Crap, isn't it?

    Here's the PAL version of that same game:

    Why do american box arts so often have crap character art jumping out of the box?

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Hm, so PEGI rated the game 18 on GC? Was that in later batches of the game? Because my copy is rated 15 by the BBFB. Oh well.

    Azzy said:
    Hm, so PEGI rated the game 18 on GC? Was that in later batches of the game? Because my copy is rated 15 by the BBFB. Oh well.

    The box is from somewhere else in europe, BBFC is a UK thing.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Ah, good, that clears that up then. I completely forgot.

    Grumbler said:
    Why do american box arts so often have crap character art jumping out of the box?

    Yeah I noticed that. American covers tend to focus on the characters while Japanese and European covers tend to be more minimalist and focus on fancy designed logos or the landscape or just generally the area around the character rather than the character him/herself. The ICO box covers Oni posted in another thread are a good example of this.

    PS3 boxes are like that because that's how blu-ray and HD DVD have decided to make the new boxes.

    No Longer Temporarily Banned.
    Guest 30.04.2007#15

    Oni-Ninja said:
    SmilieHeres the original RE4 GC art:
    Image for
    Crap, isnt it?

    lol thats the one I have and I think it looks awesome. It's dark, its violent, and it shows what this game is really made of.

    Bit bright but it looks ok, looks more like an alien abduction than a place of evil though, PAL GC one is the best of the lot .

    ( Edited on 30.04.2007 02:37 by Blade2t3 )

    Looks pretty stylish. I like it. But I prefer the box I already have...

    Image for

    Now that's awesome. I'd rather they just replaced the Gamecube cover and put Wii on it.

    I have the collectors edition and much prefer it's minimal blood red coloration:

    click me twice

    Image for

    ( Edited on 30.04.2007 08:29 by Linkyshinks )

    Linkyshinks said:
    I have the collectors edition and much prefer its minimal blood red coloration:click me twice
    Image for
    ( Edited on 30.04.2007 08:29 by Linkyshinks )

    Wow!! That is very cool. Where did you get that from? I've never seen that before.

    Capcom Europe in Hammersmith in London, i also got a very cool japanese Ada Wong poster too. LS

    I liked the PAL GC boxart, but this is even better. The cover is sweet.

    Now that's awesome. I'd rather they just replaced the Gamecube cover and put Wii on it.

    That cover is about 1000x worse.

    Looks very glowy

    My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

    Very nice Box Art.Smilie

    I think it looks near enough stunning. I wasn't expecting it to really look like that, I just thought it would have been the original artwork with the Wii logo slapped on it, but obviously they have changed it to match the Wii's white theme.

    I actually prefer it to the original; it looks more unusual and creative.

    ( Edited on 30.04.2007 13:03 by Marzy )

    I like it in some ways, and hate it in others. It doesn't win any awards for greatness, but manages a pass.

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