Update - Below are two more adverts for recent UK releases, Pok
By Adam Riley 26.04.2007
Update - Below are two more adverts for recent UK releases, Pok
(107 Votes)
Basically the same ad as used in Japan...but looks great
Good to see this getting a push, hopefully at least as much as Hotel Dusk has been getting. Would've been nice to see some in-game graphics in the advert, though...I thought companies got done for just showing FMV in ads nowadays!
Have you seen how high Hotel Dusk jumped this week? Pok
It looks pretty good why does it have TBC on the price... is it not gonna be normal price game?!?!
Yeah, I saw - brilliant, isn't it? Ranger deserves the success as well if you ask me.
I can definitely see FFIII in the top 5...
Looks good but damn its out on 4th may, im getting Spider-Man 3 then.
I have a feeling this could be
The ad itself for FFIII is well.... bollocks, but at least they are promoting it and i agree with Raz the way the DS is going in the UK at the minute there is every possibility of No.1 spot for Square.
Raz who is publishing this in Europe, NoE? SE?
S-E, and hopefully that'll be the case for S-E's next efforts, like Heroes of Mana and FFXII, or else they could get overlooked.
Nintendo seems to just stick S-E's games on the market without any oompf.
Something tells me I'm gonna LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE FF3 for the DS
wow that adverts made me want to dig my (japanese) ff back out again!
...I'd been hiding it away in a draw so i wouldn't play it (gcse s and all)...
Anyway hiding ff didn't work at all because i still had mario kart and 42 all time classics which i played instead. THe DS is ruining my revision!!!! (as is c3..i should be revising now...)
DS ads rock!
The one thing I noticed it
Poke - e - mon instead of Pokemon
or am I wrong?
This isn't even the finished ad, the finished one is here:
( Edited on 26.04.2007 13:16 by huntertime )
But then you have changed it already...... HA!
( Edited on 26.04.2007 13:17 by huntertime )
Vyse said:
Something tells me Im gonna LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE FF3 for the DS
( Edited on 29.04.2007 14:59 by Shig Guevara )