Nintendo News | Namco Bandai Bringing Katamari to Wii and DS?

By Adam Riley 20.04.2007 6

Quick News - As previously reported, Namco Bandai has announced the Wii version of Katamari will come later than the rest on 14th November for $29.99 to give the team time to make full use of the controls. The DS was also mentioned by Jun Moriwaki, the game's director, as a possiblity.

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Ah, sweet stuff Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

never played katamari so might get this... good times!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I used to have Me And My Katamari on the PSP and despite the controls being clunky and crappy, I just didn't like the game. No amount of craziness makes up for a boring, boring game.

Let's hope the new one proves me wrong.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

wii geting more game later <_< if the wii was not selling they not be makeing one that why it going to be later the other

shiptoncraig said:
I used to have Me And My Katamari on the PSP and despite the controls being clunky and crappy, I just didnt like the game. No amount of craziness makes up for a boring, boring game.Lets hope the new one proves me wrong.

I never played the PSP version, but both the PS2 versions are a blast to play.

But, I've noticed that they tend to be incredibly popular with Game developers (programmers and designers in particular), compared to the general game playing public. Not sure why that is, but it does seem to be true.

But, regardless, it will be on our Wii the day it's released. We <3 Katamri!

Apparently the PS2 game is excellent.

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