UK Chart Highlights | Nintendo Rises Back Up As Sony

By Adam Riley 04.04.2007 18

UK Chart Highlights XCXI
...Nintendo Rises Back Up As Sony's PS3 Tumbles

Your weekly UK Chart Round-Up brought to you by stat-man jesusraz. Remember, the images here do not reflect actual sales!

The record breaker...breaks

After a record-breaking week for the PlayStation 3 here in the UK on its launch weekend, with some 165,000 pieces of hardware sold, it seems that the strength of the competition is too much for the 'next-gen' console. News has already broken of how the system fell by a crazy 82% to around 33,000 sales for the entire of this week, but how about its key games? How have they fared in the turbulent UK Top 40?

Sony clings on...just

The big winner this week is definitely Command & Conquer 3, as it lands at No.1 in its first weekend on sale, pushing the PS3 duo of Resistance and MotorStorm down one place each. In fact, that is not all, as the former game drops 66% in sales and the latter 62% from last week! Brian Lara slips one to No.4, despite increasing in sales overall, Virtua Tennis 3 falls a place even though the PC and PSP versions were released last Friday and TMNT is boosted considerably by the movie's success, lifting the multi-format release up twelve to No.6, with UEFA Champions League not far behind, climbing six to No.7. Tiger Woods holds at No.8 thanks to the Wii version mainly, and Call of Duty 3 is back down four to No.9 as PS3 game sales dip on the whole, whilst rounding off the Top 10 at No.10 is a new entry on PS2 and Wii, EA's Medal of Honour: Vanguard. Def Jam: Icon sticks at No.11, STALKER falls from No.7 to No.14, 360's Crackdown rebounds four to No.15 and the No.4 PS3 game, F1 Championship, is now at No.16, down ten!

Final Fantasy XII fails to re-ignite its fire, slipping a further four to No.21, Gears of War leaps back up from No.31 to No.22, Mario DS is up two again to No.23 and Ridge Racer 7 on PS3 tumbles from No.10 to No.25

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Can't say I'm particularly surprised really...

That's if you can trust Chart Track's estimated sales figures in the first place...Smilie

lol all chav have one all them PS3 fanboy got it now so :/ and to me look like sony dont care for us really it was out in jap and usa a long time ago

i still dont beleive that the PS3 sold that much on 2 days.... Smilie

something fishy going one here.....

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

The rich bastards/die harder fans/people with a point to prove would have bought the PS3 at launch, whilst the rest are either "its nice but cant afford it for shit" boat, or the "its shit and a I cant afford it for shit" boat

yeah sold? or shipped? im seeing ps3s in stock everywhere, i'm gna go with shipped.

Ran out of supplies.

Sony had 300,000 units allocated for the UK alone for the launch window and pushed about 220,000 of those onto the market on Day One.

165,000 sold in a flash...and now people just aren't as interested. A large WH Smiths in Manchester centre has had a sign saying 'Only 2 left' for a week and a half, whilst GAME seems to have never ran out of stock, despite sticking up signs saying 'New Stock Now Available!' Smilie

It's just too expensive...Perhaps Sony will see a bit more of a boost during Easter week.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Wow 82% is a huge drop. Usually after a launch the console would sell steadily for the following weeks. Seems like all the hardcores have their PS3s, now the rest are waiting for the price to drop.


Jesus o.0;

So all the rich fans must have got it on the first week huh?

Well, it's the kind of console that prolly won't sell unless there's some special event, because it's so expensive huh? It just doesn't appeal to the casual audience any more.

Must be the TV thing that helped it to get so many sales in the first place.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

What the heck does Jesus have to do with it, SuperLink Smilie


I joke. I do feel quite bad for Sony at this news, but I suppose the majority of people that bought PS3s were planning to do so for a long time, such that the second week sales were just by those who didn't get a chance to buy one in launch week. Sales will speed up soon enough though, with July, the "birthday month" (no, really) and Christmas eventually coming.

I'm just throwing out a bit of a conspiracy theory here. I'm not saying that I believe it to be true - but it wouldn't be the first time it has happened in business.

Conspiracy theory - to ensure the sales figures on the first 2 days are high, someone in the company organised to spend Sony money to purchase consoles. They are then returned to the warehouse to be sold again. The loss is the difference in the wholesale/retail price - not massive for a big company.

Not saying that it is true - but ???????????? Could explain the unexpected big sales and massive drop.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

I'm not sure that any 'birthday month' could boost the sales when it is

Whatever dedicated gamers think, the PS2 in the UK sells on the back of casual games. Dancemats, Singstar, Buzz, Guitar Hero, FIFA and ProEvo matter here. The only product approaching a traditional video game that truly matters on PS2 is GTA.

Put simply, these people are not going to spend

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

If my maths is right (and it fucking should be) they've sold 29700 PS3's.

Yup, no football game for PS3 yet, that's a big problem for casual gamers with a PS2, they'll just keep playing their PS2 until football season.

Actually, I woukdn't be surprised to see that the PS3 sales are really impressive around that time.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Really goes to show how slow sales are in general at the moment when the No.2 and No.3 games both dropped by nearly 70% each and still only nudged down one place to make way for C&C!

Shame The Godfather, Blazing Angels, Heatseeker and DBZ didn't do better on Wii... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

The PS3 had enough stock at launch too saturate its demand.

If the Wii or Xbox360 had the same stock at their launchs they would have sold more.
Simple as that.

6 months late=plenty of stock.

The fact it isnt saleing well when there is stock past the lauch is an extremely bad sign for sony.

In the US the Wii and 360 consistantly beat it week on week, and theres no excuse of supply problems. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It would be interesting to see how PS3 sales fare in it's first year compared with previous console releases. If you remember the N64 for example, Nintendo only released 20,000 at launch. Following that sales were obviously so poor that after 2 months they dropped the price from

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