Nintendo News | Sonic & Mario Join Forces on Wii and DS

By Adam Riley 28.03.2007 63

Update - The official website has now gone live:

For the first time ever, Mario and Sonic will be appearing in the same videogame - on both the Nintendo DS and Wii!

SEGA and Nintendo today have made a historical announcement that two of the biggest icons in the entertainment industry, Mario and Sonic, are joining forces to star in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. Developed for the Wii and Nintendo DS, this momentous agreement marks the first time these two renowned stars have appeared together in a game.

The deal sees SEGA publish the game across Europe and North America, whilst Nintendo will handle the Japanese release, which will be a worldwide release this coming Christmas. The game is licensed through a worldwide partnership with International Sports Multimedia (ISM), the exclusive interactive entertainment software licensee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In 'Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games', players will compete in events that take place in environments based on the official venues of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

"We are thrilled to partner with Nintendo and ISM on this groundbreaking title. For the first time, two of the world's greatest games' characters come together to compete in the world's greatest sporting event and we couldn't be more excited."
- Hisao Oguchi, President and Chief Operating Officer, SEGA Corporation.

"Mario and Sonic have been respectful rivals since the early days of video games. In fact, for a long time they have been discussing the possibility of one day competing against each other. Now that they have been given the perfect opportunity to meet at the Olympic Games, we may finally learn who is actually faster, Mario or Sonic?"
- Shigeru Miyamoto, Senior Managing Director and General Manager, Entertainment Analysis and Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd.

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Now only if they would have partnered up with a bigger title, say, SSB:Brawl. THEN I would be happy. This? I couldn't care less.

I bet this will be good.... not.

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

I wonder who will be developing it though...

Sega apparently, Ninty are just loaning Mario out to them..

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Yeah, SEGA have the Olympics license.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

So it true that the game is real, I kinda like it.

The chances of Sonic being in Smash Bros has just increased greatly.......... makes me sad, Sonic's bent.

Although the prospect of a Wii Olympics game defintely does sound promising.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

We know from Wii Sports how well the Wii can do sports games if done right. If this is like a bigger Wii Sports with added Mario and Sonic, I'll be delighted.

nilihanth said:
Now only if they would have partnered up with a bigger title, say, SSB:Brawl. THEN I would be happy. This? I couldnt care less.

Why jump to conclusions so soon? I wouldn't write something off that we know hardly anything about.

This has basically confirmed that Sonic will be now making an appearance in Smash Bros.

I don't think so... IMO it makes it less likely, as this game seems like it will be the FIRST game with Mario & Sonic in it...

Since Smash Bros is meant to be coming out before this, doesn't that mean Sonic will have to wait? I don't know... it's hard to think about...

I'll express my further opinions on this game later.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well this is certainly gonna be a strange game...

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No... it's just Tubbimora...

If it's not true, I will offer up my prayers of thanks to heaven. If, through my desire to buy a top-quality game from one of my favourite companies, I have to put up with whiney American accents that remind me of trans-Atlantic teenage dramas, I will not be best pleased.

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Well that's great, but there's just one problem. Using my little knowledge about the Olympics, I can see this game will require other characters. Of course Mario has loads of pals, but Sonic. Excluding Knuckles and Tails, he doesn't have pals - he has a bunch of annoying pricks who wouldn't look out of place on the back of a child's cerial box. Or guest staring in the Smurfs. Of whom I also viciously hate.

So if anyone of them have a part to play, I don

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I really hope Sega doesn't butcher it - I'm sure Shiggy will inspire and help out big time, given Mario's featuring heavily in this. Should be a good addition to the Wii/DS, definitely.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, I hope Sonic Team aren't developing Smilie

( Edited on 28.03.2007 16:20 by Birdo )

I love the April Fools guys. Nice graphics work Jb.

At first I thought Nintendo and Sega were just selling out, they still are I guess but as the olympics is in the summer of 2008 then they have loads of time to make this. It better be good with that amount of time or I won't be a very happy bunny.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

this has bullshit covered all over it.... Smilie

APRIL FOOL joke obviously!!! SmilieSmilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

XD now get him on SSB

How can it be an april fools? there's an official website...

It's not an April Fool, believe me.

Sonic has tons of his chappy friends, & I like most of them more than Mario's.

Amy > Peach any day. I hate Peach, yet I have to put up with her in every Party Mario game.

Blaze isn't that bad either, I think Shadow would look out of place in the Olympics though.

I think the confirmed characters are:


So far... I wouldn't be surprised to see more pop up, & maybe Amy will come along too.

If Jet comes into it, I'll scream. I don't like Silver either, he sounds liek a kid.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Speaking about the development process between Nintendo and SEGA, Kaplan noted, "The beauty of the relationship is that SEGA of Japan will work in close collaboration with Miyamoto, so that's sort of like the icing on the cake. There's a great development team and then he's going to amp it up like he does with all the games. That also speaks to our commitment to the relationship and to the product. We're excited about it."

Company reps would not say whether or not the Wii version of the game would be compatible with the DS build. However, IGN does have reason to believe that the game will be compatible with Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection when it ships later this year.

From IGN.

Shigsy is involved, so it has some hope.

Personally I'm looking forward to it. It's the start of something special Smilie

Well, also, I think the DS version could be very interesting. I'm wondering what the graphics will be like, whether it will be 2D or 3D, & how it will play.

Infact, there's so much about this game that still remains a mystery, hopefully we'll find out more over the next few weeks.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ok, it's kind of convincing, but I still don't entirely believe it. If it is real, then I don't think it will be that good. How could it be, I mean it's not like they could actually make this game entertaining. It would probably be just a quick gimmicky game for the Wii and I sure have seen a lot of those lately.

It's just another one of Nintendo's lame cash-in attempts, except they have SEGA rolling with them this time around.

Anyway, even if it did suck, I'm sure it would still play better than 'The Secret Rings' did. Jesus! That game is pathetic in the controls department.

( Edited on 28.03.2007 21:29 by Marzy )

It's just another one of Nintendo's lame cash-in attempts, except they have SEGA rolling with them this time around.

We haven't even seen the game Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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