Nintendo News | Sonic & Mario Join Forces on Wii and DS

By Adam Riley 28.03.2007 63

Update - The official website has now gone live:

For the first time ever, Mario and Sonic will be appearing in the same videogame - on both the Nintendo DS and Wii!

SEGA and Nintendo today have made a historical announcement that two of the biggest icons in the entertainment industry, Mario and Sonic, are joining forces to star in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. Developed for the Wii and Nintendo DS, this momentous agreement marks the first time these two renowned stars have appeared together in a game.

The deal sees SEGA publish the game across Europe and North America, whilst Nintendo will handle the Japanese release, which will be a worldwide release this coming Christmas. The game is licensed through a worldwide partnership with International Sports Multimedia (ISM), the exclusive interactive entertainment software licensee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In 'Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games', players will compete in events that take place in environments based on the official venues of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

"We are thrilled to partner with Nintendo and ISM on this groundbreaking title. For the first time, two of the world's greatest games' characters come together to compete in the world's greatest sporting event and we couldn't be more excited."
- Hisao Oguchi, President and Chief Operating Officer, SEGA Corporation.

"Mario and Sonic have been respectful rivals since the early days of video games. In fact, for a long time they have been discussing the possibility of one day competing against each other. Now that they have been given the perfect opportunity to meet at the Olympic Games, we may finally learn who is actually faster, Mario or Sonic?"
- Shigeru Miyamoto, Senior Managing Director and General Manager, Entertainment Analysis and Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd.

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Can I be the first to express my utter cynicism about this move.


"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Lol, wow - big surprise here, wish it was a Smash Bros. announcement though Smilie Miyamoto's quote is hilarious - "we may finally learn who is actually faster, Mario or Sonic?"

Sonic - is there any question?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This is madness.

This is, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic games?

Well I'm certainly intrigued at least, looking forward to more details.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

would be nicer if they were in a platformer together but this will do Smilie

From the touch of the button your in

It's an April Fools. Oh please let it be an April Fools!!! ..It's not, is it? Damn. This game sounds awful, although it could be interesting.. and if Sonic gets announced as being in Brawl, I guess we won't be getting that til 2008.

I didn't even think about it being an April fools, would actually make a fair amount of sense (considering Miyamoto's speed comment) but its too early.

A great indicator that Sonic will come to Smash Bros, though I think. Both companies are obviously very much up for this sort of thing (proven by the fact that they're doing it!).

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Awful...? Two gaming legends joining forces in a game... thats not awful... im so looking forward to this.

Assuming that this is not an Aprol Fool's Joke, then I can't see anything bad here. Mario sports games are always good value. The Will could be very good with a lot of the sports games. I have never ever bought an Olympics game, but his could be the first.

Think of the possibilities with Wiimote -
Javelin, Shotput, Weightlifting, Shooting, Archery and others I can't think of because I don't follow the Olympics (snore).

This would be a massive marketing success if done right (and if it is true).

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Nintendo in Mario-milking shocker!

Sega in weird-looking 3D Sonic shocker!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Hopefully just a small step to a proper joint game.

The charecters are so different in terms of movement and style that a combined proper game would be a hell of a lot of fun. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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They could've chosen anything but the sports genre to have this face-off. Geez.

we may finally learn who is actually faster, Mario or Sonic?"

I didn't realise this was ever disputed.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I do not think this is an April's fool joke. The picture looks far too advaned for that. Watch: special rendering, perspective, well-designed logo...

And why not? Mario-games may be not always made for me, but on they are: They are well playable! I never bought an Olympic game and I had Nagano 98 or so when I bought a used N64 over ebay. And it was absolute shite! So that's what the industry needs: A well made license-game of high standards. I can see nothing wrong with that!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Smilie awsome news!! but why the Olympic Games though???

So here's hoping that Sonic shows up in Brawl then.

Mario should be pretty good at the triple jump.

Brawl Code; 4897-7384-9928

This game sounds fun. Has a lot of potential to work well with the Wiimote. Lets see how it turns out.

eh, not big on the whole olympic thing...

As soon as I saw this, I thought "April Fools," but then I thought "This is too early." But then, once again, I thought that magazines publish early April Fools jokes, so why not some other article. I'm guessing this is an April Fools joke.

bs said:
As soon as I saw this, I thought April Fools, but then I thought This is too early. But then, once again, I thought that magazines publish early April Fools jokes, so why not some other article. Im guessing this is an April Fools joke.

Perhaps - but it does seem way too legit to be an April Fool's - Sega have an official website on it, here..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I might just have to reconsider... I looked it up, and if this is an April Fools joke, then the whole web is in on it. This is apparently real news. Or maybe a really elaborate joke. Who knows?

Well I thought it sounded really good when I read it, I hope its real because I think it would be really great, and historical, to have Mario and Sonic starring in a game together - who would've predicted this 10 years ago?

I wonder who will be developing it though...

The first News I tip, & I don't get any credit! :-/

I feel unloved...

EDIT: I don't think it looks bad, but it COULD be an April Fools...

Just think though, aren't April Fools jokes meant to take place ON April Fools day? Also they've even made an art for the game, so I don't think it is....

EDIT2: I find it silly how Miyamoto actually finds that a debatable point. I thought he was meant to be smart? Smilie *loses faith*

GO SONIC!!! Smilie

( Edited on 28.03.2007 13:35 by SuperLink )

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Seeing as they've put the usual press releases and material out, and it's the 38th March, I think we can safely say it's not April Fools.

It wouldn't actually be funny either, if it was.

Nintendo and Sega announce historic partnership! NOOOOT! We don't like eachother THAT much!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

ah its gotta be an April Fools joke --

I think someone is willing to put a little time and effort behind this [nintendo/sega] to do it. Ha - and when you check the site on April Fools day - it'll be like "GOT YA!" haha.

Ah - Just don't believe this at all.

Rooolllll OUT!
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!Wii Rocker!

Grumbler said:
Nintendo and Sega announce historic partnership! NOOOOT! We dont like eachother THAT much!

Yeah, they hate each other's guts. I can see them arguing over which of their characters gets better abilities in the game, when they're at designer meetings & stuff...

To be fair, at the running, Sonic would win, but just to make the game fair, they'll somehow make Mario as fast, which would be stupid. Also, depending on who gets to make most of the game, Nintendo or SEGA, wouldn't they make their own character more powerful? Smilie It's just the kind of thing some rival kids would do... & it just seems like something Mario & Sonic would do...

Except Sonic can talk, has morals etc, Mario can't talk, & he has no morals, he just listens to whatever Peach says.

Peach: Mario, is you don't beat that little blue rat at the Olympics, then I won't bake any more cakes for you.


Sonic: I thought I told you, I'm not a rat; I'm a HEDGEHOG!

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