Nintendo Media | Sonic and the Secret Rings Gameplay

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.01.2007 31

With Sonic and co. making their way to the Wii this March, footage of the game in its high-speed action have hit the web, demonstrating the cool blue hedgehog doing his thing.

IGN recently got their hands on the game, presenting the first level and offering some very positive feedback on Sega's unique 3D scheme for their classic mascot. C3 reader Sidepocket has concatenated the footage into one handy video for your Sega needs:

Be sure to stick around for future media updates..

Box art for Sonic and the Secret Rings





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

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Grumbler said:
The Sonic Adventure games are pure shit, and were at the time. Those old reviews are really odd.

Wow sonic 3D! Lets give ot loads of good reviews cause we havn't had a proper sonic game in years!

Wait a minute..this game is shit

artmonkey said:
Of course I reserve judgement until Ive experienced it first-hand, but from the video, this looks a mess. Mr. Hedgehog himself looks sexy, but the landscape looks distinctly bland - Id liken it to early PS2 quality (look at those pillars fall). If I didnt know better Id say the magic controlling those magic pillars was pop-up.Collision detection looks suspect; the cameras way too close; the less said about the voices, the better... but hey, I havent played it so who knows. Right now it looks like the cloggy, illegitimate, afterbirth-soaked lovechild of Sonic R and Riders.

The game looks a LOT better than early PS2 - a lot.

And I ask again, did you read the preview meant to go along with the videos?

Always, always read previews, and reviews. As I've already mentioned, they give you a far better impression of the game than most videos could, and can give you a lot more details on specifics of the game.

Yes I read the preview. And yes, perhaps I was being a tad harsh about the graphics after watching a grainy youtube vid. But the rest stands. When I play Sonic 2, it doesn't feel retro or nostalgic like 2D Mario, it still feels bloody vital. Like I said, I reserve full judgement, I'm just saying what I see.

Nobody wants this to be great more than I do Janet. But even if it's Sonic Team's best 3D effort, that isn't saying much.

( Edited on 21.01.2007 10:59 by artmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

I think it looks pretty ace, there will no doubt be some technical glitches with the camera and what not as with all 3D Sonic titles, but that's never put me off before.

People seem to think the camera is ridiculously bad in SA1/2 and Heroes, but I didn't notice a thing until I read other peoples opinions on the game, it just didn't detract from the gameplay for me and it never occurred to me to start looking for technical flaws (certainly not for SA1/2 before I jumped onto the reviewing ship).

I am convinced the game will be fun, Sonic fans (I mean hardcore fans) will love it,

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

spydarlee said:
People seem to think the camera is ridiculously bad in SA1/2 and Heroes, but I didn't notice a thing until I read other peoples opinions on the game
Same here. With SA1 especially, I've never seen anything wrong... Going back to SA2 and definitely Heroes I can see some problems, but Sonic Adventure was just... Amazing... I don't get why people hate it. It's still one of my favourite games ever...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

So, why is Sonic 1 and 2 (the 2D ones) not linear? Because you mus go from left to right. Goal is at the right, bottom of level (Level 1). But how you get there is up to you. You can go up, above the waterfalls or looks or use the top loops, fall down, use tube in the middle or top, or run down below and jump over the spikes. So you have start and end but multiple ways with one constant: gravity. If you fall, you have to collect some rings and run forth but below 4 or 5 other paths. That is completely gone with 3D. Now if this game has multiple ways, then they must be provided left or right from other paths. If there are no branches, then you are fucked. If there are no wall left or right, you do not know what path you are on. So maybe another 2D sonic would be better?

I do not trust almost all big gaming portals, may the be named IGN, Gamespot or Hullabaloo, because half of their Previews are bought, some are politically coloured and some are in the taste of American gamers. Forgive me for saying that, but European, American and Japanese tastes are not quite the same. I do more trust print magazines and they rated Sonic games 70 % at the most, maybe 75, but 50-60 too! So see? Not good enough for me to spend 50 EUR or even 30!

But if this game is like AmazingJanet says, then I am relieved, because all I want is a great Sonic game! I want to buy one!
And I won't say anything about graphics. This youtube video is utterly grainy and I can't say anything about graphics!
The nearer the camera, the faster the game seems to be. The faster the game is, the poorer collision-rate must be to let people time to react.

So I will read the Preview, but trust no rating these big gaming sites provide. You can not trust their rating, but you can trust Cubed

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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