Nintendo Media | Sonic and the Secret Rings Gameplay

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.01.2007 31

With Sonic and co. making their way to the Wii this March, footage of the game in its high-speed action have hit the web, demonstrating the cool blue hedgehog doing his thing.

IGN recently got their hands on the game, presenting the first level and offering some very positive feedback on Sega's unique 3D scheme for their classic mascot. C3 reader Sidepocket has concatenated the footage into one handy video for your Sega needs:

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Box art for Sonic and the Secret Rings





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

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He he was just downloading them off ign there, still loking pretty good, but lame voices as usual, hopfuly you can mute them.
The music isn't as good as the Sonic Rush soundtrack either but the preview was very positive as usual. Fingers crossed it's good!

Nice, I found this earlier, but was too lazy and tired to watch them. This looks good to me, then again, I liked Sonic Adventures 2.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Well shit, its a snowboarding game without a snowboard. What a shitty looking painfully linear game, what happened to the ability to move freely?

Sonic Team lost the ability to make a good 3D sonic with the ability to move freely years ago. Infact i dunno if they even had that aility in the first place...

( Edited on 20.01.2007 16:37 by Blade2t3 )

-Shit nu-Sonic music
-Annoying nu-Sonic voices
-Unconvincing game play, that ledge bit broke it up horribly.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

'those pillars are being manipulated by magic, watch out' Smilie oh yeah he just kept running in a straight line and missed them all...what would we do without Sonic Team to entertain us?

( Edited on 20.01.2007 16:58 by Birdo )

Well it's an improvment i mean current 3D sonics break it up all the time by

-moving the camera out of your way (for added difficulty obviously).

-uncontrollable charcaters.

-oh and shitty gameplay, thats a big factor.

This is looking like a big improvment.

Sonic plus woman=


1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

i hope they take that yeah! off or ill end up wanting to kill ppl about it lol

I do not know what you people think of it, but it makes me think 'download Sonic 1 from VC and have fun!'

Rally. It is a big improvement when you watch the evil X360 version of the latest Sonic game, but I do not exactly see what's funny about 3D Sonic Games. The voices are hilarious, and there are some good ideas with falling pillars and winding djungle-roads, but this game has no good basics! Why would I play a Snowboard-Sonic-On-A-String with only being able to stop short and steer left and right...?

Wait. Dragon Quest swords is similar... Okay. Show me that these two games are funny and I will consider it playing and maybe buying!
Seriously, the went into 3rd dimension without going into 3rd dimension! You steer left right and jump. That's 2 dimensions if my counting is correct. So please make a game like Sonic 1 and 2. Not like Tiger Hawk's... (Is that his name?)

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Ph00p said:
Well shit, its a snowboarding game without a snowboard. What a shitty looking painfully linear game, what happened to the ability to move freely?

Did you actually read IGN's preview?


The gameplay is not linear - branching paths etc. Also, every Sonic game where you have been able to move entirely freely has been shit.

Also, there were barely any voices in the game apart from the odd comment - the voices really were not annoying.

People, actually read previews and such, maybe you'll all actually find out something about the game, and find out it's actually turning out to be the best 3D Sonic game yet - and it's actually good, and pretty much every other journo who has got their hands on the game has said the same.

Yes, past 3d sonics were shit, but this is an all new game, a good all new game, and even a completely different style, actually base the game on it's own merits rather than past games failings.

Maybe many of you should actually try reading around a bit, expecially the IGN preview of the game meant to go with these videos.

Well I just watched a gameplay video and there were loads of voices, and o course IGN won't mind them because they're American.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Um....what is so wrong with a linear Sonic game?I mean isnt that what made the old ones so good?To me this looks alot better than Sonic Adventure style.And the graphics are also looking very nice.Its just refreshing to see developers taking time to make a proper game for the Wii.

Why the FUCK would reading a preview give us more of an idea of how the game works than watching a video of an entire level? Are you actually insane?

You can have as many 'branching paths' as you want, but if you're running forward continuously the gameplay's still pretty bloody linear.

Someone mentioned that when it tells him to watch out he doesn't move. He does, it's just that the game seems to only give you about one metre of space either way, so it doesn't really make a difference... I mean for fuck's sake I recall a bit about half way through that video where he just jumps straight through a big jet of fire...

I suppose I'll have to wait until I really play the game before I actually say it's shit, but right now I'll say it LOOKS really shit, and possibly one of the most boring games I'll ever play... Using the word 'play' very loosely of course

Also, I seriously don't get what's up with people constantly saying that the Sonic Adventure games were shit. Websites like Gamespot and every magazine I've ever seen completely raped the games when they came out, and now suddenly they change their minds? I mean just look at the scores they gave them:

SA: 9.2
SA2: 8.6

SA: 8.6
SA2: 9.4

Now where I come from 9.4 is a pretty facking good score... So when exactly did all 3D Sonic games become terrible?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Sonic Rush had an absolutely fantastic sound track.

But dispite that not being so good, this game looks like it could be great fun.

Ironicaly, restricting the player to an on-rails sonic is looking far closer to the feel of the original 2D games.

And its not completely liner either, IGN confirmed theres many different routers though some levels. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Now where I come from 9.4 is a pretty facking good score... So when exactly did all 3D Sonic games become terrible?"

After Sonic Adventure.

But even sonic adventure, imo, only got decent scores because the graphics were amazing for the time.

The game was *ok*, but it was still grossly inferiour to the 2D ones.
Sonic just dosnt work in 3D well.
Mario made the transition with flying colours, but sonic never did.
imho. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Why didn't it work well? People always say that, but if you ask why the only reason they seem to come up with is 'Err... It's shit...'. The only thing I've ever heard criticised properly is the camera, and possibly the buggy nature of the controls (which for some reason seemed to get worse as the games went on). If they sorted that out I can't see any reason for people to say the 3D games a bad...

Well, other than the fact that when you jump you move really slowly, no matter how fast you were running before... What the hell was up with that...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Why the FUCK would reading a preview give us more of an idea of how the game works than watching a video of an entire level? Are you actually insane?You can have as many branching paths as you want, but if youre running forward continuously the gameplays still pretty bloody linear.Someone mentioned that when it tells him to watch out he doesnt move. He does, its just that the game seems to only give you about one metre of space either way, so it doesnt really make a difference... I mean for fucks sake I recall a bit about half way through that video where he just jumps straight through a big jet of fire...I suppose Ill have to wait until I really play the game before I actually say its shit, but right now Ill say it LOOKS really shit, and possibly one of the most boring games Ill ever play... Using the word play very loosely of courseAlso, I seriously dont get whats up with people constantly saying that the Sonic Adventure games were shit. Websites like Gamespot and every magazine Ive ever seen completely raped the games when they came out, and now suddenly they change their minds? I mean just look at the scores they gave them:GamespotSmilieA: 9.2SA2: 8.6IGNSmilieA: 8.6SA2: 9.4Now where I come from 9.4 is a pretty facking good score... So when exactly did all 3D Sonic games become terrible?

A preview actually tells you what it's like to play the game - any game can look good in a video, it's whether when you play it it's any good, and all previews of it so far have positive - it describes what the controls are like, how well it generally handles, describes other features perhaps not really seen too much in videos, and pretty much how well the game is coming along in general - watching a video just shows you how pretty it might look, and what colour it is - the best way to do things is to watch AND read. Also not watching it on crappy quality youtube would be good too.

And linear would be one completely set path - as I said, this game has multiple branches/paths through levels, adding replayability, and heading towards making the game non-linear, along with other things like different types of challenges and such within levels, adding variety.

And shitness depends on your view of the series overall I guess, although among many people pretty much all the more recent sonic or at least sonic related games have been crap - see X360/PS3, PSP, few others too - Most/nearly all 3D related sonics have been crap, even look it up on gamerankings or whatever if you want, I did.

Megadanxzero said:
Also, I seriously don't get what's up with people constantly saying that the Sonic Adventure games were shit. Websites like Gamespot and every magazine I've ever seen completely raped the games when they came out, and now suddenly they change their minds? I mean just look at the scores they gave them:

SA: 9.2
SA2: 8.6

SA: 8.6
SA2: 9.4

Now where I come from 9.4 is a pretty facking good score... So when exactly did all 3D Sonic games become terrible?

It's shit because people thinks its shit. You think FF7's shit but it got good reviews. It all depends on personal preference. It may be due to the shallow gameplay, irritating camera, cheesy storylines anything, depends on who's playing.

The Sonic Adventure games are pure shit, and were at the time. Those old reviews are really odd.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

this game looks great so fast and no stupid aventuring like the 2d sonics but 3d

this game looks great so fast and no stupid aventuring like the 2d sonics but 3d

Grumbler said:
Well I just watched a gameplay video and there were loads of voices, and o course IGN wont mind them because theyre American.

But, of course, Sonic and Pals are American, because that is what conformist-consumer driven-drivel says. And that is how it is.

Lets ponder upon Sonic with a Glaswegian accent. Who'd complain? Smilie

Grumbler said:
The Sonic Adventure games are pure shit, and were at the time. Those old reviews are really odd.

Well said Mr.Grumbler.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Of course I reserve judgement until I've experienced it first-hand, but from the video, this looks a mess. Mr. Hedgehog himself looks sexy, but the landscape looks distinctly bland - I'd liken it to early PS2 quality (look at those pillars fall). If I didn't know better I'd say the 'magic' controlling those 'magic' pillars was 'pop-up'.

Collision detection looks suspect; the camera's way too close; the less said about the voices, the better... but hey, I haven't played it so who knows. Right now it looks like the cloggy, illegitimate, afterbirth-soaked lovechild of Sonic R and Riders.

Less posty, more gamey.

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