Industry News | Gabe Newell: "The PS3 is a Total Disaster"

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.01.2007 50

Speaking recently to Game Informer, development studio Valve's, co-founder Gabe Newell discussed the next generation efforts from Sony and Nintendo. However, one machine came out with a large dent on its reputation.

The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, "This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it".

The happy story is the Wii. I'm betting that by Christmas of next year, Nintendo Wii has a larger installed base than the 360. Other people think I'm crazy. I really like everything that Nintendo is doing.

Certainly some very direct opinions from Newell on the current next-generation systems - what do you think? Have your say in the comments section below.

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well duh, Gabe. what next, gravity is heavy? water teh wettest? micro$haft never had gamers wants or needs at heart? (( 360 will be dropped too, in a heartbeat... you wait! ))

I think it is too early to count the PS3 out. However Sony has lost a lot of their exclusives to Microsoft and at the moment the PS3 is not selling well in the U.S. or Japan, I'm not sure about Europe. The sales of the PS3 could change when Final Fantasy XIII comes out. Sony is already advertising this game in Japan and it's not available until 2008. This may keep Final Fantasy fans from purchasing other consoles.

I would rather see this game on the Wii but that's just me. Hopefully Square-Enix has a Final Fantasy XIII spin-off game for the Wii like Final Fantasy XII for the DS.

Baz da boss said:
ps3 is noisy, massive, copycat and boring

The PS3 is almost as quiet as the Wii. At least get it right if you are going to have a stab.

Our member of the week

I would'nt be so sure about whether the Wii shall be a complete success or not. It attracts non-players the most. many people are interested in trying it once in a while, but most of them are not ready to buy it right away. It's still lacking great games, and even lacking great announces of games coming soon. Non Nintendo-fans gamers don't expect much of anything from the Wii, and it's time for Nintendo to do it the micro$oft way... paying developpers huge amounts of $$$$$ to develop great games for the Wii, gamer's games. Otherwise it could do a flop eventually.

( Edited on 16.01.2007 10:45 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Darkflame said:
Either way its obviously way too late to simply start againNot exactly.A PS3 for much cheaper, without bluray, would HUGELY help sales, imo.

I agree. However, the whole of the PS3 is basically based around Blu Ray (it's one of its key selling points). Even worse then that, the success of the PS3 is vital for Sony's plans of the eventual success of Blu Ray over HD DVD. There is no way that Sony would ever remove Blu Ray from the PS3. Even if it's clear in say, 2 years time, that Blu Ray won't succeed, by then they'll be perhaps hundreds of games made on Blu Ray discs. A PS3 with only DVD functionality won't be able to play those games.

dojo99 said:
Baz da boss said:ps3 is noisy, massive, copycat and boring
The PS3 is almost as quiet as the Wii. At least get it right if you are going to have a stab.

And the Wii sends lasers to the sensor bar and the sensor bar calculates the Wiimote's angle while the PS3 has built in motion sensorsSmilie


Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I think it's to early to right off the PS3, the wii may be winning at the moment but it needs to keep up the momentum. Most noticeably it is lacking strong third party offerings (not just shoddy ports with wii functions tacked on) something that the Playstation and XBox has been historically good at.

If Valve thinks so much of the wii then let's hope we see some good titles from them in the future.

According to Wikipedia, 'Newell, a "Microsoft millionaire" after working 13 years for the company, founded Valve in 1996 with Mike Harrington, another former Microsoft employee'

His comments seem uncharacteristically blunt for a public statement from a third party software devloper about a major console hardware company.

It looks like further installaments in the Half Life story are more likely on the Xbox360 than the PS3 to say the least.

Other than that, it's another case of somebody who is/was involved with Microsoft praising the Wii.

( Edited on 16.01.2007 18:35 by Picnic )

GR781 said:
The PS3 is much quieter than the 360, but I wouldnt say theres no point in watching dvds on the 360. It isnt noticeable during a game unless the game is nearly silent, which most arent- I do have surround sound but I think it would be similar with just the tv speakers. Either way, when they switch to the 60nm thingybobs it should be quieter. Or you can get that cooling thingy for it.


Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

The 360 is like a PC. (hear me out here)

You don't hear the noise until one day you notice this slight whirring at the edge of your hearing. Then you can't not notice it. Smilie

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Tin Can Man said:
The 360 is like a PC. (hear me out here) You dont hear the noise until one day you notice this slight whirring at the edge of your hearing. Then you cant not notice it. Smilie

My computer stopped doing that after being hit a couple thousand times..

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Slydevil said:
My friend ACTUALLY (Like factually) said: "But because it's more expensive that means it's better."
Ooooh man... He must have this mental disease called 'Retardation'... It's pretty serious... You should tell him to see someone

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Baz da boss said:
wii is silent,small, innovative and fun.ps3 is noisy, massive, copycat and boring.Face the facts, Sony, this generation you will turn out worst.The only thing holding back Nintendo from topping the charts is supply. Come Summer and Ninty gonna be top of the charts in all catogaries.In your face, SonyPS: Blu-ray is rubbish and so is HD-DVD. this generation people are gonna use broadband to download hd films to their media centre pc with 300gb of space and get photo viewing, music playing, timeshifting and in film messaging for the same price as a blue ray drive or hd-dvd drive.

best post ever! :cooldude:

::My ign games collection::Last FM::DVD collection::Myspace::-Female gamers DO exist!
check profile for DS friend codes!

@ ZeroSimon

The Wii controllers have built in gyro-accelerometer that calculates the controller's angles. The Sensor bar allows the Wii remote to become a pointing device. It does not calculate the angles of the controller.

Sony should have talked Square-Enix into holding back Final Fantasy XII for the PS2 and develop it for the PS3 as a launch title, like Nintendo did Zelda. Right now the PS3 lacks software.

crazylurch said:
PS3 will have games ever so slightly more shiny that Xbox 360 games. WOW!!! That is worth the

This console war is turning out to be a monster. I predict a pretty even spread worldwide, with some regional variations: 360 will come third by quite a bit in Japan, as will Nintendo in Europe and Sony in the US; Nintendo will have a slight edge in Japan, Microsoft will Rule the US and split the victory with Sony in Europe; Nintendo will still be the only company to post a profit.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Oni, PS3 games are shinier, Xbox360 games look better.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

patjuan32 said:
@ ZeroSimonThe Wii controllers have built in gyro-accelerometer that calculates the controller's angles. The Sensor bar allows the Wii remote to become a pointing device. It does not calculate the angles of the controller.Sony should have talked Square-Enix into holding back Final Fantasy XII for the PS2 and develop it for the PS3 as a launch title, like Nintendo did Zelda. Right now the PS3 lacks software.

yeah hence the sarcastic sign at the end of my post...damn i didn't put on in...well i have a laughing and surprised face which should do

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Matthew Gastrian Evans said:
Oni, PS3 games are shinier, Xbox360 games look better.

Well Xbox 360 has been around a while now. Programmers are used to it and making decent games now. PS3 will probably need a year for some decent stuff to come out.


I read somewhere that PS3 software sales wiped the floor in Japan last week. Maybe everyone is wrong about the PS3?
In my opinion EVERYONE is wrong about the PS3. People are saying its gona be either the BEST EVER! or the WORST EVER! Both wrong. The PS3 is gona bring a few new things to the table, like Blu-Ray, but its not gona revolutionise the gaming industry like Sony are making out.

i think we're just gona have to wait until March and see how it turns out. As being one of the only C3 members (that im aware of) buying a PS3 on launch id be happy to do some sort of review.

Hell maybe we'll have to wait until after March, until many more post launch titles have been released and when all the developers have gotten into full swing and practise with the hardware the PS3 offers.

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

You can easily prove, that Wiimote has no gyro-accelerometers by playing Red Steel: When holding Wiimote sideways the gun is held sideways. Gyros are calculating velocity. It's not that easy. They have far advanced sensors then expected. Let it be. Sixaxxis and Wiimote are not the same and fuck, let them use it. Lair uses them pretty well but it's nothing special. It may feel like holding the pad out of a habit a bit queer and accidentally your dragon turns sideways, dragon rider gives away his breaktfast and poor foe down there whinks you are riding an acid-dragon... yesyes. wonderful game, this...

And I can not bear hearing X360 even with only dashboard showing. It's too loud, too shrieky and too noisy. That's more when watching DVD, even with surround. But maybe I play games too quiet. Good when it's not affecting you, but it does affect me (elven ears, you know?). But playing Zelda on Wii is pretty loud itself becaus the disk is spinning on and on mostly. But that's more quiet.
It's my opinion, I heard x360 and Wii, Gamecube and PS2 (which is noisy too). But not PS3.

We all try to pick bad things out of the sweet green, sweet white or sweet black cake from our most behated console (for me it's X360, for you it's PS3). But let's face it: only time shows which console can keep up (I won't say 'wins', because even Gamecube hasn't lost. I like my dear Cube and own some awesome GC-games!).
But it can't hurt to pick pro- and con-sayers for every console. We all want to see some Valve-games for Wii, taht's the point here!
So go give us some, Gabe!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Maquis said:
well duh, Gabe. what next, gravity is heavy? water teh wettest? micro$haft never had gamers wants or needs at heart? (( 360 will be dropped too, in a heartbeat... you wait! ))

Gravity is a constant force (on Earth). It can't be heavy.

Bugger about the PS3, I had 50 Blu-Ray DVDs on pre order from Amazon Smilie

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Bugger about the PS3, I had 50 Blu-Ray DVDs on pre order from Amazon
Man, you are rich...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

patjuan32 said:
@ ZeroSimonThe Wii controllers have built in gyro-accelerometer that calculates the controller's angles. The Sensor bar allows the Wii remote to become a pointing device. It does not calculate the angles of the controller.

I think he was just joshing Smilie

( Edited on 18.01.2007 08:21 by dojo99 )

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