Industry News | Gabe Newell: "The PS3 is a Total Disaster"

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.01.2007 50

Speaking recently to Game Informer, development studio Valve's, co-founder Gabe Newell discussed the next generation efforts from Sony and Nintendo. However, one machine came out with a large dent on its reputation.

The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, "This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it".

The happy story is the Wii. I'm betting that by Christmas of next year, Nintendo Wii has a larger installed base than the 360. Other people think I'm crazy. I really like everything that Nintendo is doing.

Certainly some very direct opinions from Newell on the current next-generation systems - what do you think? Have your say in the comments section below.

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Coming from valve this is good Smilie

( Edited 15.01.2013 17:26 by Guest )

oooh, can we expect some Wii half-life goodness? :-D

( Edited 15.01.2013 17:26 by Guest )

He was drunk.

( Edited 15.01.2013 17:26 by Guest )

VERY polarised opinions, especially at this early stage. And yes, while Sony seem to have made a mistake, it COULD all work out in the end. (If Blu Ray clearly becomes the winner of the HD battle in the next 2-3 years it'll be a massive plus).

Either way it's obviously way too late to simply 'start again'

( Edited 15.01.2013 17:26 by Guest )

We all know this generation is between Wii and 360.

I'm sick of the playstation. The "good" aspect of it died with the release of the PS2.

( Edited 27.12.2012 18:33 by Guest )

Good good. Like to hear that.

( Edited 27.12.2012 18:33 by Guest )

dojo99 said:
He was drunk.

haha funny.

I read somewhere that PS3 software sales wiped the floor in Japan last week. Maybe everyone is wrong about the PS3?

( Edited 27.12.2012 18:33 by Guest )

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He'll be gutted if it turns out to be the BEST CONSOLE EVER. EVER.

( Edited 27.12.2012 18:33 by Guest )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

dojo99 said:
He was drunk.

haha funny.

Ohhh, burn!

( Edited on 15.01.2007 18:07 by Monkeyman )

King of the 'League of Kings'||My deviantART|| My Photography

So on the one hand you've got Sony with an advert talking about how the PS3 can handle physics to the nth degree and on the other hand you've got the guy who pioneered in game physics saying its shit....hmm.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

I really can't believe how much they bullshitted on the physics. Remember that stupid slowed down video? Holy shit there's debris! Wow, they must be amazing programmers to be able to program gravity and move based on a 3d vector!!

GREAT NEWS SmilieSmilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I think PS3 is screwed. Xbox 360 has a 'near perfect' online service and the Wii offers something totally new.

PS3 will have games ever so slightly more shiny that Xbox 360 games. WOW!!! That is worth the


Well. Sony may have screwed the PS, but you know what? BFBS (Radio of the British Forces here in Germany) gave the option to give one away for free today and everybody totally bombed their telephone lines. As long as Charles and Mary does not klnow PS3 is crap, then averybody will buy it.

IF Wii is that good and PS3 is crap, then, developers, start making wonderful Wii-games. And let's face it: x360 is PS3, only not that expensive. Sony has blown it's good face in the eye of the core-gamer. So go out and do not buy this monster of a black monolith.

And by the way, Microsoft: Make your hair-dryer-like sounding x360 more quiet!

I think Mr. Newell is right: It is a total desaster. But I'm a Nintendo fanboy. So now Mr Newell, do extraordinary games for Wii. Do this cheap graphics from Half Life 2 on Wii. Do a Wii shooter and let these words follow some action!
It's good he said that, that's what Nintendo needs: warm words. But that's only the beginning.

( Edited on 15.01.2007 19:04 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

And by the way, Microsoft: Make your hair-dryer-like sounding x360 more quiet!

Tis one of the things putting me off from getting one. I have no cabinet to place the beast. How does the fan compare to that of the PS2??


Grumbler said:
Hell be gutted if it turns out to be the BEST CONSOLE EVER. EVER.
Don't even joke about that Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

wii is silent,small, innovative and fun.
ps3 is noisy, massive, copycat and boring.
Face the facts, Sony, this generation you will turn out worst.
The only thing holding back Nintendo from topping the charts is supply. Come Summer and Ninty gonna be top of the charts in all catogaries.
In your face, Sony

PS: Blu-ray is rubbish and so is HD-DVD. this generation people are gonna use broadband to download hd films to their media centre pc with 300gb of space and get photo viewing, music playing, timeshifting and in film messaging for the same price as a blue ray drive or hd-dvd drive.

300gb will only go so far though. What will you do with the files when you want more space? Burn them to something or ditch them. I will wait for the war to be over.


Matthew Gastrian Evans said:
So on the one hand youve got Sony with an advert talking about how the PS3 can handle physics to the nth degree and on the other hand youve got the guy who pioneered in game physics saying its shit....hmm.

Yeah. I trust Valve more than anyone in the business. They've repeatly released awesome games.

Valve + Wii = Drool.

*Steam Channel?*

I only know that x360 is too loud to bear. There's no point in watching DVDs with it. I only heard, that PS2 is very quiet. But PS3 consumes even more energy than X360.

But that's not it imho. I think the way PS3 walks, leads to nowhere.
X360 isn't that expensive, it only uses current-gen drives (no HD-DVD or Blue-Ray). X360 does not *look* like the wrong way, PS3 may be too Next-Gen. Nobody wants it, it leads to a wall and no road. X360 isn't that over-the-top...

And the next-gen-media being not important is not true imho either: The movies are too big to all reside on 300, 500 even 750 GB of hdd-space. So what are you gonna do? Burn them on DVD? Hell, I have 300 DVD, sitting on the shelf behind me (all bought, so no illegal activities going on here, cops!). You think, that I would buy that much hdd-space? Or that I would like to donkey all these babies? I want picture quality, english (or chinese or japanese or french or whatever) soundtracks on them (because most German dubbing are not quite that good) and 5.1 sound (or more or less). I do not want to hunt for them on the internet.

But that's not why PS3 is a failure. Oh, heck, it can be a failure. I do not need PS3. But I fear with aggressive ads and going to the 'easy-to-aquire-need-for-speed'-fanboys supporting every stupid PS3 ad, giveaway or every noob-reporter talking about videogame business and saying 'Playstation' while talking about something he does not understand, it is very hard for PS3 to be a failure. I hope she dies, but then I want Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Grandia 4 to be on Wii! That's why I would even consider buying PS3 - because of these games! (I can not afford it, nor do I want to buy one, but maybe I am forced to someday).

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Well someone has forgot to tell the folk over in Japan that the PS3 is not wanted.

Some, magazine called Famitsu, recently sent out their most wanted games. Check it out

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" Either way it's obviously way too late to simply 'start again'"

Not exactly.
A PS3 for much cheaper, without bluray, would HUGELY help sales, imo. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I dare anyone here who believes this'll put a dent in Sonys side to ask 3 mates/people who are adament they will buy a PS3, if they no who this guy is?!

The PS3, regardless of the people who make games for it will sell because of 2 very important words put 2geva...'play' and 'Station'! Average Joe Public knows they've been playing with PS1s from when they were kids/ teens. Therefore, PS are always best coz the games are good and they can pretend they'll use old PS2 games on there....simple really! Smilie

My friend ACTUALLY (Like factually) said: "But because it's more expensive that means it's better."

He's not into consoles that much, all he ever buys are fifa and football managing games....But he reckons he'll get a PS3 when he can afford one..

I tried to coax him into getting a 360 but he was adament he wanted his playstation dosage.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

jb said:
The PS3 is a total disaster


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