UK Chart Highlights LXXXX | Sony & Microsoft Shake Nintendo Off

By Adam Riley 07.11.2006 6

UK Chart Highlights LXXXX
...Sony & Microsoft Shake Nintendo Off

Your weekly UK Chart Round-Up brought to you by stat-man jesusraz. Remember, the images here do not reflect actual sales!

Slowly slipping away...

We have gone from seeing Nintendo rise from the ashes earlier this year when Mario & Luigi made a surprising entry into the Top 10 of the All Format chart, but this was not followed-up until the end of March with the launch of Animal Crossing, then Brain Training in June and New Super Mario Bros. in June. Sadly Electroplankton failed to make an impact, Big Brain Academy was underwhelming, 42 All-Time Classics has already stuttered and collapsed, the DS Browser sunk without a trace, whilst Sudoku Master never even made the DS Top 20 last week! Where is the next hit going to come from now that the Pink DS Lite has been launched?

Need for Speed bursts Konami's football...

After a massive first week splurge to reach No.1 last week, Pro Evolution Soccer 6 drops to No.2 this week, being beaten by just over 1,000 units as Need for Speed: Carbon parks its shiny metal ass in the top spot. The next highest new entry comes in the form of GTA: Vice City Stories on PSP at No.6, just behind of Canis Canem Edit at No.5, and ahead of new entry Warhammer 40,000: Dark Crusade at No.9. Poor Brain Training is losing momentum, falling another three to No.15 on the All Price Top 40 this week, whilst 42 All-Time Classics has nose-dived out completely. Over on the Full Price Top 40, FIFA 07 is down one to No.3, The Sims 2: Pets slips to No.4, with Football Manager 2007 sliding three to No.7 and Scarface down to No.10 from last week's No.7.

There is a new entry for Neverwinter Nights 2 at No.13, Legend of Spyro picks up speed, climbing six to No.14, with New Super Mario Bros. down one to No.16 and a new entry for Marvel Ultimate Alliance at No.17. With the Pink DS Lite attracting more gamers to nintendogs, we see Dalmatian & Friends rise six to No.19 and the Labrador edition holding at No.28, but Animal Crossing is down two to No.25, yet Pippa Funnell on the DS somehow scrapes in at No.40 (despite being No.13 on the DS Top 20

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Eek! What ever is Nintendo going to do now!?!

*Wii launch, duh*


i bought 42 classics (best 20 quid i've spent on a game in ages), but i haven't seen an ad for it yet at all, but seen plenty of brain training and animal crossing ads, maybe thats why. Gearing up for advertising blitz before christmas for wii/ds? I certainly hope so.

Nintendo becoming a bit complacent with the DS software line up Smilie

Although the DS seems to be doing brilliantly in the mainland and has been doing for some time.

Was Pokemon Dungeon Games not to be released last Friday on the GBA and DS

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Come on 42 all-time classics (club house). I LOVE this game. Perfect DS game. Shame it's not getting the recognition it deserves...

Oh, you said assSmilieA more adult oriented site it is then?Smilie

I wonder how the Pok

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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