Nintendo Media | Pok

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2006 18

Nintendo of Japan have updated the official Pok

Box art for Pokémon Battle Revolution

Genius Sonority







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pokemon... lamest game ever Smilie
and this is supposedly the only online title so far?

Pokemon isnt the lamest game ever, only the "battle games" they keep making.

The "proper" pokemon games are quite deep and involveing. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I'm loving the graphics of those backdrops very detailed. However the Pokemon models I looked at for this game earlier were butt fffuggly...! I know Nintendo like to keep violence to a minimum but shouldn't pokemon make contact when fighting?????

Also I totally agree the Pokemon battle games were abit lame where as there "RPG" versions were deep and involving. Let's just Hope that this game combines both the battle and adventuring elements 3which will give us the true pokemon feel. If it does, coupled with online capabilities and maybe new backgrounds downloaded to your system via Wiiconnect24 not only will this be a must have when it launches but there could be a new age pokemon revolution.....!

If this reviews well I'm definately getting thisSmilie

( Edited on 30.10.2006 15:23 by OLU1701 )

I feel so gay that Pokemon is actually starting to excite me again.

Making contact with the other pokemon while fighting has nothing to do with the way the model of each pokemon appears, OLU1701, it has to do with the scripting and the animation.

Anyway I will be getting this, because I haven't gotten a Stadium/Colosseum era game since Stadium 1 on the N64, and I like to see my pokemon battling in 3D. Besides, the RPG's aren't deep or involving at all. Have you people ever gotten into a proper RPG before? Sheesh. The best part of Pokemon is putting together a dream team and battling, and you might as well do the battling in style! Smilie

Just my opinion, really. :cooldude:

( Edited on 30.10.2006 17:02 by Deletable_Man )



"The graphics do look nice and could shut up some ps360 fans"

Concidering its just one stage, two pokemon that dont contact at all and some special effects - its nothing more than a very basic fighting game in terms of raw power needed - with minimal animation, graphics and control used in the pokemon style play, the graphics are nothing special over the last gen titles that use far MORE raw power, such as Soul Calibur or a late Tekken and Dead or Alive

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Elrinth said:
pokemon... lamest game ever Smilieand this is supposedly the only online title so far?

Hey, we can all have an opinion can't we...even if some of us completely disagree Smilie

TipsyRabbit said:
I feel so gay that Pokemon is actually starting to excite me again.

Yeah, it is rather homosexual Smilie

Yay! I loves Pok

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Wow...the minigames...I remember that one with Sandshrew where you had to hammer the L and R N64 buttons. Nostalgia! Smilie

VelocityStrike said:
Wow...the minigames...I remember that one with Sandshrew where you had to hammer the L and R N64 buttons. Nostalgia! Smilie
God how I loved that game.... Smilie

& the Hitmontop one on Pok

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First of all the pictures look stunning! After much of simple-looking graphics of Pok

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

There is a difference between hating the cheesy & kiddy Anime series, from hating the brilliant RPG battles of the games. I hope noone here is seriously put off because of the Anime, that would be sad.

I love the Anime anyway, so... Smilie

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Fuck this. Pokemon is supposed to be portable.

I liked Pokemon Indigo League, Orange League and Pokemon Johto. Anything after that, no thanx

Why does the first one look like it has DS graphics and the second one look really nice? Smilie

It might just be the size of the screens, but the first one looks really grainy and not detailed at all to be honest. It would look way better if it was rounded rather than having those big flat edges too. It just looks like they've been lazy

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I reckon its the size of the screens that hampers the visual effect of the first screen, but I totally get ya, MDX0 Smilie

Meh, I reckon the final game will look great anyway, I'm just gonna be a Pok

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