Nintendo News | Wii Tidbits - Channels, DVD Playback, Basket Value

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.10.2006 35

With the launch of Nintendo's hotly anticipated console so close that one could taste it, various press have been reporting fresh facts and rumours on the machine and its games. Edge joins the trend with some interesting Wii tidbits.

  • CNN has signed up with Nintendo as the provider of news content on tne News Channel in American and Japan. News will be presented by category, but another way of getting to it is by spinning the weather globe to find stories in different countries

  • Sega has moved a significant number of development staff from PS3 to Wii over the Summer

  • Although Nintendo has removed DVD movie playback from the Wii, it plans to launch in Japan next year an enhanced Wii capable of such a feature

  • Nintendo intended to bring Wii to shop shelves in the UK and US for

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Just to clear some things up. The Panasonic Q (GC with DVD player) is built and owned by Panasonic, Nintendo lease them the licence to use the GC but thats about it.

Nintendo have to pay for a DVD licence per unit if playback is included in the console, that cost would be passed onto the consumer and would add on at least an extra

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

It still is abit dissappointing though that Wii doesn't have DVD playback straight out of the box as it's old hat now but whatever. The only thing I will be peeeved about is when sometime next year or beyond they release the black version of Wii. As with the launch of the DS Lite here in Europe, they should have given us the choice between Black and White but hey a white console is a damn sight better than say a purple one and any Nintendo console that releases with a Zelda game that has the potential to surpass Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Link to the Past and Majora's Mask in gameplay, control mechanics,storyline not to mention Graphics screams quality to me and is a must have at launch.Smilie

( Edited on 30.10.2006 11:07 by OLU1701 )

As I understand it from reading other articles around the 'net, the other channels would just be one per Virtual Console game... though I wouldn't bet my life on that bit.

As for the DVD thing. I wouldn't be surprised. Nintendo does it all the time with the Gameboy/DS. They redesign it, add a feature or 3, and then ship the new style out at the same price as the old style rather than simply reducing the price to cause buzz and sells. It's just the Nintendo way. Smilie


Nintendo has said their next console would utilise HD, does the WiiDVD qualify I wonder?

Nintendo has said their next console would utilise HD, does the WiiDVD qualify I wonder?

SKI said:
Nintendo has said their next console would utilise HD, does the WiiDVD qualify I wonder?
Dunno, Wii doesn't use much HD anyway, just 480p (progressive scan)

See, I've learnt that off by heart now because you guys talk about it so much! Smilie

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SKI said:
Nintendo has said their next console would utilise HD, does the WiiDVD qualify I wonder?


And to some other dude, yer not paying $100 more, its $50,

why would you want a shitty old looking dvd play when you can have a cool looking wii box instead, it would have rocked!!! (pricks)

fuck as a family here, we brought 2 snes, n64, 2 cubes, 3 ds (then 60+ games) and then nintendo pulls this shit with the wii. over charging for a suped up game cube to keep retailers happy and then pull features like the DVD player. Fuck another 10 quid would not hurt thier profits margens.

nintendo has lost a long time suporter here.

cool little wii advert:-

still, we will likely have to get one, but wil wait and see how the USA launch goes first.

SuperLiink said:
SKI said:Nintendo has said their next console would utilise HD, does the WiiDVD qualify I wonder?
Dunno, Wii doesnt use much HD anyway, just 480p (progressive scan)See, Ive learnt that off by heart now because you guys talk about it so much! Smilie

I wouldnt ever suspect it to play HDDVD or BRD, but a HDMI port would be considerate. And dont rule out the possibility of upgradable HD downloads, the 360 got one for 1080p today.

Amazingjanet said:
And why are people so pissed about A FUCKING DVD PLAYER FEATURE.
Because it would cost the sum total of

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