Nintendo News | Wii Tidbits - Channels, DVD Playback, Basket Value

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.10.2006 35

With the launch of Nintendo's hotly anticipated console so close that one could taste it, various press have been reporting fresh facts and rumours on the machine and its games. Edge joins the trend with some interesting Wii tidbits.

  • CNN has signed up with Nintendo as the provider of news content on tne News Channel in American and Japan. News will be presented by category, but another way of getting to it is by spinning the weather globe to find stories in different countries

  • Sega has moved a significant number of development staff from PS3 to Wii over the Summer

  • Although Nintendo has removed DVD movie playback from the Wii, it plans to launch in Japan next year an enhanced Wii capable of such a feature

  • Nintendo intended to bring Wii to shop shelves in the UK and US for

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Edge also has a really excellent Zelda article this month.


So we'll be getting a Wii SP (of sorts)? Can't be a Wii Lite, as how they'd streamline it more I don't know.


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Edge is teh gaming goodness! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

wiiHD? ill be pissed off if they do after i've got one at launch, ah well, typical nintendo., i hope it stays in japan, then i will be less angry.

Not WiiHD but WiiDVD, tismatron!

Well... I trust Edge in most of their news, but some sound a bit too ...edgie (*hihihihi*)

Nintendo intended to bring Wii to shop shelves in the UK and US for

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

So the reason for the Wii's high price is because of shops like Game?

And I thought we already knew there will be 48 Wii channel slots.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Sega has moved a significant number of development staff from PS3 to Wii over the Summer


Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

It is about time SEGA started to wise up and support the Wii more heavily let's hope more companies follow it's lead.

As for the price i sort of thought that as Nintendo always used the phrase recommended retail price of $$$$ whatever.

Personally Wii sports looks peic can't wait for boxing match's with my mates

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

So pissed off to hear there's going to be a Wii with DVD playback coming out when I've already preordered mine.


Obviously there's some good news in there too, but still


TipsyRabbit said:
So pissed off to hear theres going to be a Wii with DVD playback coming out when Ive already preordered mine. Ridiculous. Obviously theres some good news in there too, but stillRidiculous.

Obviously it's not confirmed, but yeah, it pisses me off as well.
But I am confused about "Wii channel slots," what are they filling them with? TV? Because I imagined there was only going to be a few; weather, news, Mii...............48?

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

The retail in the UK has a lot more power then in other countries.
"Although Nintendo has removed DVD movie playback from the Wii, it plans to launch in Japan next year an enhanced Wii capable of such a feature"

Worst idea EVER.
Its just freaking software :-/
I guess theres a possibility that the DVD lisence dosnt allowed for paid "software download" to enable playback....but thats just moving the stupidity somewhere else.

Also, CNN...meh.

Google News would have been far better, more demographic, and localised for each country, not each region. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Sega more supporting Nintendo? F-Zero Wii please!!!!! Smilie

The GameCube also supported DVD playback. What Nintendo might be refering to is a Panasonic Qii.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Obviously it's not confirmed, but yeah, it pisses me off as well.
But I am confused about "Wii channel slots," what are they filling them with? TV? Because I imagined there was only going to be a few; weather, news, Mii...............48?

All your VC games will appear as channels aswell so i'm guessing some of them will be taking up by that.

Although Nintendo has removed DVD movie playback from the Wii, it plans to launch in Japan next year an enhanced Wii capable of such a feature

Nintendo are fucking bastards lol.

It's bound to be true. We all love them etc, but at the end of the day they're just as bad as Sony.

Infact, probably worse because they KNOW how to make money without even being most popular.

If theres one company you'd be sensible to get shares in, it's this one....

Yeah, there's a screenshot showing the Channels page - there's a load of VC games as well as a few other applets like weather and the like.

I really don't see why everyone is getting pissed over PURE SPECULATION BULLSHIT in regards to the dvd playback thing.

Blade2t3 said:
Obviously its not confirmed, but yeah, it pisses me off as well. But I am confused about Wii channel slots, what are they filling them with? TV? Because I imagined there was only going to be a few; weather, news, Mii...............48?
All your VC games will appear as channels aswell so im guessing some of them will be taking up by that.

I see..Thanks Smilie

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Not a huge surprise about an enhance Wii for Japan... remember that did the same for Gamecube which was a silver cased system, with a LCD screen and DVD playback.

You can put your VC games into separate channels or hide them behind one category i.e. N64 games or whatever. Thats what I read anyway, but hey, Nintendo hasn't really divulged much ~ 20 days before the system comes out ~ so how will we know for sure? Smilie

So what about the bloomin' DVD Playback? It'll be a PanaSonic Q2 (or Qii as said above) that will stop production after a few months & never leave Japan! It's bound to happen. I'm still kinda pissed off at that, but dude, you could afford a Wii + DVD Player for cheaper than a DVD player implemented INTO the Wii.

As for SEGA moving to Nintendo, only knew it was a matter of time, I love SEGA, they're my gaming heroes! SmilieSmilieSmilie

Someone on the other thread mentioned SEGA titles like NiGHTS & Shenmue on Wii, I think NiGHTS could be quite likely, but isn't NiGHTS owned by Yuji Naka? So this may mean that Yuji Naka's new company's first game could be "NiiGHTS"! Smilie

As for Shenmue, could see it happen, but unless Wii gets a mature-ish title like PSO/PSU that sells well, I think Shenmue may only be a 360 release, sounds a Wii bit more likely.

I can also see the Ristar series being COMPELTELY REVIVED on Wii. Think about it, it's a launch release on VC, & Ristar's long arms + Wiimote & Nunchuck is innovation just waiting/begging to happen. Smilie

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Although Nintendo has removed DVD movie playback from the Wii, it plans to launch in Japan next year an enhanced Wii capable of such a feature

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

The gamecube has the excuse of different sized discs, the Wii takes the same discs, using the same lazer type. Its just the processing of the data stopping it from being a dvd player.
Ristar would rule, incidently.
"It's bound to be true. We all love them etc, but at the end of the day they're just as bad as Sony"

Not even remotely close.
Nintendo not-given-the-best-value to its customers its quite a far way from that which sony has done over the last few years.

(DRM/spyware in CD's, fake movie critics,poorly tested dangerious battaries rushed to market, making companys like lik-sang backrupt on lawsuits they stand no chance of winning but know the other side cant afford to pay for, lieing about compeditors features, claiming they came up with motion senstive pads goes on an on).

These are actualy things Id count as moraly wrong, rather then merely being "mean" to their customers..

(for examples of their meanness, see their plays for the new GT's pay-per-car pricing scheme) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Nintendo intended to bring Wii to shop shelves in the UK and US for

Darkflame said:
The gamecube has the excuse of different sized discs, the Wii takes the same discs, using the same lazer type. Its just the processing of the data stopping it from being a dvd player.----Ristar would rule, incidently.--Its bound to be true. We all love them etc, but at the end of the day theyre just as bad as SonyNot even remotely close.Nintendo not-given-the-best-value to its customers its quite a far way from that which sony has done over the last few years.(DRM/spyware in CDs, fake movie critics,poorly tested dangerious battaries rushed to market, making companys like lik-sang backrupt on lawsuits they stand no chance of winning but know the other side cant afford to pay for, lieing about compeditors features, claiming they came up with motion senstive pads goes on an on).These are actualy things Id count as moraly wrong, rather then merely being mean to their customers..(for examples of their meanness, see their plays for the new GTs pay-per-car pricing scheme)

Wii takes normal sized discs. Smilie

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