Industry News | Lik-Sang To Cease Trading

By Phil Beveridge 24.10.2006 29

After increasing lawsuits and judgements regarding import issues about Sony products over the past few months or so, Hong Kong based gaming retailer Lik-Sang has been forced to close down. From now on, new orders for the online store will no longer be accepted, and all existing orders such as pre-orders will be refunded. Pascal Clarysse, former marketing manager, of Lik-Sang, had this to say about the decision:

"Today is Sony Europe victory about PSP, tomorrow is Sony Europe's ongoing pressure about PlayStation 3. With this precedent set, next week could already be the stage for complaints from Sony America about the same thing, or from other console manufacturers about other consoles to other regions, or even from any publisher about any specific software title to any country they don't see fit. It's the beginning of the end... of the World as we know it".

The problems arising between Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and started in the summer of 2005, with a lawsuit regarding the sale of Japanese PSP systems to European markets. In the High Court of Hong Kong, Sony argued that the aforementioned website advertised the Sony products "in a dishonest manner" and "unlawfully interferes with Sony's economical interests". They also filed a similar lawsuit in the English courts, which Lik-Sang lost, and the pressure of multiple expensive lawsuits has unfortunately caused the website to cease trading.

A Sony representative speaking to earlier this month explains "Ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards, due to voltage supply differences et cetera; is not - in PS3's case - backwards compatible with either PS1 or PS2 software; will not play European Blu-Ray movies or DVDs; and will not be covered by warranty."

This latest news comes after yesterday's newest statement from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, explaining they will "utilise the full scope of the law" to stop many other online retailers and websites from selling imported PlayStation 3 consoles over the internet.

Here at Cubed3, we are sad to see the departure of, an affiliate of our website for many years, helping with our competitions and also promoting sales through the Cubed3 store. We wish the staff of the company all the best for the future, and we will be the first to inform you of any new developments on the import scene.

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This is harsh, and I'm glad they directly called out Sony as a result of this, with those name drops and everything. It just goes to show the hypocrisy...

From Lik-Sang's announcement:

Furthermore, Sony have failed to disclose to the London High Court that not only the world wide gaming community in more than 100 countries relied on Lik-Sang for their gaming needs, but also Sony Europe's very own top directors repeatedly got their Sony PSP hard or software imports in nicely packed Lik-Sang parcels with free Lik-Sang Mugs or Lik-Sang Badge Holders, starting just two days after Japan's official release, as early as 14th of December 2004 (more than nine months earlier than the legal action). The list of PSP related Sony Europe orders reads like the who's who of the videogames industry, and includes Ray Maguire (Managing Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Alan Duncan (UK Marketing Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Chris Sorrell (Creative Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Rob Parkin (Development Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited), just to name a few.

Lik-Sang may have had the postal speed of a snail (indeed, I've often said that their service can be akin to strapping the package to a random Chinese person, pointing them in a direction, ditching them in the sea and telling them to 'go that way'), but they have been good to me in the past as well, it was just a question of luck of whether you got your parcel fast or slow, or depended on how busy they were. Without them I wouldn't have gotten my Dreamcast import disc and random other bits and bobs, and the only time I've really been annoyed with them is when my copy of Yoshi Touch & Go got import taxed to high hell.

R.I.P. Lik-Sang, you'll be missed. I expect more backlash towards Sony for this.

I was going to buy God of War 2, I was going to buy Final Fantasy 12, when the price was low enough I was going to buy a PS3 to play the vast amount of RPGs due to that console and when my phone gets replaced I was going to get a new Sony Ericsson. Well Sony can now go and fuck themselves, I ain't buying a single piece of their equipment, console related or otherwise.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

SOny = Virus

What is wrong with Sony!?!? They are eViL.

( Edited on 24.10.2006 18:23 by IfritXVII )

I only buy Sony stuff second hand anyway.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Well that seals that, time to boycot Sony products.

Sony can fuck off. I had importing plans coming up for liksang as wellSmilie.

If they wanna shut anyone down, shut down the 1-man stall in my local market that had import PSP's before they were released.

Absolute wank.

The amount of comments of Lik-Sang customers gutted and feeling betrayed by this loss of the very company they IMPORTED THE FUCKING GAMES AND CONSOLES FROM SO THEY COULD PLAY ON THE PSP AND PLAYSTATION that bit sooner. They still made a sale, and this is simply cold hearted bastardness.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Nice Sony.

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

[Sony Director's meeting]

Head of Sony: Anyone got any strategies for success?

Satan: I say we fuck over a bunch of people and turn the whole world against us. Overcharge, sell faulty products, you name it we do it!

HoS: Holy shit Satan! You're getting a RAISE!

Ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards
Smilie Fuck off. They don't give a shit

( Edited on 24.10.2006 20:42 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Terrible news, feared this is how it would turn out Smilie

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

I'm proud to say my DS Lite came courtesy of Lik Sang. I am disgusted by Sony right now. Games consumers have lost out big time

this news makes me sad Smilie

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

yet another reason to hate sony they suck ass

"Ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards,"

They sale official sony adpters from multiple regions, and they have all the health and safty tests passed.
Sony themselfs have premoted region (semi) free aspexs of both the PS3 and the PSP.
In the PSP's case the idea was for people to take it on planes ect.

How they can get away with such a blatent lie is just crazy.
...esspecialy coming from a company who has had randomly exploding battarys. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Are there not others to import from?

Yeah, but Lik-Sang are still well loved, and it's just one less option. You have to worry though, now that they've got this victory, who will Sony go for next? Play-Asia? YesAsia? There are loads out there, but it'd be devastating if they got the idea into their head of taking out another of the big sites.

Hmmmm Sony. Oh dear. Bastards. Maybe they will go for the customers next lol

Sony and Support go together like francium and fluorine.

Things are going weirdly. Sony are going to be HATED by Europe anyway because they have already said that they are going to block and do whatever they can to stop importing.

I swear they would sell their mother for a penny.


WHOA fucking WHOA

"Ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards"

Is this the same Sony that only recalled millions of laptop batteries they knew to be dodgy once they started exploding on video?!!!

360 for me then.

How can any company close down a retailer that is selling its own products to its biggest hardcore fans AND its own staff!

I am sorely tempted to start a petition writing to Sony saying that we will boycott ALL Sony computer equipment until they remove this unfair trade barrier.

Anyone else want to help me start it? If theres enough they will have to take notice, especially with PS3 support looking shaky compared to PS2.

( Edited on 24.10.2006 22:40 by RobTheBuilder )

See no Wiivil
Hear no Wiivil
Speak no Wiivil


Smilie ahh poor Lik-Sang..... i really like that site.. fooking Sony bastards.. someone should fukin put them our of business....

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sony can stick their ps3 up there ass's. what pricks. i'm never buying anything with sony's name on it again.

Ok, that is fucked up. Pardon my language but Sony can fucking crash and burn for all I give a shit now. I've been relying on Lik-Sang for such a long time now. Sony...FUCK YOU! You can stick your shitty PSP up your fucking ass!

Fuck fuckity fuck shit SHIT BASTARD FUCKING WANK

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

I'm close to tears. Especially because I just ordered Ouedan. I don't want my money back I want my game. Lik-san was great, thus making it a great loss. Sony I think I hate you. *goes to cradle an old Lik-San box he kept*

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