Nintendo Wii Media | Far Cry Vengeance Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.09.2006 57

Ubisoft have officially revealed the Wii version of the first-person shooter series Far Cry, including some tasty screenshots and some artwork from the title. Titled "Vengeance" the game releases alongside the Wii this Winter.

The first instalment of the franchise on the Wii is an exclusive, featuring unique controls, storyline, maps and weapons over the original

Box art for Far Cry Vengeance

Ubisoft Montreal




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  2/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (39 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Well, isn't this Far Cry like, new or something? I mean, can't it be improved as they continue working on it? We shouldn't judge it as of yet, I've played Fsr Cry for Xbox and I liked the gameplay, so I don't think, even if it looks as it does now, that I wouldn't play it. Though it could use some online play and map editor.(tear)Smilie

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

The Evil Shy Guy said:
Well, isnt this Far Cry like, new or something? I mean, cant it be improved as they continue working on it? We shouldnt judge it as of yet, Ive played Fsr Cry for Xbox and I liked the gameplay, so I dont think, even if it looks as it does now, that I wouldnt play it. Though it could use some online play and map editor.(tear)Smilie

It's out in just 2 months time. That gives it about a month of developement time left, with that being taken up mainly by QA.

Trust me, it'll look like it does in the screens. They're not going to overhaul the graphics engine at the last second.

( Edited on 23.09.2006 18:43 by Willenium )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Oh....well then....darn....not too great graphics, no online play, and no map editor, what a terriic game...

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Certainly annoying because as Nintendo have shown the Wii is clearly capable of better. But it's not as bad as everyone seems to be making out. We haven't seen any videos, and that's a much better thing to go by as well.

My only concern is about developers not fully utilizing the system like the DS. Only Nintendo and a few good developers ever push the hardware, everyone else seems happy to produce GBA quality visuals with different control methods.

If one company does it, another will, and then before we know it hardly anyone will bother to push the hardware.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I playes this for the 360 and i didnt really like the game at all it is just like every other FPS out there. But now that it is to be used with the wii-mote it might be worth checking out.

My Ways are far to advanced for you to comprehend!

Soundworks said:
Certainly annoying because as Nintendo have shown the Wii is clearly capable of better. But its not as bad as everyone seems to be making out. We havent seen any videos, and thats a much better thing to go by as well. My only concern is about developers not fully utilizing the system like the DS. Only Nintendo and a few good developers ever push the hardware, everyone else seems happy to produce GBA quality visuals with different control methods. If one company does it, another will, and then before we know it hardly anyone will bother to push the hardware.

To be fair though alot of 3rd partys are starting to really push the DS now and the GBA+ titles are finally starting to at least die down.
Althost of there games are shit even if they are 3D Smilie

Soundworks said:
Certainly annoying because as Nintendo have shown the Wii is clearly capable of better.
That's what this is all about. I could handle shit graphics, but the fact is they CAN be better, and they should be. Ubisoft just expect us to pay for shit because they think we don't know any better

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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