Nintendo Wii Media | Far Cry Vengeance Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.09.2006 57

Ubisoft have officially revealed the Wii version of the first-person shooter series Far Cry, including some tasty screenshots and some artwork from the title. Titled "Vengeance" the game releases alongside the Wii this Winter.

The first instalment of the franchise on the Wii is an exclusive, featuring unique controls, storyline, maps and weapons over the original

Box art for Far Cry Vengeance

Ubisoft Montreal




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  2/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (39 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Hmm, it will probably be pretty fun to play - but IMO will be a bit short - doesn't seem like it's been in development long from what's been said.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

f | j | D said:
Sorry, but that should be running at a steady 100fps considering how bad it looks.
Man you TOTALLY stole that comment from the original Far Cry thread... Except I said 130 FPS Smilie

THIEF!!!! Smilie

Personally I see bugger all improvement from the first batch... Infact I'd say the water looks 10x worse than before...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Beautiful! the attention to detail is spot on and you can even see his vains. Cant wait for this, Far Cry is one of the best shoot em up's ive ever played so on Wii it will be even better than Goldeneye.

Marzy said:
Beautiful! the attention to detail is spot on and you can even see his vains. Cant wait for this, Far Cry is one of the best shoot em ups ive ever played so on Wii it will be even better than Goldeneye.

Are you blind man?

They look absolutely bollocks, well, not as shite as Turok GC but urgh!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Marzy said:
Beautiful! the attention to detail is spot on and you can even see his vains. Cant wait for this, Far Cry is one of the best shoot em ups ive ever played so on Wii it will be even better than Goldeneye.

That is sarcasm, right?

I need emoticons, people! Smilie

Still, what the hell have they done? This isn't even this gen!

I feel more like I should be paying 1000 points on the VC for this, instead of 40 odd pounds. I mean, why can't they take the the xbox graphics if the wii is more powerful?

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

No it's not sarcasm im telling you what I see in the game. The graphics look amazing.

patjuan32 said:
Craig David wrote:You what? RE4 did do 480p, except with blank bars at the top and bottom because the game was beyond the Gamcube.Every Nintendo licensed game states whether it is Progressive Scan Compatible, with an icon on the back of the DVD case. Resident Evil 4 does not have this Icon and therefore is not Progressive Scan Compatible. The game, RE4, may support 480i. The PS2 version of the game supports 480p.( Edited on 22.09.2006 01:40 by patjuan32 )

I'm certain it does. But your comment still didn't make sense. Were you drunk when you wrote it?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Well, there's definately an improvement over the last batch of screens that were released, but man, I'm starting to get a little worried guys. Wii is capable of much better graphics than this. Many GameCube and Xbox games look far superior than this and Wii is at least about a few times more powerful than either. Despite GC being the most user friendly system to develop for this gen, it was plagued by this very problem. The system was heavily under utilized by almost every 3rd party dev. I'm going to have a fit if history repeats itself. Hopefully these are screens from a very early build.

I'm getting nervous that devs are going to slack off on Wii's graphical capabilities just because that's not the sole focal point of the system. Therefore, not maximizing all of Wii's potential.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

It's obviously a rushed game to get another title out for xmas.

Oh my god...Marzy you're killing me. You rock man, so funny and stuff..

Oh werent joking..oh dear <_<

[mod edit]

Calm down.

( Edited on 22.09.2006 23:01 by jb )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Is that a threat? OMG it's impossible to say how you feel on this site without some plonker telling you that you need a punch in the face. That's really pissed me off and has made me quite sad.

I should report you for that.

Of course it's not a threat... I'm telling you you need some SENSE KNOCKED INTO YOU. You're acting like a fucking retard. There's no way in hell you could possibly think there's any respectable level of detail in those screenshots. Almost all GC games look better than that... Infact I can't think of a single one that looks worse off the top of my head. Stop being a stupid fanboy and praising every piece of shit that happens to fall on the Wii

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Stop being a stupid fanboy and praising every piece of shit that happens to fall on the Wii
Quick Edit
Of course it's not a threat... I'm telling you you need some SENSE KNOCKED INTO YOU. You're acting like a fucking retard. There's no way in hell you could possibly think there's any respectable level of detail in those screenshots. Almost all GC games look better than that... Infact I can't think of a single one that looks worse off the top of my head. Stop being a stupid fanboy and praising every piece of shit that happens to fall on the Wii

Did I praise Zelda? No. im just telling you what I think and it is good graphics.

Image for

^ as far as im concered, my home made explosions look better


Ok maybe not...*runs*

I suppose it doesn't look terrible, but the fact remains that GC games look better for god's sake...

edit: why the fuck would you not priase zelda? It looks better than every single wii game

( Edited on 22.09.2006 22:24 by knighty )

but the fact remains that GC games look better for god's sake...

Did I say GC games didn't look better?

( Edited on 22.09.2006 22:25 by Marzy )

Megadanxzero said:
Infact I cant think of a single one that looks worse off the top of my head. Stop being a stupid fanboy and praising every piece of shit that happens to fall on the Wii

Animal Crossing

:Smilietrides away at a moderate yet respectable pace befitting of his stature::

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Animal Crossing is an N64 game Smilie

And, o.k maybe you didn't technically say that GC games look better... But you said these shitty screens look 'beautiful'.
This is beautiful:

This is pretty beautiful:

Hell even this is beautiful:

THIS... Is far from beautiful...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I can garentee that it will look better when it's in action. Trust me I have for the XBOX and it looks exactly the same but when it's in action it looks beautiful. It still looks good considering the enviroment is so big. You say the trees look rubbish but there's so many im not suprised.

The screenshot has a lot of detail. By the way the hand looks all wierd because he's a predator. I bet you havn't even played Far Cry so stop talking about thingsd that you dont even know about.

I love that Zelda shot, never get sick of seeing it. I think ppl are being just a bit harsh on Marzy. I mean it is HIS opinion, no need in attacking him. It is as if he insulted your mothers.

And the farcry screens look shit, but so did Red Steel before the graphics overhaul. Don't worry, we will see an overhaul for Farcry too soon.

This is the screenshot that finalised my decision to get a Wii.

And yes, as Z rightly pointed out, Red Steel did look crap before the overhaul, but it now looks fandabidosi.

( Edited on 23.09.2006 13:57 by Tin Can Man )

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

although graphics does matter; for me personally, as long as the game works well with the wii-mote, that's all that I need! I just want it to be a fresh experience, and graphics aren't top priority.. (but obviously for this game, it does help)

Marzy said:
By the way the hand looks all wierd because hes a predator. I bet you havnt even played Far Cry so stop talking about thingsd that you dont even know about.
The fact that his hand looks weird and veiny doesn't excuse the fact that the texture looks terrible. The one on that Turok screen on the last page is infinitely better, and that's 4 years old.

And the Red Steel argument is rediculous. Red Steel never EVER looked THAT bad... As far as I know this is one of the first screens, and I'd be fine if Far Cry looked like this:
WHAT!? Decent graphics from Ubisoft!?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I don't see the worry, I admit, the screens shown are pretty bad, but if you look at MP3 screens you can see that the Wii is capable of a lot better, even so, it's the fresh ideas and gameplay that make me buy something more than just the flashy graphics. Games that are aeons old are still great fun for me, even if they graphics are terrible. Not that I'm saying the Wii has terrible I said above, looking at screens from other games show that the Wii is capable of good things.

And like someone above said, which has always decided my mind for me, any game I see on the XBox that looks good I just wait a little while and buy on the PC, as for Sony...well...there's no chance of me buying something of that bunch of money hungry theives.

I hate it when people say "terrible graphics"

There's a difference between bad, and old.

Just because super metroid, or yoshis island are old DOESNT MEAN THEY HAVE BAD GRAPHICS! >_< They're just old! They will never stop looking good, just like Metroid Prime and Sunshine.

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