Nintendo Wii Media | Far Cry Vengeance Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.09.2006 57

Ubisoft have officially revealed the Wii version of the first-person shooter series Far Cry, including some tasty screenshots and some artwork from the title. Titled "Vengeance" the game releases alongside the Wii this Winter.

The first instalment of the franchise on the Wii is an exclusive, featuring unique controls, storyline, maps and weapons over the original

Box art for Far Cry Vengeance

Ubisoft Montreal




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  2/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (39 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Looks better than the first screens. It will be interesting to see the reviews for all these ubisoft games, hopfully it isn't quantity over quality.

( Edited on 21.09.2006 22:40 by Blade2t3 )

Blade2t3 said:
Looks better than the first screens. It will be interesting to see the reviews for all these ubisoft games, hopfully it isnt quantity over quality.( Edited on 21.09.2006 22:40 by Blade2t3 )

I hope so too. It does look much better than the initial batch (not sure if those old ones were Wii screens, but they do seem very likely).

Hmm, I do think the Xbox screens look better though.

Shame about the map editor - don't see why that couldn't have been included. I always love to create my own levels, and it was a great feature of the Xbox version.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Is it me...or does the guy in the first shot have bad circulation? Smilie

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

jb said:
Blade2t3 said:Looks better than the first screens. It will be interesting to see the reviews for all these ubisoft games, hopfully it isnt quantity over quality.( Edited on 21.09.2006 22:40 by Blade2t3 )
I hope so too. It does look much better than the initial batch (not sure if those old ones were Wii screens, but they do seem very likely). Hmm, I do think the Xbox screens look better though.Shame about the map editor - dont see why that couldnt have been included. I always love to create my own levels, and it was a great feature of the Xbox version.

I don't get ya, do you mean the Xbox screens for this game look better than the Wii pics, or these are Xbox screens and they look better than the last? Or do you actually mean 360?


Xbox Far Cry > Wii Far Cry > Original shots claimed to be Wii Far Cry


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Heres a screenshot from Turok Evolution (2002) on the gamecube

Image for

Not much difference imo.

Yeh ive gotta say lookin at some of those trees in the back ground worries me a bit Smilie

Oh wow... I think I just threw-up a lil in my mouth Smilie

Fjd gives a nice comparison there is really no difference but if it turns out to be good i will probably buy it

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Those skin textures are the worst thing I've ever seen. Blurry as fuck.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Vengeance runs at a steady 30fps. 60 wasn't used to ensure stability as with past Far Cry titles.

Image for

Sorry, but that should be running at a steady 100fps considering how bad it looks.

How on earth it cannot manage 60fps with that pile of manure on screen I have no idea..

EDIT: Thanks fjd now I don't have anything meaningful to say Smilie..............................................pringles.

( Edited on 22.09.2006 00:10 by Slydevil )

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Indeedy, just doesn't look this generation or the next.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Not good at all Smilie

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These screenshots have to be from an early build of the game. The Gamecube can produce better graphics than what is shown in these screenshots.

Resident Evil 4 showcased what the GPU of the GameCube could do and that game did not support 480p. If the Wii is more powerful than the gamecube, then the graphics of this game will be outstanding.

Resident Evil 4 showcased what the GPU of the GameCube could do and that game did not support 480p.

You what? RE4 did do 480p, except with blank bars at the top and bottom because the game was beyond the Gamcube..

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Craig David wrote:
You what? RE4 did do 480p, except with blank bars at the top and bottom because the game was beyond the Gamcube.

Every Nintendo licensed game states whether it is Progressive Scan Compatible, with an icon on the back of the DVD case. Resident Evil 4 does not have this Icon and therefore is not Progressive Scan Compatible. The game, RE4, may support 480i. The PS2 version of the game supports 480p.

( Edited on 22.09.2006 01:40 by patjuan32 )

Nintendo and Ubisoft, (any publisher out there) please do not release any screen shoots for the Wii until the games are polished. The Wii is not a graphic beast hence whatever is released to the public will be committed to memory are a testament to the Wii's capabilities. I would rather wait and be in the dark to see a polished game (like MP3) for example than look at complete wet sh*t like these screen shoots. I am a die hard Nintendo fanboy and this is hard for me to look at and not worry if the Wii will survive even two year.




This isn't next gen.


i must say i'm impressed with the improvement made over the last batch which were sent out. Hopefully we will get a good few titles out of ubisoft as they don't usually let us down.

Bleep bleep blork bleep

Defiantly early shots and they will have some improvement, i can guarantee it.

Microsoft designed the Xbox to use their DirectX technology, which is also featured in their windows operating system. This allows developers to easily port a PC game to the Xbox. This is an advantage that the Xbox and Xbox 360 have over the Wii and the PS3.

I would call that more of a disadvantage. DirectX sucks and slows down the power of the hardware.
I'm glad, that Wii doesn't use that crap.
And I'm glad, that xBox does, because if there's a title I want to play on xbox, i just wait some 6-12 months and buy it on PC. Even Jade Empire comes to PC and hopefully is more bugfree than on the Box.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

DirectX is just a set of nice API's for communicating with the hardware.
Its a nice standard for the pc, but it has nothing too much over OpenGL. Also, I see OpenGL takeing off a lot more, because microsoft is forceing people to buy Vista in order to use DX10.
(eg, they are trying say "all those new graphic card features dont work unless you have our OS"....which is frankly silly, wont be long before people with Linux or Macs show they can access the cards too).

As far as consoles go, DirectX isnt an advantage. The hardware is known 100%, direct X does make porting easier...but its a minor thing compared to the CPU/Hyperthreading they should be doing for the 360 and PS3. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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A little bad but deserves alot of kudos.

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