Nintendo News | Resident Evil Turns 10 On Gamecube

By Mike Mason 20.09.2006 28

Quick news: With the Resident Evil series turning 10 years old this year, Capcom are releasing a 10th anniversary package on Gamecube. Currently confirmed for a 24th October American release and including Resident Evil REmake, Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 4, could we see it over here - or is the Gamecube too far gone in the UK?

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Seriously mate RE junk i hate FF but i admit it is good, i would like to see one bad review of RE4 heck i haven't seen one review below 9.5.

Junk don't make me slap your ass

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Marzy said:
No? Im trying to say that if he gets thrills of Resident Evil which is really boring then hell wet himself when he gets the Wii because its really fun to play.

...apparently anyway Smilie

I bought REmake...but I never made it to the first save point. I'm convinced there's something wrong with the game.

As for RE4, it's a bloody good game, maybe an ickle bit repetitive and an ickle bit overrated as well. Still good though Smilie

I'd buy it!! I could play them on the Wii then seeing as I've sold everything except for two controllers and a memory card.

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