Nintendo News | Resident Evil Turns 10 On Gamecube

By Mike Mason 20.09.2006 28

Quick news: With the Resident Evil series turning 10 years old this year, Capcom are releasing a 10th anniversary package on Gamecube. Currently confirmed for a 24th October American release and including Resident Evil REmake, Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 4, could we see it over here - or is the Gamecube too far gone in the UK?

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Too Far gone.

They've already built a community library over the GameCubes grave.

I wouldn't mind it, if it were cheap. I've played the original (on PSX), not played 0 and seen/played RE4, but not owned it either. Wouldn't mind picking that up as a nice bundle for me Wii.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Still haven't played 0, and need to buy RE4 again. I'd buy it if it was at a decent price.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I can only wait for the PS2 announcement...its completely inevitable

0 is a decent game, feels a bit dated but worth looking out if cheap.

*yawn* They're still actually making new games for the Gamecube?

It was a beautiful machine, but it's dead.

Let it die with honor; it's going to go out with a bang with LoZ:TP, at least we can look forward to that.

dojo99 said:
I can only wait for the PS2 announcement...its completely inevitable

Two of those games aren't on PS2, they can't bundle Resident Evil 4 with Resident Evil 4.

Blizzard224 said:
*yawn* Theyre still actually making new games for the Gamecube?It was a beautiful machine, but its dead.Let it die with honor; its going to go out with a bang with LoZ:TP, at least we can look forward to that.

Don't forget the raped version of Zelda on the Wii, stealing the GC's jewel.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It was a beautiful machine, but it's dead.

Aye, R.I.P

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IF they include all the PS2-exclusive stuff in RE4 it might be worth it... But I'd certainly sell my RE4 I already have first... RE 0 and REmake don't really interest me though. The control scheme is completely hopeless...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Let it die with honor; it's going to go out with a bang with LoZ:TP, at least we can look forward to that.

It was a beautiful machine, but it's dead.

Aye, R.I.P

Its a machine, not a living thing! I certainly haven't played all the games that I wanted on it yet, theres still plenty there to keep me going, now there are few new games for it its time to catch up on all the games that I missed the first time around, and I suggest other people do the same. I anticipate playing my GameCube for a long time yet.

REmake and RE0 really good games RE4 is in a class on if's own amazing game if the CUBE version gets the PS2 extras i would certainly get it but we can only dream for something like that to happen

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Surely something like that will have to come on about 6 Gamecube discs? (Aren't they all 2 discs each?)

Seems a bit silly to me.

Im tierd of Resident Evil. Everyone ive bought has been a load of crap and boring. It's to over-rated and should end not keep bring another one out.

the orginal RE's was great, 4 however was overrated and such a bore, i dont see why people love it so much, its so repitive.

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Parasyte said:
the orginal REs was great, 4 however was overrated and such a bore, i dont see why people love it so much, its so repitive.

You have just earned a star. At last someone is agreeing and feels exctly the same way as I feel about Resident Evil. Boring and repetative.

Marzy said:
Parasyte said:the orginal REs was great, 4 however was overrated and such a bore, i dont see why people love it so much, its so repitive.
You have just earned a star. At last someone is agreeing and feels exctly the same way as I feel about Resident Evil. Boring and repetative.

You both suck balls.
Parasyte, you suck balls, because you gave RE4 a 1, only because it changed it's control scheme and it didn't feel like RE to you anymore. That's no reason to give a game a 1.
You need actual flaws in a game, like a choppy frame-rate, crap controls, buggy controls, buggy graphics, or something worse, to actually give a game as low as a 1.

Marzy, you suck balls... Because you just do.
Resident Evil isn't one of the most overrated series, it's actually been shat on countless times because of the control scheme. And even though the control scheme was even cruder than a tank's, the actual scares were well done, if a bit cheap at times, and the feeling of survival horror was,imo, definitely achieved.

I think it's obvious I don't agree with either of USmilie

( Edited on 20.09.2006 20:26 by Shinji_Zooka )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

RE remake was the best cube RE, mucho better than RE4, Zero was also better.
p.s. never completed RE remake, but watched me bro complete it, its rock hard, nearly as hard as my...ear?Smilie

Marzy, you suck balls... Because you just do.

Smilie another star to give away. But your entitled to your own opinions.

Marzy said:
Parasyte said:the orginal REs was great, 4 however was overrated and such a bore, i dont see why people love it so much, its so repitive.
You have just earned a star. At last someone is agreeing and feels exctly the same way as I feel about Resident Evil. Boring and repetative.

I'm not just saying this for a star... but I didn't like Resident Evil 4 much either.

In a lot of ways RE4 was faultless, technically anyway, you can't fault the graphics, can't fault the controls, it was very well polished... But wheres the fun? Its just a lot of shooting, its nothing like the original Resident Evils. The other RE's weren't great either, they are heavily flawed and in many ways are ruined by poor controls and other annoyances. But in fixing all of these faults, RE4 has lost all of the aspects that made the other games remotely worth playing.

I agree agian. A games meant to be fun. Whats the point of playing a game were you get no enjoyment from it.

Marzy said:
Parasyte said:the orginal REs was great, 4 however was overrated and such a bore, i dont see why people love it so much, its so repitive.
You have just earned a star. At last someone is agreeing and feels exctly the same way as I feel about Resident Evil. Boring and repetative.

Don't think i have heard more shite in a paragragh. RE series amazing an RE4 along with LOZOOT are the best games ever, you are entitled to your opinions but what you's just said was utter wank

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Whatever mate. If you get thrills from playing this junk then your going wet yourself when you play the Wii.

( Edited on 20.09.2006 21:09 by Marzy )

Marzy said:
Whatever mate. If you get thrills from playing this junk then your going wet yourself when you play the Wii.( Edited on 20.09.2006 21:09 by Marzy )

So basically you're saying the Wii is junk?Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

No? Im trying to say that if he gets thrills of Resident Evil which is really boring then he'll wet himself when he gets the Wii because it's really fun to play.

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