Marzy said:
Parasyte said:the orginal REs was great, 4 however was overrated and such a bore, i dont see why people love it so much, its so repitive.
You have just earned a star. At last someone is agreeing and feels exctly the same way as I feel about Resident Evil. Boring and repetative.
You both suck balls.
Parasyte, you suck balls, because you gave RE4 a 1, only because it changed it's control scheme and it didn't feel like RE to you anymore. That's no reason to give a game a 1.
You need actual flaws in a game, like a choppy frame-rate, crap controls, buggy controls, buggy graphics, or something worse, to actually give a game as low as a 1.
Marzy, you suck balls... Because you just do.
Resident Evil isn't one of the most overrated series, it's actually been shat on countless times because of the control scheme. And even though the control scheme was even cruder than a tank's, the actual scares were well done, if a bit cheap at times, and the feeling of survival horror was,imo, definitely achieved.
I think it's obvious I don't agree with either of U
( Edited on 20.09.2006 20:26 by Shinji_Zooka )