Nintendo News | Wii Pre-Order Sell Out

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.09.2006 44

Quick News: According to CD Freaks the pre-order reservations on have completely sold out since becoming available from Friday September 15th. The Wii hit the 6th in top selling Game Hardware list. The numbers reserved are currently unknown, but the system reached its limit in a matter of hours - blimey!

Thanks to C3 reader Tim for the tip.

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I totally agree with you Laurelin, Excite truck looks fantastic. I was checking out the trailers on IGN. I'm pretty sure that with the exception of Zelda, Nintendo purposedly held back the usual suspects so that we would focus on games like excite truck and 3rd party launch offerings. Why do I also get this sneaky feeling that around Easter not only will they drop the price of Wii in Europe but they'll also give us a black variation of the console as they did with the DS Lite.Mmmmmm now that would be something. beamrider2600 you have a point. I bought most of my N64 games from Gamestation and even picked up my Gamecube at launch from there as well. They have always shown a staunch support for Nintendo products particularly on the Homeconsole front when others have not. However, due in part to the fact that a friend of mine is working at Game, I'm contemplating picking up my Wii from there. They told me that they'll be getting in contact with customers that put their names down for a pre-order so now that the launch details and price have been announced for Wii in the UK, I'm pretty sure that I'll hear something from them this week asking for some sort of a deposit. Roll on the Wii

Wow, I guess I should really try and get my pre-order in pretty soon then. o_o

I'll probably try Gamestation tomorrow. Does anybody know how they're handling pre-orders? Are they just noting the names of those who're interested, or are they taking deposits?

I only have Game and Gamestop in Ireland, and even though I hate the bastards I'll pre-order it with game as its only a 15 minute walk from my house:cooldude:

ZiggyStardust said:
Wow, I guess I should really try and get my pre-order in pretty soon then. o_oIll probably try Gamestation tomorrow. Does anybody know how theyre handling pre-orders? Are they just noting the names of those whore interested, or are they taking deposits?

Its a

Okay people, question time answered. I tried both GAME and Gamestation.

- Not taking deposits yet, will in the next few weeks.
- Only taking down phone numbers so they can call people.
- No bundles/deals arranged yet.
- No word of a

Cheers Mike i think i will go to GAME on saturday and give them telephone number, just hope that i don't miss out on getting it at launch

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Mason said:
Okay people, question time answered. I tried both GAME and Gamestation.GAME- Not taking deposits yet, will in the next few weeks.- Only taking down phone numbers so they can call people.- No bundles/deals arranged yet.- No word of a

I certainly hope not Hazuki.

The likes of Red Steel i worry about not getting although from what i have heard every time GameCentral play it they say it is very unimpressive anyone now a concrete launch games, hope they are plenty of controllers available want Wii play sounds great fun

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Gameplay today have updated their Wii page, re-confirming that pre-orders will be available "VERY soon". So, anybody wanting a Wii on launch from a great online service, keep your eyes on here:

Gameplay Wii page

As soon as they apear, I'll be there ordering one with THE trio (Zelda, Red Steel, Excite Truck).

( Edited on 18.09.2006 20:38 by shiptoncraig )

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

I'm shopping around, I feel I have to... Smilie

I've asked in GAME, they said they know nothing of a midnight release, then I saw this article, & it really worried me, now I want more than anything to pre-order & withhold my Wii, before they're out of stock, I want one on release day...

But I also really want to go to the midnight release, which is why before I didn't pre-order it, as I wanted to pre-order it from a midnight release shop, but they say they have no idea which shops will do it, if any, so I'm going to take my chances, & pre-order it from my nearest city, Truro, hopefully tomorrow. Since it's a fairly big GAME, it's more likely to get a midnight release than the one in Penzance Smilie

So.... I hope it all works out Smilie

DAMMIT I need to pre-order one, & fucking fast. I'm so doomed. I KNOW IT!! Smilie

( Edited on 18.09.2006 20:56 by Sought The Poltercow )

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Holy shit... Hopefully it won't be quite that mad here... I still don't even have a job yet >.>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Same here, may aswell reward brand loyalty. Oh and I never actually "shop" on launch day but what about buying games instore, anyone think there'll be problems?

I've decided that I don't mind what I get so long as I get something, there are a few launch games that I wouldn't mind buying. Obviously Zelda is my first choice but if I can't get that I wouldn't mind, say, Red Steel, Excitetruck or Super Monkey Ball (I'll probably get those eventually anyway depending on reviews), or failing that just the Wii and Wii Sports would be fine. The excitement about the console alone is enough, I've got all the time in the world to get games.

I cant help feeling that while the Wii is ludicrusly popular and will sell tons and tons many of these preorders are going to end up on Ebay as the overpriced auction phenomenon continues.

Unfortunatly many people will buy thier consoles for massive prices on Ebay only making the situation worse (much lke the gig ticket problem). Would people who miss out on preorders consider buying a Wii for

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I have good news for myself personally Smilie

My bro went to GAME in Truro & spoke with the Nintendo fans there (Yar, they love Nintendo in that GAME)

They said they WERE doing a Midnight release

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SuperLink said:
I have good news for myself personally SmilieMy bro went to GAME in Truro & spoke with the Nintendo fans there (Yar, they love Nintendo in that GAME)They said they WERE doing a Midnight release

Unfortunatly many people will buy thier consoles for massive prices on Ebay only making the situation worse (much lke the gig ticket problem).

Those jerks deserve to DIE! I suppose for console it isn't too bad, you can always wait a couple of months and then buy it. For a gig, it's either buy the overpriced ticket or not go!

Must... Get.. Arse... In... Gear...

Pfft... I'll sort it out later.

Ghost-in-the-Snow said:
Heh, Truro used to be my local shopping place, but now Ive moved for Uni and Im in Plymouth, more shops around for deals plus I can get out for any midnight releases (which I couldnt where I used to live)So, fingers crossed, Ill be able to get a Wii on release!Still havent found anywhere taking pre-orders...have to keep checking...


So... before I get my hopes up... IS there a GameStation there? Smilie

Too late, I've already got my hopes up, but please tell me if there's a GameStation Smilie

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