Nintendo News | No DVD Playback for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.09.2006 40

Quick News: Speaking to IGN Wii earlier today Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing Perrin Kaplan confirmed that the Wii won't be able to play DVDs. The reasoning behind this was that Nintendo want to keep costs completely down, and that many homes already have DVD players.

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it was in this paragraph:

The report also claims that Nintendo is finally prepared to deviate slightly from its

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

F**k all this, the Pc kid blokes right and like him i hope HDDVD does win, because in part it will mean a disaster for Sony because of the development costs of producing the Blu ray format Smilie did you khow that Blu ray is actually made using Sweetcorn yes it's f**king true! the disc surface is primarily comprised of hard as F proteins obtained from Sweetcorn, this gets me thinking perhaps thats why they are so hard to digest if you khow what i meanSmilie last post re: BULLSHITE the Wii sounds like its going to far exceed FANS expectations and THEY have always been high- from what i have read today it seems there is a lot more news to come- from both Nintendo and the big developers.

i get the impression that people think that the Wii does not contain technology onboard that rivals that of its competitors, it does, it simply uses this technology in a very clever way- a way that i guess that will only be fully explained when you have a Wiimote in your hand and when you realise what 24connect will mean for the industry, these possibilities were only concievable because of the issues surrounding power consumption-(keeping it low like a DS in HIBE mode)and ditching the roadmap other companies have decided to take- clock speeds CPU's and new crazy powerfull GPU's, i really feel as though it will all come good for Nintendo this time and that been because of simple trial and error and not trying to lead the pack with just technology on your side at the lack of innovation. Nintendo has produced a little wonder of a machine not designed to dwarf PS3 but to take a permanent place in the households of the MAJORITY

( Edited on 14.09.2006 23:06 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Bitch!!! Why?? I want to watch DVD's in my room! I guess I'm going to have to buy a freaking DVD player then...

simple answer POWER CONSUPTION -it has played a major role in Wii overall design because of the aims of the select north america or australia to read the interviews it explains a lot of things minimising power usage keeps the console small and why, explained-

( Edited on 14.09.2006 23:18 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Point taken...But still, they could have not said it would support DVD playback before.

Squidboy said:
simple answer POWER CONSUPTION -it has played a major role in Wii overall design because of the aims of the select north america or australia to read the interviews it explains a lot of things minimising power usage keeps the console small and why, explained- Edited on 14.09.2006 23:18 by Squidboy )

Why would DVD playback make any differenceto power consumption? It takes a hell of a lot more power to play a game than play a DVD.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

^LOL, Squidboy.

The price thing doesn't make sense at all, they said that you'd have to buy it separately, after all, what's the big deal? Espically how the Wii's being marketed as some kind of living room accessory (Internet, weather, freaking post-it notes, for crying out loud) you'd think they'd actually include something useful, like a DVD player.

I do not see the argument for DVD play back for the Wii. If Nintendo did produce the add on for DVD play back and Charged 19.99 for the device. Fanboys would cry foul and state that they could purchase a dvd player for that price.

Guess what, you can and you should.

Willenium, I've had experience with smaller DVD players (still bigger than the Wii) and have ahd each one burn out after about six months through overhaeting, before anyone says, yes they were well ventillated and kept clean. The operational noise on them was quite loud and the playback stuttery. While cost is an issue quality is one as well, and when you can buy a DivX player for about

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

personally i dont really mind, never really saw the appeal with DVD playback any way i never thought it worked that well and anyway just go n buy a DVD player there really cheap now Smilie

They should have just stuck with the original plan to make us pay the licensing fee optionally... Mo-fos...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

does not matter dvd players are 30bucks at walmart so yippy du.

Smilie Ah damn it! It would've nice to save space with Wii being able to play DVDs... argg.

if nintendo is going to be in the living room and it would have DVD playback i dont think you would trow your standalone DVD player its no biggi


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