Nintendo News | No DVD Playback for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.09.2006 40

Quick News: Speaking to IGN Wii earlier today Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing Perrin Kaplan confirmed that the Wii won't be able to play DVDs. The reasoning behind this was that Nintendo want to keep costs completely down, and that many homes already have DVD players.

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Makes sense, 5 years ago with the GC it was a missed opportunity but now DVD players are pretty common place.

aww, damn. I wanted a dvd player for my room, not just downstairsSmilie

Would have been good as an extra - wouldn't be too much more over the price I would think. Bit of a shame really.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Shame, but not end of world.

Positive Wii news > This, today.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

I reckon it's probably more to do with piracy prevention than costs.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Couldn't care less i have 2 DVD player's in my room don't ask why.

It is a minor blow v.minor

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

It should have a DVD player.

I'm not surprised. It's only logical that they would leave it out to keep costs down to attract the broad market their aiming for. I personally could care less if Wii could play DVDs. Just about every home has at least one dedicated DVD player anyway.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Oh well im not bothered. Fine it would of ben a nice extra but most people have them these days anyway and if you dont you can pick them up for real cheap.

It would cost next to nothing to do DVD playback. Seriously, it's abou piracy. They're doing the whole 'propreitary optical disc' cherade again, just like with the GC, to make people think it's not a DVD drive and won't play games burnt onto DVDR whatever you do.

The GC just has a normal DVD drive which reads little barcodes in the middle of GC discs.

Personaly I couldn't care less, there's a DVD player built into my TV, and the Wii would be a crap DVD player. You can get one with optical out for about

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.
Guest 14.09.2006#11

no DVD: fine.
but no Blu-Ray or HD-DVD?
Nintendo shooting themselves in the foot again, just wait till 2010.


I don't care about DVD playback.

Hang on, I read on here today that it does have DVD playback?!


thats fine with me, got a dvd player within my 7.1 dolby prologic surround sound Technics system. Im pretty happy.

f | j | D said:
Hang on, I read on here today that it does have DVD playback?!WTF

Same, something about Nintendo asserting their new-found devotion to all things multimedia.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

i dont bloody care at all **** it hdvd and blu ray will eventually make DVDs the lame duck in a few years especially because of PS3' blu ray that will promote the format, hopefully ninty will relase an hdvd add on later

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I'm confused. One news post said it did. Now this says it doesn't?

I guess either way, I don't care. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

There should be an option to have an add-on. Why shouldn't there be?

Willenium said:
It would cost next to nothing to do DVD playback. Seriously, its abou piracy. Theyre doing the whole propreitary optical disc cherade again, just like with the GC, to make people think its not a DVD drive and wont play games burnt onto DVDR whatever you do.The GC just has a normal DVD drive which reads little barcodes in the middle of GC discs.Personaly I couldnt care less, theres a DVD player built into my TV, and the Wii would be a crap DVD player. You can get one with optical out for about

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Since you even know what laser color Wii will use you are not sure to say 'It cost almost nothing to include DVD-playback'.

And: I think Big N ist right to scrap it. Who need it? every one has a player...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I actually think an HDDVD add-on will be a good idea in the near future but not right now, it is better they capitalise on who wins the format war than just make quick decisions but we all know HDDVD will win in the end.(at least i hope)

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

NOOOOO!!! Smilie

Oh well, may as well get a non reigonal normal DVD player then. Smilie

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Laurelin said:
Since you even know what laser color Wii will use you are not sure to say It cost almost nothing to include DVD-playback.And: I think Big N ist right to scrap it. Who need it? every one has a player...

I'm willing to bet it's just DVD, like the gamecube was in the end.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

its ok. my pc is connected to my tv Smilie

Same, something about Nintendo asserting their new-found devotion to all things multimedia.

Haha, I sense sarcasm! Smilie

To be honest, if ths is true, the whole idea of the Wii reaching out or even being the 'centre' of the living room entertainment is out. I thought having the Wii-Mote look so much like a normal TV control would allow it to easily fit in. But if theres no DVD use, it might make it more diffcult.

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