Nintendo News | Red Steel Wii - Freehand Sword, Load Times, Graphics Overhaul

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2006 30

Red Steel has been upgraded since E3, and during the LGC conference last week German Nintendo website, Nintendo-Lan, managed to speak to the game's developers on the issues of graphics, load-times and swordplay.

An IGN reader, Mordrag submitted questions for the website to ask at GDC, and has provided a translation that holds some interesting points on the upcoming Ubisoft FPS.

Mordrag: Hi, in your interview with Ubisoft you could ask how the swordfighting is going to work now, because it was announced to be redesigned. So that the swordmoves aren't predetermined any more but are converted 1:1.

N-LAN: That's the case indeed. The developer has confirmed that the control scheme will be completely redesigned so that the controller moves are converted into the game precisely. Besides the controller sensitivity will be completely adjustable in the final version. And the graphics were improved very well since E3, now the atmosphere is darker and thrilling. But that's not all, there will be even more improvements on the graphics side.

Mordrag: Furthermore you could ask Ubisoft if there are any loading times in Red Steel or in other games on the Wii.

N-LAN: In Red Steel there will be no loading times at all because of smart streaming techniques. How it's handled in other Wii games we can't say at the moment. But it's a fact that Mario Strikers Charged will have loading times similar to the Gamecube version of the game.

We were not told if that will be changed in the future. But we're sure that it will work like on the Gamecube. And as you know the loading times on Gamecube - if they have existed at all - actually were not a big deal.

It's certainly positive news to see the Wii having little to no load times and Ubisoft implementing the controller as effectively as possible.

Red Steel launches alongside the Wii later this year.

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Box art for Red Steel





First Person Shooter



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Well it's nice to hear that even though the Wii isn't powerful Ubisoft are still giving time to improve the graphics! Those guys are awesome! I'd star themSmilie

I think people are geting the wrong idea about this game,the interface game controls- will NOT be based on recrecreating your exact hand movement for Katana fights this would require the player to be well versed in sword fighting skill but ubisoft has said that pre loaded remote movements would perform certain sword moves, yes this is diasapointing but the hardware technology to do so anyway would be too expensive to and not very cost effective, However sources in Nippon state that the recent mods on the sensor bar will allow future proofing and that the reason George Lucas has remained quite about the possibility of an inevitable star wars game is because his motion capture company is working a deal alongside the company responsible for producing the wii remote to produce new improved technology for a next generation of star wars fans and the rumours are that it will not be a wii remote but the "Wii Power Glove" remember the Nintendo power glove- the the crazy cool looking thing that turned out to be crap, well it seems it is coming back with the latest tech capabilities that will see fibre optics that will detect finger tension, and hand movements currently undetectable with the remote- sound like gaming heaven- imagine actually pick up a lightsabre on screen voooomhhoooom. LSSmilie

I think people are geting the wrong idea about this game,the interface game controls- will NOT be based on recrecreating your exact hand movement for Katana fights this would require the player to be well versed in sword fighting skill but ubisoft has said that pre loaded remote movements would perform certain sword moves, yes this is diasapointing but the hardware technology to do so anyway would be too expensive to and not very cost effective

Clicky for freehand sword fights

linkyshinks said:
I think people are geting the wrong idea about this game,the interface game controls- will NOT be based on recrecreating your exact hand movement for Katana fights this would require the player to be well versed in sword fighting skill but ubisoft has said that pre loaded remote movements would perform certain sword moves, yes this is diasapointing but the hardware technology to do so anyway would be too expensive to and not very cost effective, However sources in Nippon state that the recent mods on the sensor bar will allow future proofing and that the reason George Lucas has remained quite about the possibility of an inevitable star wars game is because his motion capture company is working a deal alongside the company responsible for producing the wii remote to produce new improved technology for a next generation of star wars fans and the rumours are that it will not be a wii remote but the Wii Power Glove remember the Nintendo power glove- the the crazy cool looking thing that turned out to be crap, well it seems it is coming back with the latest tech capabilities that will see fibre optics that will detect finger tension, and hand movements currently undetectable with the remote- sound like gaming heaven- imagine actually pick up a lightsabre on screen voooomhhoooom. LSSmilie

Always a good idea to readthe first post in a thread.

* cough hint



crazylurch said:
linkyshinks said:I think people are geting the wrong idea about this game,the interface game controls- will NOT be based on recrecreating your exact hand movement for Katana fights this would require the player to be well versed in sword fighting skill but ubisoft has said that pre loaded remote movements would perform certain sword moves, yes this is diasapointing but the hardware technology to do so anyway would be too expensive to and not very cost effective, However sources in Nippon state that the recent mods on the sensor bar will allow future proofing and that the reason George Lucas has remained quite about the possibility of an inevitable star wars game is because his motion capture company is working a deal alongside the company responsible for producing the wii remote to produce new improved technology for a next generation of star wars fans and the rumours are that it will not be a wii remote but the Wii Power Glove remember the Nintendo power glove- the the crazy cool looking thing that turned out to be crap, well it seems it is coming back with the latest tech capabilities that will see fibre optics that will detect finger tension, and hand movements currently undetectable with the remote- sound like gaming heaven- imagine actually pick up a lightsabre on screen voooomhhoooom. LSSmilie
Always a good idea to readthe first post in a thread. * cough hintSmilie

Yeah, linkyshinks, you do seem to be a bit behind on this...

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

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