Nintendo DS Media | Pok

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.07.2006 64

Nintendo have released a load of new information for the upcoming Pok

Box art for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (315 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Pachirisu is an electric Pok

The scans are upside down. Smilie

I originally saw the new Pok

The wifi and wirless mode will make it a must buy for me, trading monsters with cubed3 peeps and my bro withought a shitty cable will be so much more simpler Smilie.
I'll prob be only using the monsters from the original 150 for th most part though.

( Edited on 12.07.2006 15:54 by Blade2t3 )

I wish they had U.S, realese date it does have ppicture of a somebody Japanese trading with someone english so its coming to the U.K. and the U.S.Smilie

It was a given it'd have a western release anyway, Pok

Team GoGo? Isn't it meant to be Team Galaxy in D & P?

Oh well, I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT. Nintendo are so nice to me..... Smilie

EDIT: Why is it all upside down? Smilie

Yar, I think you made a mistake, it's team Galaxy, not Team GoGo Smilie

Evil Team is Team Galaxy who are stealing Pok

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Sought The Poltercow said:
Team GoGo? Isnt it meant to be Team Galaxy in D & P?Oh well, I CANT FUCKING WAIT. Nintendo are so nice to me..... SmilieEDIT: Why is it all upside down? SmilieYar, I think you made a mistake, its team Galaxy, not Team GoGo Smilie
Serebii:Evil Team is Team Galaxy who are stealing Pok

Preper to get killed at wifi pokemon.

Marzy said:
Preper to get killed at wifi pokemon.

BRING IT ON!!!!! Smilie

I wonder how many people on this website have a Pok

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Dude... I just fell over trying to see the scans-- what gives..?

-- ** A S H ** --

Sought The Poltercow said:
Marzy said:Preper to get killed at wifi pokemon.
BRING IT ON!!!!! SmilieI wonder how many people on this website have a Pok




try, er, prepare, perhaps.

-- Ok, you know I am just havin a laugh, yeah? ---

Anyhoo, I can't wait for this. I always felt really puerile getting excited for a pkmn game, but this looks like a PSP killer for sure.

( Edited on 12.07.2006 17:24 by dojo99 )

Orre, Hoenn, Kanto & Jhoto in ONE GAME!??!? (This one)

& the new one too, but I dunno what it's called ^^;

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Crap - sorry about the scans guys - had my batch program set wrong. Fixed the scans! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Forget Final Fantasy,Pokemon will set the gamers in Japan in a frenzy most Final Fantasy's if they are top quality will sell near 2.5-3m copies, Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire 15m copies alone in Japan and throw in Wifi connection Nintendo can't do any wrong

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

jb said:
Crap - sorry about the scans guys - had my batch program set wrong. Fixed the scans! Smilie
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... did you it looks like you did on the main page but when you click on the its still upside down

Dude, he's right, they're still upside down! Smilie

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Finally got it fixed - apologies - had a powercut!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Sought The Poltercow said:
Orre, Hoenn, Kanto & Jhoto in ONE GAME!??!? (This one)& the new one too, but I dunno what its called ^^;

You/we wish. I bet it's just one world. Smilie

Oh, and I had a fully level 100ed up squad, no Rare Candies or cheating. Team Eeveelution: Eevee, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon. Smilie

Can't wait for this one! The prospect of online battles makes it a whole lot cooler - The big drawback of previous games is once you've finished the main badge-collecting storyline, it's hard to train your critters up to Level 100.

I wasn't into tournaments, conventions and stuff, so online battles could cure my laziness!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I wasn't into tournaments, conventions and stuff

I went to one tournament, it was bizzare. All these really wee kids with pushy parents. I got 2nd place and won all these poke cards which I gave to my wee cousin and won a voucher for EB.

I entered for a tournament once and got rejected. Smilie I thought my level 80-odd Charizard and Venomoth and God knows what else were good naive I was. I got sent a Pewter badge through the post though as a retard prize. Smilie

Mason said:
Sought The Poltercow said:Orre, Hoenn, Kanto & Jhoto in ONE GAME!??!? (This one)& the new one too, but I dunno what its called ^^;
You/we wish. I bet its just one world. SmilieOh, and I had a fully level 100ed up squad, no Rare Candies or cheating. Team Eeveelution: Eevee, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon. Smilie


I've only versed a few people when pokemon was popularly played, one from school (the only one who knew what pokemon wasSmilie) to people on random holidays with my cousins. Pity that they used 6 lv100 mewtwos (with the cloning cheat of course). Kinda saps the fun out of battling them with their continous Psychic/Hyperbeam/Recover combos. Better not be like that in Wifi, it'll be like snaking all over againSmilie

EDIT: Although the introduction of Steel/Dark and actual moves strong against psychic give more opportunities I'm positive that people will get onto the legendary bandwagon! Wahh!

( Edited on 12.07.2006 22:44 by Pikasue )


its cool that they control time or space. loks like i have to get a differnt version to my m8 again. its looking better than it was

OMG what have they done.... the Pokemon look absolutaly crap WTF, Gold/Silver some were stupid looking, Ruby/Saphire ever more stupid looking and now Smilie they look absolutaly hideous!!
WTF is up with that purple think how many mouths does it have!?!?! A bird that looks like his head is a musical note!!!

I know this game is gonna be awsome.. but the pokemon look bloody stupid (shit)!! Smilie Lets hope we have some old ones!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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