Nintendo News | Mario Has a Large Erection

By Adam Riley 30.06.2006 10

As of 29th June, Nintendo of Canada and Canstruction will have the world's largest Mario structure erected in the central heart of Toronto's downtown area, Dundas Square, all in the name of charity. The twist to the tale is that the statue will be made entirely from tinned goods!

In honour of New Super Mario Bros., which has apparently become the fastest selling game ever in Canada, the mammoth erection will consist of 4,000 cans, weighing in at 2,600 lbs and stretching as high as 10 foot! Working with a architects company called 'Canstruction', the tins will be specially chosen to reproduce Mario's colourful appearance. The cans were kindly donated by Daily Bread Food Bank.

People wandering by looking bemused will be placated by having the chance to actually sample the excellent DS game, which launches across Europe today (check out the review here). A small image of the structure can be seen below:

Mario's Large Erection

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How did I know Adam wrote this news story...Smilie

Lol, typical Mr Adam Smilie Nice idea, but what a freakin' creepy looking Statue. Looks like Mario's coming out of someone's ass.

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{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Very strange structure indeed. Normally I wouldn't look twice at news like this...but the potential the heading had just meant I couldn't resist! Smilie

Childish, but hey 'it's all for charity'! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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RAZ you rock!!! Smilie

woohooo in the name of charity!!!....

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which has apparently become the fastest selling game ever in Canada

that is brilliant come on Uk no.1 it has just got my copy it is amazing even though i am pigging at the multiplayer poker

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

So instead of giving the food to poor people, they make this.
Mario: If you're hungry, you might as well be Koopa.

...No, I wont say why I checked out this thread...Smilie *Sneaks away silently*

Where I come from they have a huge Mario-statue on the roof of my favourit toy-store. Everytime we decide to visit some relatives there me and my sister always feel the nice familiar feeling of being home when looking up at that big Mario.
He has been more than a gamehero for us. Though his face is extremly white from standing in the sun all day.Smilie

Haha nice one with the title! Smilie It will attract a lot of reads!

Baby Mario Bro said:
Haha nice one with the title! Smilie It will attract a lot of reads!

I read the thread name and had to check it out. This is a very clever marketing idea and goes to a good cause too.

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