Nintendo News | Magical Vacation DS Gets US Date & New Name

By Adam Riley 23.06.2006 8

Quick News - On the day that Magical Vacation 2 launches on DS in Japan, Nintendo has revealed that Brownie Brown's RPG will hit the US on 23rd October in the US with a new name of 'Magical Starsign'. Why this weaker name has been chosen is unknown.

Expect a Cubed3 preview of the game very soon!

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Hmm, it is a bit of a weaker name but they really couldn't keep the "Vacation 2" seeing as "Vacation 1" was never released. It would be a bit odd to have a sequel released before the first game.

If Nintendo simply released Vacation 1 before Vacation 2 in the US, I think it's safe to say we'd still have the same names as the Japanese versions.

I don't think it's much of a problem though. Titles don't make a game. Look at "New Super Mario Bros.". Very poor name in my eyes, but just look at how it's selling.

I don't think it's much of a problem though. Titles don't make a game. Look at "New Super Mario Bros.". Very poor name in my eyes, but just look at how it's selling.

yea, thats very true, its the content that makes a game. But still, people are very familiar with the Mario games and so they will buy the new one whether it has a crappy title or not. 'Magical Starsign' is a new type of game and so people may be more influenced by the name in whether they buy it or not.

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

ShinyRainbow said:
I dont think its much of a problem though. Titles dont make a game. Look at New Super Mario Bros.. Very poor name in my eyes, but just look at how its selling.
yea, thats very true, its the content that makes a game. But still, people are very familiar with the Mario games and so they will buy the new one whether it has a crappy title or not. Magical Starsign is a new type of game and so people may be more influenced by the name in whether they buy it or not.

Spot on, it isn't a huge series in the west so there isn't a big problem with having a weak name as it won't be compared to earlier parts of the series.

Infact Shiny pm me on Sunday so I will remember to star you for this post when I get my stars renewed.

HazukiSan said:
ShinyRainbow said:
I dont think its much of a problem though. Titles dont make a game. Look at New Super Mario Bros.. Very poor name in my eyes, but just look at how its selling.
yea, thats very true, its the content that makes a game. But still, people are very familiar with the Mario games and so they will buy the new one whether it has a crappy title or not. Magical Starsign is a new type of game and so people may be more influenced by the name in whether they buy it or not.
Spot on, it isnt a huge series in the west so there isnt a big problem with having a weak name as it wont be compared to earlier parts of the series.Infact Shiny pm me on Sunday so I will remember to star you for this post when I get my stars renewed.

score! I win Smilie

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

Still think Magical Vacation sounds much better...but maybe it'll grow on me. But hey, who cares...if it's a damn good game then that's all that matters!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Magical Starsign!! I wonder what a Leo is called in the game...

This games looks incredibly gorgeous, looking forward to that preview Raz! Smilie

( Edited on 24.06.2006 23:27 by spydarlee )

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

I'll get more info on the game soon and try and get something written up soon. Closer to the US release I'll get a review of the GBA game done as well, since I've actually got the Japanese game Smilie

I wonder if it'll still keep its proposed Jan 2007 Euro release, or will it be brought forward to 2006? Hmm...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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