Industry News | Nintendo UK Boss Tells Truth About Sony

By Adam Riley 19.05.2006 16

Nintendo UK's main man, David Yarnton, speaking to MCV has gone on record to voice his views on how Sony has basically lifted the idea of wireless, motion-sensing controls for its PlayStation 3. It is quite apparent that part of the delay for the PS3 from its original Spring 2006 launch date was to incorporate technology that Nintendo aired at the Tokyo Games Show in September 2005. He also refutes Sony's claims of rumble technology being 'last generation', instead believing, like many others, that it is simply down to the fact that Sony has had trouble with patenting.

"I'd love to dig up some old Phil Harrison comments and say 'hang on a second

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Finally, someone from Nintendo who actually seems bothered.

nintendo arent really botrhered becuase they know stuff that sony don;t know, like more secrets, i think thats why the demos were apprently running off gamecubes at e3, they are hiding something... didnt you notice reggie looked rather smug when he said there are still secrets at the pre-e3 conference, maybe its just me..

Also, its just not ergonmic to hold the ps3 controller like the wiimote for a game such as tennis, the ps3 is not mass amrket like the wii will be for drunk parties, lol..

If the no.1 motion sensing games are going to be warhawk and resistance, then sony is not appealing to mass market, so nintendo arent particularly worried. Those games are solely hardcore

( Edited on 19.05.2006 12:11 by tismatron )

At first I was worried but I saw how futile the capabilities of it's sensors are. They can only sense 7 degrees of tilt. No big loss.

Z said:
They can only sense 7 degrees of tilt. No big loss.

6. Smilie

Yarnton's a good guy, it's nice to see somebody speaking out against Sony rather than using the 'imitation is the best form of flattery' company line. Remember though, Sony have had this kind of stuff patented since 1999, they just decided not to use it until a competitor did...

Good ol Yarnton, a man in the industry who doesn't speak in jargon!

Nintendo is very polite in speaking about competitors. When people watch Sony and thinks 'hey, wait, the bastards copied Nintendo! They are evil!' - that is much more effective than chanting "Sony, you big fat thief!"
customers are seeing Nintendo as the good guys and Sony as the bad guys. People love to buy from good guys and not from bad guys.

I personally think Sony is stealing too much things too publicly - where are the time when Sony or Microsoft saw the things Ninty invented, covered it with more Buttons and another analogue stick ans sold it as 'designed for ergonomy'? Today they just steal, make a fool of themselves and continue their public-relation-mistakes. Back then Nintendo had better games and worse publicity - this year the have good games AND good publicity! Bad, Sony: Bad!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

The irratation is not just sony copying, but their arroagance over it.

They accuse Nintendo of gimmicks, only to do the same gimmick themselfs and call it a "wonderfull innovation".

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I'm trying to think of anything we've copied... but I can't.

Wasn't jumpman the mario looking guy in the first Donkey Kong game, the arcade one?

Nintendo didn't steal anything, Jumpman was what Mario was called before Miyamoto recognised his resemblance to his landlord, Mario!

I like this new guy... He's like Jim Merrick, but he doesn't seem afraid of Sony.

Actually, Jumpman was an ancient game for the commodore 64.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

jumpman was in donkey kong. Before the Nes Nintendo made games for other games machines.
jumpman IS mario.

Dr_R said:
Actually, Jumpman was an ancient game for the commodore 64.

Different Jumpman, just happens to be the same name.

I like this guy. He tells it straight and doesn't beat around the bush being polite. If Iwata does the same, you'll know nintendo are royally ticked off. I'll bet they'll aim their satellites with huge death rays on them at Sony HQ and all PS2/PS3/PSP warehouses.
(btw, if memory serves, don't nintendo actually own a satellite or two, or nine? I'm not sure about the death ray part, but who knows, nintendo are clever.)

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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