Nintendo News | With Zelda, Nothing is Black & White

By Adam Riley 19.05.2006 62

Quick News - According to director Eiji Aonuma, quoted in US magazine EGM, the Twilight Realm section of Zelda: Twilight Princess will no longer be stylised all in black and white. Instead the team is re-creating it to make it hazy and full of colour, with a different distinctive approach being taken.

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Nah, I think they look totally different as well. Okami looks better.

Hmm... I must admit that new style looks cool, but the old one just OOZED cool, and this one doesn't...

Actually... After seeing that larger scan on 4colorrebellion I really dislike the new style... Why did they have to ruin it!? Smilie

( Edited on 22.05.2006 22:34 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Haters... Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I'm still giddy at the possibility of playing it on the go, on the gameboy-whateverzNEXT, THAT NINTENDO DID NOT KILL OFF!!!!

How sexy would that be! Who the hell cares about the twilight relm colors! ON A GAMEBOY! Smilie

I loved MM, despite intitial reactions it is the most original zelda game. It is so surreal. At times I feel that it is superior to Oot and sometimes I don't. I believe that if it was released before Oot it would be loved just as much, it was only just Oot set the standard for 3D action/adventure games.

Back on topic. There is truly no need for FMVs. Have you seen any of the ingame cinematics for TP? They are great and really are a step up from previous zelda games. Very well done and the animation is quite fluid, doesn't seem blocky or cheap at all.

Z said: I believe that if it was released before Oot it would be loved just as much, it was only just Oot set the standard for 3D action/adventure games.

I don't think people would have accepted MM without OoT setting the precedent for 3D Zelda though, not only in gameplay terms, but story. They needed to do the whole massive 'LINK SAVES HYRULE' song before they could try out something more in the vein of Link's Awakening's quirkiness. OoT for me was more like an amazing epic movie, whereas MM was much more personal, pulling on different strings. I like to say that MM is night to OoT's day... but that just sounds like premium-quality bullshit so forget thatSmilie

I'm getting all fired up for TP now. The Wii version's gonna be the one pour moi, even though the wallet probably won't stretch to it at launch. But it's odd, I don't mind waiting. Knowing that a brand-spanking new adventure in the MM mould is waiting, and kinda knowing what it's going to be like before playing it (it's gonna be...well, it's Zelda isn't it!:lolSmilie - I wanna savour that anticipation and enjoy every last beautiful second.

Oh and my first sunrise at Lake Hylia has to be in Top 5 'Moments'. That mist over the water...

*and hey, how about the big N leaving the GC-version twilight realm B&W? That way everyone's a winnerSmilie*

( Edited on 23.05.2006 14:04 by artmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

The black and white looked lazy imo, the coloured twighlight zone makes it look more intresting.

Spot on.

While the old version looked cool, it still had many crude elements around it. A bit like the Dark World in echoes. It was just an excuse to clone levels. Imagine playing through the whole game in black and white. It seriously starts to get to you. That black and white style only works for so long till it just gets annoying. The new style allows nintendo to put a lot more emphasis on the environments, make each location look different and more interesting. I really love the ethereal look.

And don't worry, there will be at least one scene which will be done in black and white. No doubting that.

Megadanxzero said:
If only I worked at Nintendo

I think we all say that from time to time.

I liked the old graphic style, but I love the new style! The old version when compared to the new shot looks very rigid, whereas the new shot looks fluid and continuous. Kind of Okami... kind of.

Hopefully Twilight Princess has a set place in the Zelda timeline ie. Majoras Mask was directly after Ocarina etc.

This could get interesting, though I liked the B&W scenario. ^^

Hopefully they won't put to much colour into it, and hopefully, they will use odd colours. Maybe Green in the real world will become yellow in Twilight world. ^^

Games make people play.

when i first saw the twilight zone i did think it was a bit crap but the more videos i saw of it i got used to it and kind of liked it but if they change the colours and they look better im all for it just cant wait for the game!! Smilie

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