Nintendo News | With Zelda, Nothing is Black & White

By Adam Riley 19.05.2006 62

Quick News - According to director Eiji Aonuma, quoted in US magazine EGM, the Twilight Realm section of Zelda: Twilight Princess will no longer be stylised all in black and white. Instead the team is re-creating it to make it hazy and full of colour, with a different distinctive approach being taken.

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It'd be nice to see them make the colour flow into scene's, just like the Windwaker (remeber the B&W statues that came to life when the colour hit them?). Or have a realm that has colour added with progression? Still, I have faith it'll look good whatever they do. Smilie

^^ well they keep makeing this game better and better ^^ they have time

the way this is going twlight princess is gunna be soooooo awesome i really cant wait to play it on ma Wii or even ma GC at a push ill probably buy both just to see were the differences are!! Smilie

it sounds crazy but i'm thinking of buying both as well

I always liked the twilight world being black and white.
But I trust Nintendo in doing the right thing.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I loved the black'n'white screens with the contrasting bits of orange and green, but this sounds awesome as well. I'm hoping they make it as trippy as the final stages of Aonuma's previous masterpiece, Majora's Mask.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Are the two versions coming out at the same time?

I saw this in the 2006 trailer, it looks really well done. Very aesthetic

What the hell!? That was the best bit of the game! The twilight realm looked absolutely awesome... Hopefully they won't completely balls this game up before it gets released...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I dont think theyre the best bit....but they certainly were good. Smilie NINTENDO STOP TORMENTING US!

Megadanxzero said:
What the hell!? That was the best bit of the game! The twilight realm looked absolutely awesome... Hopefully they wont completely balls this game up before it gets released...

Hmm, I agree - it would be nice to have a mixture of b/w sections and vivid colour ones, but having complete b/w in the twilight realm could have gotten a little dull if you're spending a lot of time inside!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well we till don't really know how much of the game will be Twilight and how much will be in the Normal World... I thought the black and white looked absolutely amazing, especially with the contrast to that green and red... Claw... thing... That come out of Midna or whatever she's called. I suppose if most of the game was in there it would get a little dull, but it just looked so cool...

Maybe they could make it so that the outside world is black and white and the dungeons have colour or something like that... Or maybe when you complete a dungeon that section of the twilight world regains it's colour... Oh my god! O.o That sounds so awesome... If only I worked at Nintendo ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Yeah Robbo said that in post 2. I reckon that would be great.

How the hell did I not notice that? >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

^^ well they keep makeing this game better and better ^^ they have time

It almost seems like they're looking for things to do so they have an excuse to delay it until November.

It looked good before, hopefully they won't balls it up.

Arg Smilie
I loved the black and white style. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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the twilight realm could have gotten a little dull if you're spending a lot of time inside!

Couldn't agree more..although it looked kind of stylish im sure it would get boring after a while....
The fact that they are still working on improving the game sends shivers down my spine....developing this long?? Im sure its going to be as close to perfection as a videogame can get.SmilieSmilie

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Nintendo are learning from Retro's mistake. When we first saw the dark world we were all like WOAH. Looks so eerie and toxic. But after a while it just dull and boring. I was scared the Twillight would be the same. Believe me when I say the Twilight Zone looks very good right now, much better than I could've hoped. Plus I am sure there will be parts in the game where the game will be black and white, WW had it for god's sake. Twilight Zone instead of looking like a generic dark world, looks like an ethereal plane. I can see some very interesting, breathtaking and original scenes and locations in the Twilight Zone.

Nitnendo+Twilght princess= ninty rules the world of gaming.
This would be brilliant if it started hazy and as you progress through the game, it becomes clearer.
Nintendo Rules!

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After the length of time to 'improve' this game, it had better be good Smilie

I think I have a pre-order setup for this game on the GCN, I should really cancel it and wait until I can pre-order the Wii alongside TP.

Not black and white? I thought it was meant to be a Sin City sequal?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I really liked the black'n'white screens with the contrasting segments of other colours such as orange and green, but this sounds amazing as well. I'm hoping they make it as much as a send over as the final stages of Aonuma's previous masterpiece, Majora's Mask.

Can you say OKAMI?

I knew they would have had a look at the beautiful cel-shaded game by now. Smilie

make it as trippy as the final stages of Aonuma's previous masterpiece, Majora's Mask.

I can still remember that rainbow coloured haze that surrounded you through the most strange bits.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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The final bosses are so bloody weird, it was awesome, and the giants were pretty bizzare as well. When you get to that field with the beautiful tree and the creepy children hanging around it, it was one of the most powerful moments i've evr encountered in a game. The more I think about it, the more I think that MM was equal if not better than OoT. I think a lot of people's opinions on OoT are exagerated by nostalgia.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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