E3 2006 News | Starfox-A-Like Coming to DS?

By Adam Riley 03.05.2006 32

Quick News - Chronic Art Magazine had chance to interview Shigeru Miyamoto after his French Knighting in March. In it he confirmed he had to cancel a SNES project important to him, a game similar to Lylat Wars. But now it is being transferred to the DS, being shown at E3.

Keep it locked to C3 during E3 for further updates...

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Killer_13 said:
It cant be Starfox, the article just says its simillar.
That's what I was thinking... Wasn't Starfox 2 originally going to introduce the landmaster?

DA5 said:
starfox64 on ds :p
O.O Where did that come from?

( Edited on 06.05.2006 20:56 by Megadanxzero )

( Edited on 06.05.2006 20:56 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Hmmm i think that youtube video is just a recording of StaFox64 then played back using one of those GBA MP4 players.

DA5 said:
starfox64 on ds :p


Hmmm i think that youtube video is just a recording of StaFox64 then played back using one of those GBA MP4 players.

Thanks for killing dreams Blade

EDIT: Been looking for the Starfox 2 rom, can anyone give us a link or something?

( Edited on 07.05.2006 07:35 by Kangaroo_Kiid )

***** have it... You need to be signed up to download anything there though. Awesome ROM site nevertheless

EDIT: Tut tut Smilie No linking to ROM sites, please!

( Edited on 07.05.2006 11:25 by jesusraz )

EDIT: Damn... The feds got me once again...

( Edited on 07.05.2006 15:24 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

didn't miyamoto say that the new IP would launch on Wii (or the Rev, back in the day...)? So it couldn't be the new IP coming out on DS could it?

--Bad English, but u get me, surely---

Miyamoto said he's specifically working on a new IP for the Wii back at E3 last year, though...Nothing stopping this from being a new IP itself, though. HOWEVER, if it's 'similar to Lylat Wars' there's nothing more similar than Starfox 2 since LW is about 60% of SF2's ideas! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Well yeah, but it's still technically the same series... I assume he was talking aobut the series in general rather than one particular game. Then again I suppose I'd prefer a Starfox game to a Starfox-ish game, so we can only hope Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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