E3 2006 News | Starfox-A-Like Coming to DS?

By Adam Riley 03.05.2006 32

Quick News - Chronic Art Magazine had chance to interview Shigeru Miyamoto after his French Knighting in March. In it he confirmed he had to cancel a SNES project important to him, a game similar to Lylat Wars. But now it is being transferred to the DS, being shown at E3.

Keep it locked to C3 during E3 for further updates...

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I would love to see the resurrection of "Starfox 2" from the SNES on the DS.. surely a few people here have downloaded that Beta ROM and seen the potential there!

It's not likely to happen, perhaps this is one of those IPs we've all been dreaming about.

Possibly Starfox 2 for the SNES that was never released? (Unless it was released in Japan? Apologies if I missed that).

Guest 03.05.2006#3

Oh no, this is even worse than Spong rumours! Smilie

Hahaha, sorry, just added my comment as yours came in!

It can't be Starfox, the article just says its simillar.

Starfox is one of the best franchises ever. Period. Even if it isn't the famed "Starfox 2" it will be ace if it's anything close to the series.

Some details on Starfox 2 on the link below.


Starfox even though it looks kinda cool ,it's still about fuzzy animals flying about in space Smilie, it always reminds me on bucky o hareSmilie, but it would be nice to have a serious space shooter although that might be unlikly considering it's from Miyamoto Smilie

Like Starfox? Pfft then. Go the full 10 yards.

I hope its starfox 2 but with updated visauls for DS.

But wasn't Starfox 64 more or less starfox 2? Like they would have taken over all the ideas and stuff from that game surly?

No I thought starfox 64 was just the same as starwing but with upated visauls.

starfox64 on ds :p

Blade uh-uh -

Guess who didn't read the link I posted? Smilie

Starfox 2 was all but completed for the SNES but was significantly different to Starfox 64.

From the link I posted earlier:

"while star fox 64 stays close to the original game's model, star fox 2 contains a plethora of varied scenes - deep space sorties, planetary assaults, base infiltrations, in-orbit duels, runs under heavy fire - and ties them all into a cohesive game of action and strategy."

I assumed they would have managed to put those things into Starfox 64 while retaining the original story, seems stupid not to, but i don't really know considering i've never played Starfox before.

Actually it's called Lylatwars in the UK. I know I called it starfox 64 aswell.

For the record, Miyamoto previously confirmed that around 60% of what went into Starfox 2 on the SNES was mixed into Starfox 64 / Lylat Wars. That still means that Starfox 2 was its own game, and remains its own game...

BUT, as stated, he says a game similar to Lylat Wars, which could INDEED mean the resurrection of Starfox 2 in some form. I've heard the only other completed project that got ditched was Super Mario FX...which I'm assuming was re-used in other ways.

Whatever, this is a great scoop for a French magazine that isn't even dedicated to gaming! They were just talking to Miyamoto so they could do a special feature on Mario!!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses


If it's starfox 2 I would asplode. We had to miss out on Miyu and Fay. They need to include Krystal tho, for fan service 'natch Smilie

I really liked those animals and that "Ah! Fox save me!" buffoonery. It gave the game surprising depth in it's gameplay mechanics.

That animal characterisation gave the game its heart and soul.

Can you imagine an Animal Crossing with people instead of animals? It would destroy not only the games charm but its heart and soul.

So who out of you all has played Starfox 2 via the only possible way? I have and loved it more that Lylat Wars to be honest...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Seen videos and know about it, haven't played unfortuantely. Never bothered to get it Smilie. I dunno whether I'd enjoy it now really, that's why. I never played the original as a kid, and playing the rom after Lylat Wars was kinda bad <_<

and yes MIS, the animals make it so much more entertaining than humans. Animals can be used to accentuate features, liek Fox being cunning etc.

It would still be nice to have a serious space shootemup, not to replace starfox but as another franchise, since Wii isn't gonna be getting any Rouge Squadron love D:.

I'd buy a StarFox game on the DS if it was made by Nintendo straight away.

Nintendo's making it and hopefully it is something StarFox related, even better if it was StarFox 2.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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No Rare, no Namco's Ace Combat team...just Nintendo's EAD back on board. Same goes with the next Wave Race - bye bye NST, bring back EAD Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yes please. Assault was such a disappointment Smilie

EAD ftw!

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