Nintendo Media | New! Super Mario Bros. DS Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2006 49

Ever since Nintendo announced a true side-scrolling Mario platformer for the DS, tens and thousands of fans have been eager to play through the Italian hero's biggest adventure yet. New Super Mario Bros is the first new side-scroller since the classic Super Mario World.

The title is packed full of true Mario action, from the classic shells, enemies, pipes and clouds to a selection of fresh and innovative systems to make this a must have for Mario fans. It's Valentines Day in the Mushroom Kingdom, Shyguy has gotten his roses, Goomba is depressed and Mario is late again for his date, or is he? Princess Peach has been taken prisoner by Bowser and his junior chum and it's up to Mario and Luigi to save the day yet again.

Courtesy of Game" rel="external" class='fmlink'>]Game Watch, here are a selection of tantalising screens from the upcoming adventure.

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Box art for New Super Mario Bros.





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (59 Votes)

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Is there multiplayer in this of the screenshots looks like it...

I think there's a multiplayer option where you race through a level as fast as you can, one as Mario the other as Luigi. i also remember a game where you have to keep hold of a star for as long as possible.

It looks great, cant wait. I really like the idea of been able to see how far through the level you are as well.

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I think there's a multiplayer option where you race through a level as fast as you can, one as Mario the other as Luigi. i also remember a game where you have to keep hold of a star for as long as possible.

Yeah, I saw a video that looked like the equivalent of the SM64DS multiplayer. Looked like a lot of fun - it seemed easier to lacte and chase after stars in 2D, which was my gripe with the 64 one.

Lol i gave Linkman a star also.

Yea this game looks super sweet. But still doubt its gonna change anything or add anything new. But do we really need that. Only time will tell

And yet no one wants to comment on the name... it's not going to be 'new' in ten years. Maybe they're just trying to make it stand out from the endless mario re-releases?

Or....maby because the name dosn't affect the game at all. I think it has the new slapped on because it's a return to the 2D mario, I personally can let it slide since we havn't had one in such a long time, if say mario kart vanished for 10 years then came back with New slapped on it i wouldn't give a toss.
I think people will just refer to it as Super Mario Bros for the DS in years to come.
Now back to IMPORTANT matters THIS GAME WILL ROCKSmilie.

Still rather have the NEW dropped from the title and SMB4 put instead

SMB DS would be fine also (i called it that on my site because NEW SMB is fucking awful)

It's not *too* bad a title! You'd be shallow to judge a game by it's title (*slaps self*). Anyhoo, sounds a little Japanesey - "New! Super Mario Bros!"

"Go! Play! Super! Mario! Bros"


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Get! Super mario!

Im certainly not gonna judge it by the name, but that doesnt stop the fact that it sucks Smilie

Well, I've neve played the original so this'll be new to me

Really? There's been about 100 remakes, surely you have.

I kind of agree with Z, there isn't really that much new about it in terms of gameplay. But Super Mario 64 was awesome and Super Mario 64 DS was awesome. Should be the same with this

Z, you're a real wine, know that? Why so negative?

I am not nintendos lapdog. I don't have to find everything that nintendo does great.

I am not nintendos lapdog. I dont have to find everything that nintendo does great.

Your right you don't. I can understand where your coming from, but i think, in terms of being unique, a lot of people would rather have a game that goes back to its grass roots.

Games like Tomb Raider Legend have shown that there is still a market for games that are going back to the start and if TR doesn't prove it, look at Resident Evil! Resi 1 has been ported a number of times over its 10 year life, and still has more sale in it. Granted theres extra's in Resi DS, but do these extra's justify buying it? I'm not so sure.

I don't think there will be mass dissapointment. I've played and owned all the Mario 2D titles (my fav being Mario World) and have never been dissapointed by ne of them. Plus its not like Nintendo haven't tried new things with Mario - just look at the wide selection of Mario-tie ins theres been!

Still rather have the NEW dropped from the title and SMB4 put instead

That won't happen. Super Mario World was named Super Mario 4 in Japan (it say's so on the Famicom cartridge). I'm sure they'll rename it at E3, but it'll probably be Super Mario Bros: Something apposed to a number. But i'd rather have a number...or even an X added at the end! Smilie

I guess you right in that sense, it will be popular nonetheless. But I feel that people are going to be at least a bit disappointed after finishing it, after the nostalgia had worn off. They think, it wasn't that great, I could've just replayed the originals. But I don't think many people will admit it.

You are right to an extent though Z. I mean, what do people expect of this New Super Mario Bros game? Its all down to the individuals - and maybe the hype will make us think we 'need or want' this game more than we really do?

To be honest, i'm just looking for a good old fashioned platformer. As i've mentioned, SMW is my favourite. Mainly its due to the wide areas and amount of levels avaliable. There wasn't too much diference in SMW to SM3 for me. Infact, SM3 had more options available and a lot more items to use, but SMW game still impressed me greatly for what it offered.

WHat are you talking about???? When the nostalgia wears off? WTF? I play Super Mario World on the GBA all the time and Yoshies island and Mario land, it has nothing to do with nostalgia, it's the great levels and gameplay.
They obviously have been working on this game for the past 2 years or somthin like that. They don't just shit out a mario platformer.

Guest 01.05.2006#42

New Mario Bros movie on the official site!

More screens! Love the return of the water spider from mario 64!

Ooooh nice, Can't wait, seems like a bit of every mario game is in itSmilie

Wow, totally loving this game so far. Screens look pretty smooth. Mario at his best and where he belongs.


Wooo, looking good, I can't wait for it to come out, which reminds me, it comes out THIS WEEK in US doesn't it!? Lucky Bastards!!

Yes, the game name sucks, & it's a real shame they didn't change it, even though so many better names were right in their faces.

Anywhoo, there is multiplayer, there are mini-games, like from SM64DS, except they're multiplayer, also there is a Star mode, like on SM64DS, & a race mode. I was REALLY HOPING for a CoOp mode, as it would be PERFECT for a game like this. But oh well! I can't wait! Smilie

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Although its oldskool, there'll be plenty of surprises, I've seen one video of Mario running along, he jumps into a green pipe, what follows was pretty unexpected, the green pipe bends over and spits him out, now in my opinion that gag could make a comedian.

It's out this week inna States?
Excuse me while I place an order on lik-sang.

( Edited on 01.05.2006 22:32 by SKI )

Guest 02.05.2006#47

>got them from here<


God i would sell my soul to play that game now, it looks so freaking ausome I cant wait. Isnt this soposidly ment to be bundled with the DS lite in the UK? cause if it is i'll be getting this with the Lite.

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