Nintendo Media | New! Super Mario Bros. DS Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2006 49

Ever since Nintendo announced a true side-scrolling Mario platformer for the DS, tens and thousands of fans have been eager to play through the Italian hero's biggest adventure yet. New Super Mario Bros is the first new side-scroller since the classic Super Mario World.

The title is packed full of true Mario action, from the classic shells, enemies, pipes and clouds to a selection of fresh and innovative systems to make this a must have for Mario fans. It's Valentines Day in the Mushroom Kingdom, Shyguy has gotten his roses, Goomba is depressed and Mario is late again for his date, or is he? Princess Peach has been taken prisoner by Bowser and his junior chum and it's up to Mario and Luigi to save the day yet again.

Courtesy of Game" rel="external" class='fmlink'>]Game Watch, here are a selection of tantalising screens from the upcoming adventure.

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Box art for New Super Mario Bros.





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (59 Votes)

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Looking great - Mario seems to be back at his best!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


I don't get's doing nothing new? It looks like a polygonal version of Mario Bros 3. Is there some innovative them which I am missing? At least Mario Sunshine despite what everyone said had an entire different theme and at least story. I am honestly unimpressed.

Can't wait for this game, the videos for it are AWESOME Smilie

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

Z said:
I dont get it...its doing nothing new? It looks like a polygonal version of Mario Bros 3. Is there some innovative them which I am missing? At least Mario Sunshine despite what everyone said had an entire different theme and at least story. I am honestly unimpressed.

Do you need innovation though? SMB3 was platform perfection, a new version with new levels, multiplayer play and a graphical lick of paint sounds devine.

Well innovation is not really needed, but a sequel needs something to set it out from the rest of the series. Oot was the first 3D zelda, Majoras Mask did something totally different with the story and made it revolve around metaphoric masks, alternate universes and the flow of time (a lot like ground hog day, the movie that is). Windwaker had it totally carefree which was helped with the cel-shading, the environments were refreshing as well.

This new mario just looks like Mario World, or SMB 3. That's why I like Yoshi's Island as it did something different in the series.

*sight* It's mario bros Z, a new fucking Super Mario Bros, ya know 2D mario platforming for the 21st century. WE HAVN'T HAD ONE IN OVER 10 YEARS!

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

I realise that...just prepare for mass disapointment.


XBL Gamertag: James2t3
Guest 12.04.2006#10

I would have preferred a sequel to Yoshi's Island, but this will do for now.Smilie

Z, you're a real wine, know that? Why so negative? This is Mario, not LoZ, not Metroid or whatever, but Mario, and imo this is the way Mario games are meant to be played Smilie (For now *NRev*) I'm soooo gonna get this one Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

and imo this is the way Mario games are meant to be played

are you sure he shouldnt be thrown into sports titles?

I meant 2D platformer versus 3D platformer...

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

ok cool.

i was saying, i think Nintendo should ditch the whole Platforming thing when it comes to mario, its obvious he is much better suited in wafty sports titles.

i mean who ever liked just jumping from platform to platform in the first place? bit simple if you ask me.

did someone say this was the first 2D mario in like 12 years?

wtf have Nintendo been doing all this time?

Z, you're a real wine, know that? Why so negative?

OMG Smilie

Z's getting a Star

-Bart- said:
I would have preferred a sequel to Yoshis Island, but this will do for now.Smilie
Me too... Best game ever! I suppose this'll do for now though Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Smilie Goomba is depressed? Aww, poor little Goomba.

Im very curious about this game. The Mario bros. series is very pleasant memories and with it still clenching on just makes me warm inside.Smilie

I would have preferred a sequel to Yoshis Island, but this will do for now.
Agrees. But this game seems good enough.

Looks cool, definetly a hit

wtf have Nintendo been doing all this time?

Exactally. FINALLY we're getting a new 2D Mario Platformer, and even though it appears to add basically nothing new to the series, it still looks pretty good! Smilie

Possibly, you never know! The E3 build I tried last year was fucking great, and that's saying something as I was more of a Sonic lad in the day.

Seems a bit faster paced, more action on screen - and looks gorgeous too!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yay, more lovely screenshots. Cant wait Smilie I think it would have been more awesome to see another version of sunshine....sunshine was awesome Smilie

No personal attacks on members.


( Edited on 12.04.2006 20:07 by msenyszak )

Props linkman.

EDIT: Your post has been removed Smilie have a star.

( Edited on 12.04.2006 20:11 by Monkey D. Luffy )

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

Well, I've neve played the original so this'll be new to me. Looks good, even though I'm not too sure about the 2/3d graphics.

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Is there multiplayer in this of the screenshots looks like it...

I was just wondering if it's a possibility.

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