Revolution News | Global Launch Unlikely

By Barry Lewis 27.03.2006 6

Bloomberg caught up with Satoru Iwata at the Game Developers Conference last week and quizzed him further on the Revolution launch details, with little more new information than the following comment:

"We don't think it's necessary to do the simultaneous worldwide launch simply because others [Sony and Microsoft] are doing this."

Previous indications from Nintendo suggest that the Revolution will launch in time for the Holiday (Thanksgiving?) period in North America, while Nintendo of Europe have stated that the new console will launch this side of the pond in 2006

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Guest 27.03.2006#1

They could also not release it in the UK and spread the extra units over the rest of Europe, seeing as the UK hates Nintendo anyway.


If Sony launch worldwide, it will be like the Xbox360 was...aka, a stupid thing that didnt really work because each region got so little.

Id rather wait for proper stocks and support. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I really hope that Europe still gets the REV in 2006 D:

I still reckon Japan September/October, America November (Thanksgiving week), Europe December.

Translation: Everyone else is going to get it, but Australia can be screwed over. Smilie NOAUS sucks

Well if the Xbox 360 actually had stock and held it back during xmas 2005 then they would of created "artificial demand" and could of sent out stock like on the 18th December and sold a shit load. Oh well the n00bs. If Nintendo launch Q1 2006 then they are stupid. The time of year when people have the least amount of money recovering from the heavy spending at Xmas!

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