DS News | Namco Focuses Point Blank on Nintendo

By Adam Riley 23.03.2006

After delaying Tales of the Tempest on the Nintendo DS in order to improve its quality even more, Namco has now announced that it will bring a port of the popular arcade shooter Point Blank to the Nintendo DS.

The game is set to include features from all three past outings in order to create the ultimate Point Blank experience. Gamers must test their hand-eye co-ordination by tapping the touchscreen to accomplish the various tasks set. The stylus IS your gun!

There are four different difficulty levels and over 40 various stages including the popular arcade series. The series' favourites are back in full flow, with clay pigeon shooting, blowing up aliens and firing at cardboard criminals, plus much more.

There are five gameplay modes to choose from; Arcade, Wireless VS, Brain Massage, Freeplay and Classic Coin-Op Games.

Stay tuned for details on this, such as its release date...

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