C3 Exclusive Interview | Namco's Tales Studio

By Adam Riley 19.03.2006 4

C3 Interview - Namco Tales Studio

Conducted by Adam Riley :: Sunday 19th March 2006

Tales of Phantasia on the Super Nintendo was recently voted the best Namco game ever in a Japanese poll. But us Europeans only know of Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube. Thankfully, though, the 1995 game has been completely reworked for the Game Boy Advance, launching here on 31st March and Cubed

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Man, I miss getting my lv 254 Mewtwo's on Red Version, I miss cloning my pokemon on silver and gold version, and I miss making my Pikachu cry in Yellow VersionSmilie

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

Uggh...so...very..disgusting...can't take...anymore...GREEN SPRITES!!!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Ahh, the game that got me into Gameboys, good stuff.

Ummm... does ANYONE know how old this is?



I thought something was odd. Nothing on the first post, & no comments on the actual article.

Please don't revive ancient topics. Smilie this is more than a year & a half old.


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