Lee’s Three Pence

By Lee Sanders 29.03.2003 1

Image for Lee’s Three Pence

This was Lee’s Weekly review, but I didn’t really like that so I have changed it to this. Enjoy!

Release Date List

The release date list has today been updated. Lots of new titles have been added.

Cubed-3: Release Dates

Note: If anyone sees any games which are not on the list, but are confirmed for the Gamecube, please let me know so I can add them. Its very difficult keeping track of all these games!

New Feature

SO first up BIG BIG BIG news! I finally finished the first entry to the Animal Crossing Diary. It is behind because of myself being tied up, but I am going to be up to date soon. I am also trying to keep it interesting rather than a short post.

Click the Link to read the first entry:
Cubed-3: Animal Crossing Diarys

Expect the second entry up by Saturday Night. (29th March)

Image for Lee’s Three Pence

Today saw the release of the GBA SP. Click on the link below for My Impressions on the latest Nintendo handheld.

My Impressions: GBA: SP

My coolest Website of the week

Well the coolest would be Cubed3 (voice: suck up!) No really this week one site really caught my eye, and that was UncleClive.com

This is because of a game which he has added to his site, titled “Super Mario Pac“ a game based on ‘Jet Pac’, a Uncle Clive a reader called Matt Verran has taken his talent and taken it upon himself to turn a concept from UncleClive.com and turn it into a actual working game.

“Based on the ZXSpectrum classic 'Jet Pac' Matt has created this Mario Sunshine tribute, and I kid you not, its an absolute masterpiece of bootleg gaming.” -Uncle Clive

Image for Lee’s Three Pence

Take the link below to download the game:

Uncle Clive - Super Mario Pac Game

Also discussed on this board, UncleClive has looked into the marketing campaign from Nintendo for the new handheld GameBoy Advance SP. He basically takes two pictures and shows a story.

Image for Lee’s Three Pence
Image for Lee’s Three Pence

His site has many more funny pictures, and articles. Click the link below and don’t miss out.


In-Store Promotions

Image for Lee’s Three Pence

The chain is offering two-for-

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