Tech Up! Gamesir T4 Kaleid

By Luke Hemming 11.11.2023

Without a doubt, gaming as a whole peaked in the 90s, if you were not lucky to be there, any enjoyable gaming experience has been elevated far above its station in comparison. The best part of the 90s however, the love for transparent technology. Back in the golden age, you couldn't move for see-through controllers and consoles on the shelves. Gamesir is aiming to bring the trend back, along with some up-to-date tech, with the rather impressive T4 Kaleid.

Obviously the aesthetic choice of transparency mixed with a multitude of lighting while in use is going to alienate or delight. In truth, if you are always staring at the controller while playing then gaming isn't really the pastime for you anyway. A warm glow just below your eyeline however can be quite soothing and pleasant in these winter months. Lighting is limited to the outer edges allowing a clear view of the bits and bobs housed in the casing. There will always be the case that flashy lights and questionable design choices are the cover for a quality product but this is certainly not the case here.

Being wired is also going to be a bit of a sticking point for some, although its reassuring to see that bundled in the box is a healthy length, braided cable that should last for years to come. The controller itself is comfortable in the hands for extended periods, not straying too far from the standard design of most next-gen console offerings. The standard layout is set for the Xbox but of course can adjusted for other console standards if needed. The buttons themselves feel great under-finger with very little pressure needed for feedback due to the micro-switches underneath. A premium inclusion at such a low price point. Triggers also feel comfortable and responsive and the joysticks again use the hall effect method of response, something Gamesir seems to be working on including with most of their products of late. The triggers also allow for analog and hair trigger switching on a software level, so modes can easily switched between dependent on need.

Image for Tech Up! Gamesir T4 Kaleid

As also seems to be standard with third party controllers is the addition of additional buttons and the T4 Kaleid is no exception, with two programmable buttons on the back grips in a comfortable, non-intrusive position. All options for buttons including the turbo, trigger modes and lighting are all controlled via the mode button on the controller face. Take the time to read through the manual before attempting this however, as with this many options, its easy to forget what you are trying to do mid-game. Any Windows machine will allow for configuration beforehand.

Image for Tech Up! Gamesir T4 Kaleid
With a lack of Bluetooth support and the constriction of being wired, the T4 Kaleid is most likely going to be used on the console market. Not at all a slight on the controller, just something to be aware of when considering a purchase as other controllers do off this, albeit not with as much quality in its build and features.
Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10
For value for money, the Gamesir T4 Kaleid is a fantastic choice due to its premium features at a low price point. The aesthetics and lack of wireless may put people off, but if a fan of the design choices and open to having a wire strung across the living room, what you are getting here is a perfectly serviceable controller with additional features usually only found on a high-end product.

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