Nintendo News | Resident Evil 4 Status Update

By Adam Riley 08.11.2004 1

Resident Evil 4 Spreads Further...
...XBOX Fans Delighted!

After the rather all-too-predictable news that Capcom's Resident Evil 4 exclusivity was only actually time-based rather than infinite in nature, some more information has squeezed itself out of the company that pledged its allegiance to Nintendo at the GameCube's birth. According to the fine folk over at Spong, the game that was once thought to be GameCube only will not just be released on the PlayStation 2 by December 2005, but is also due to hit the XBOX at the same time.

Now this may be seen as yet more bad news for Nintendo, but considering that Microsoft plans to get the XBOX's follow-up on the market late 2005/early 2006 and the PlayStation 3 is also coming to the market during 2006 perhaps the fact that we are still getting the game in the prime of the GameCube's life is still a good sign for the Nintendo/Capcom relationship...

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