Pokémon to Celebrate 20th Anniversary in 2016

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.12.2015 1

Pokémon to Celebrate 20th Anniversary in 2016 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There are celebrations in store for the 20th anniversary of Pikachu, Charizard and pals next year!

Nintendo's ever-popular series, Pokémon or Pocket Monsters, is showing no signs of slowing down just yet and it'll soon be two decades since Pocket Monsters launched in Japan. With millions of fans around the globe, primary developer Game Freak are keen to kick off celebrations next year.

The franchise began back in 1995, created by Satoshi Tajiri. Developed by Game Freak for the original Game Boy, it all kicked off with a pair of games that were released in Japan as Pocket Monsters: Red & Green on 27th February 1996. Since then Pokémon has bloomed into a mass media franchise with games, manga, films, toys and much more. If you haven't heard of Pokémon just yet, have you been living under a Geodude?

Speaking to Famitsu magazine, Game Freak commented on how they would like to "make it into a great year of celebrations."

What would you like to see from the Pokémon anniversary celebrations?

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Yea It will be awsome......I just wish we would be getting the Love that Japan was getting. In the form of  all versions of pokemon in a 3ds carterage format instead of just digital offerings.  

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